Example sentences of "for at [adv] five [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So I stood there for at least five minutes , watching Hairy Back and wondering which way to go .
2 Such items are used exten-sively in both the Gunzberg Progress Assessment Charts and the Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales — for example , ‘ Constantly asks questions ’ , ‘ Listens to a story for at least five minutes ’ ( see Figure 7.6 , A and B ) .
3 Children can be given toys and books to look at and encouraged to sit for at least five minutes .
4 This includes breaking up the worm clumps by agitation with a stick and then thoroughly washing the worms under a slow-flowing tap for at least five minutes .
5 Immerse the section or plaquette in boiling reagent for at least five minutes .
6 For hypoxia and tachycardia respectively , the criteria were summated SaO 2 readings 10% or more below baseline for at least one minute and summated pulse rate readings of 40 beats per minute ( bpm ) or more above baseline for at least five minutes .
7 Having prepared the scallops by removing their skirts and intestines , leave them to marinade for at least five hours , preferably overnight , in pure lemon juice .
8 No additional colonic preparation was used on the morning of the study , and the patients fasted for at least five hours before colonoscopy .
9 During the Second World War , there were cases when the morale of even veteran British Guardsmen suffered if , in the course of an action , they were aware that surgical attention might not be forthcoming for at least five hours .
10 De Choiseul acknowledged that the invasion depended on securing ‘ the command of the Channel and a superiority in that sea for at least five weeks ’ .
11 The state prosecutor had demanded Melih Calayoglu be sent to jail for at least five years .
12 Although the Government 's recent decision to pull all atomic reactors from the sell-off programme and scrap the construction of three Pressurised Water Reactors was expected to freeze Britain 's civil nuclear programme for at least five years , BNFL yesterday disclosed that it was looking at ways of diversifying into generating power .
13 Nearly 200,000 of them will face such rises for at least five years .
14 DAB will not be available for at least five years ; it will probably cost around £500 ; and we will all need new radios .
15 The applicant must be a freeholder or have a lease with five years or more to run , and will be required to sign a form to say that she intends to live in that dwelling as her only or main place of residence for at least five years after the work has been completed .
16 All parts except the sponge are guaranteed for a year , and Interpet undertake to keep spare parts available for at least five years after the last filter is produced .
17 With John Major in Downing Street for at least five years , and probably longer , it is likely that the IRA will try to put the psychological thumbscrews on him too .
18 Most shares should be held for at least five years to show a decent return .
19 There is no National Insurance on the company 's contributions to the fund , and the employee pays no income tax on the shares allocated to him or her provided they are held for at least five years .
20 He also draws attention to the problem of not being able to realise the shares for at least five years : ‘ Is that going to motivate people in the current recession ? ’
21 The employee subscribes to a Save As You Earn scheme for at least five years to pay for the shares .
22 ‘ Here am I , in my thirteenth summer and wedded to a boy of ten who will be unable to complete the marriage for at least five years — and with no sign of a bosom to show I am truly a damsel full grown ! ’
23 The American study shows that 95 per cent of women whose cancer was found by mammogram lived for at least five years , compared with only 75 per cent of those who found lumps after self-examination .
24 That the parties have lived apart for at least five years immediately preceding the presentation of the petition .
25 To instil the characteristics of the co-operative warrior , the Shavante seclude boys as age-sets for at least five years , during which period they undergo continual harassment and daily haranguing by older men , suffering endurance tests , such as all night exposures and duels at dawn .
26 Previously you were entitled to these rights only if you had been in an employer 's scheme for at least five years .
27 Members must be reputable experts , in business for at least five years , whose exhibitions substantially contribute to the cultural life of the community .
28 An arrestable offence is defined as one for which a person may by virtue of any statute be sentenced to imprisonment for at least five years , or an attempt to commit such an offence .
29 If you work for between eight and 16 hours you will have to have worked for the same employer for at least five years to be eligible , and if you work for less than eight hours a week , you 'll lose these rights altogether .
30 The little that she 'd been able to piece together was that Pamela was a barrister , that the house did , as Lucy had suspected , belong to her , and that she and Josie had been together for at least five years and probably longer .
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