Example sentences of "for at [adv] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Since only adults set up households , all those who will do so in the next 15 years are alive now , and we can estimate accurately how many will actually be alive in each age group — except perhaps for the oldest age groups — for at least that period ahead .
2 Most advocates of the conventional approach to systems development would accept that there is a need for at least this level of participation .
3 In later years , a good deal of business was carried out with the Severn and Wye Railway Company , Hewlett supplying this trade for at least several decades .
4 Although not without difficulties of interpretation , these experiments establish a case for presynaptic changes lasting for at least several hours .
5 He realized how huge was that flying fortress-monastery of the Imperial Fists where he would remain for at least several years .
6 Store specimens in the dark , where they will remain unfaded for at least several years .
7 She had not expected him home for at least another hour .
8 For at least another hour he walked on as if to test the conclusion against all the temptations and changes he could uncover .
9 " Your shot will make sure we see no big game for at least another hour , " countered the Frenchman tersely .
10 It would probably carry on like this for at least another hour , and then the first of the departures would begin ; the ones with an early start in the morning , the ones with teenaged babysitters , the ones who rarely went out anyway … an hour after that they 'd be down to the hard core , and an hour after that it would just be a case of guiding out those last drunks who were too far-gone to find the door .
11 I lay awake for at least another hour .
12 You felt it ought to be because the feeling I had nobody for at least another generation would really have the roots in Harlow , that was looking at my children
13 Still , there will be severe overcrowding in the palace for at least another decade .
14 However , this was an exceptional attitude as there was widespread scepticism of radio as a teaching medium and its possibilities did not really materialise for at least another decade .
15 Westland has won part of a £1.94bn deal to make marine helicopters for Canada ; the order means the future of Westland and its workforce will remain secure for at least another decade .
16 Still , monarchists pray that the Queen , now 67 , will continue , fully fit , for at least another decade .
17 There will always be some resistance to this sort of change and the problem will continue in some firms for at least another decade , so it is still apposite to mention briefly the methods of valuing goodwill .
18 REFORM OF the law on Sunday trading was put on ice for at least another year yesterday despite a clear demand for liberalisation by rank-and-file Tories , writes Stephen Goodwin .
19 Unless a lot of people start looking beyond the bottom of their pockets , many houses will remain unsold for at least another year , because the Government is unlikely to bring interest rates down until the run-up to the next general election .
20 And yet , because of a shortage of telephone lines in the old east , and even though the government has a legal monopoly , it will allow the networks to go on operating for at least another year .
21 There are several simple repairs you can carry out to keep your existing windows in good working order , and so save yourself a massive bill for replacements for at least another year or so .
22 They would not have come up with the rest of the cash for at least another year .
23 With no product launches scheduled for at least another year or so , Sun says , it is interested in using ATM for multimedia networks and distributed processing environments .
24 Dolphin 's Motorola Inc 88110-based Triton SCI Server , which was scheduled to ship in the first quarter of this year , will be kept under wraps for at least another year , the company says .
25 Previously AT&T has talked about decreasing its ownership by going public , an event that was unlikely to take place for at least another year .
26 CCETSW will not move to introduce proposed reforms to practice placement funding for at least another year .
27 It would suit them very well to have the tenancy of the house for at least another year .
28 The poll tax could have been abolished from April next year , but it will linger on for at least another year under the Government .
29 A report by the Commission of the European Communities ( EC ) , details of which were published by the Economy Ministry on Nov. 4 , called for at least another year of economic stringency , noting that by the end of 1991 ( the first year of the three-year stabilization plan which the EC had required when making its February 1991 loan — see pp. 37968 ; 38478 ) the government would have failed to meet its targets for the reduction of inflation and of the public-sector deficit .
30 However , despite the mortality of L3 on the pasture it now seems that many survive in the soil for at least another year and on occasion appear to migrate on to the herbage .
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