Example sentences of "i [verb] [pron] [noun pl] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That 's all very well , you may object , but how do I make my verbs strong ?
2 I jerk my arms wide , break his grip .
3 I flung my arms wide .
4 However , if the hon. Gentleman had attended the seminar at which I made my remarks last Monday — I greatly regret that he was not there to hear me talk about delegation to the regional arts boards — he would have known that I made the point that if such delegation is fully successful — if the regional arts boards are progressing well — the question whether the five major national companies should continue to be funded by the Arts Council or be funded directly will arise .
5 But even so , la last night I got my legs wet , and I just went , Oh , never again , I 'm just not in the mood .
6 To cut a long story short , Agassi won , I skimmed my fingers raw by smoothing off mortar without gloves , but by six that evening — there was a definitely a pond where before there had been none … well , not for some years , anyway .
7 I found your lessons lively and humorous .
8 I told the Minister that I found his allegations incredible .
9 I do n't know , I say I found my ones brilliant they are
10 I visited their positions this morning as a passenger in a jeep .
11 But when I pack my skis back into the hall cupboard behind the vacuum cleaner , I want my hills unsullied by pylons and snow fences .
12 It 's a funny thing — I cut my fingernails all the time , and every time I think to cut them , they need cutting .
13 I spread my arms wide .
14 I clasped my hands tight over my eyes and scarcely breathed .
15 I am still surprised , when I consider what loners most illustrators are , that the organisation continues to survive — though it suffers from the fact that too many artists leave once they have become established and feel they no longer need its help so much .
16 Then I opened my fingers wide and peered down at the floor .
17 As it also happens to be the only drinker on the Cherwell until you get to Islip , the murderous conspiracies and dark plots which so excite the Kidlington Kops amount to nothing more than the fact that when I opened my curtains that morning I saw the sun shining in a cloudless blue sky and decided to go for the longest and most pleasant of the river walks open to me .
18 I am so happy to see you , for here I pass my days all alone .
19 But I know her eyes sure on , worried , alert , reading me .
20 Actually I like my showers cold even in the morning .
21 I like my women big and round and female .
22 I like my women willing and eager … ’
23 We became good friends and I remember his comments one day when we were discussing the ever-rising cost of living ; Lawren said , wrinkling that high forehead under the white mane of hair , ‘ This high cost of living worries me ; one of these days , if it continues to rise , I 'll have to dip into capital ! ’
24 ‘ I told you , I find your conditions unacceptable .
25 ‘ And why would I do that when I find your terms unacceptable ? ’
26 ‘ Actually , I packed my bags last night and went home .
27 I was never aware of being frightened as a child because I saw his fits many times .
28 I saw a lot of both her and John in those days as I saw my parents most weekends and they often went round on Sundays as well .
29 Peter Carrington was a major loss , and although I admired the loyalty of Humphrey Atkins and Richard Luce I thought their resignations unnecessary .
30 I assured him truthfully that I had been impressed by his skill and speed , and I thought his results marvellous .
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