Example sentences of "for the [adj] year of " in BNC.

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1 Having taken office in May 1979 , the Conservative government made an early decision to amend the long-standing arrangements for meeting the increasing costs of public sector higher education by limiting the size of the ‘ pool ’ for the financial year of 1980–1 , and an Education Bill was placed before Parliament giving the Secretary of State for Education the necessary power to predetermine the size of , or in the phrase that has crept into common usage , to ‘ cap ’ the pool .
2 Sir : Eurotunnel 's latest revenue forecasts for the first year of the tunnel 's operation are virtually unchanged from the forecasts made a year ago , and the long-term forecasts are up .
3 If an agent decides to invest in an act for the first year of its career , this band may not sign a record deal .
4 Meanwhile the Britannia is offering 0.6 per cent off its base mortgage rate of 14.5 per cent to borrowers who need at least £40,000 which cuts the rate of its Superloan mortgages to 13.9 per cent ( APR 15.60 ) for the first year of the loan .
5 Do not give the child eggs , fish , chocolate , wheat , oranges , peanuts or other nuts for at least the first six months , and preferably for the first year of life .
6 For example , the total cost of the Buxtehude experiment is 5.0 million DM , yet the saving in accident compensation has been estimated at 1.4 million DM for the first year of the experiment alone .
7 Another further piece in the puzzle was the presence of a Training In Evangelism team full-time with the new church for the first year of its life .
8 Increased tax allowances for the first year of new businesses is an encouragement but not a positive help for firms which are not going to pay tax anyway — because they are losing money .
9 For the first year of their marriage , they had both been so happy — enjoying every day to the full and sharing every precious moment ; living , and loving — and laughing — together .
10 For the first year of Society operation the existing style of ticket was used , but as time went on a superior style was adopted , and these included a range of Member 's tickets as well as Complimentary and Supplementary ones .
11 For the first year of the community charge , I believe that the authorities with the lowest collection rates are Hackney , Islington , Lambeth , Liverpool , Newham , Southampton , Birmingham , Waltham Forest , Bristol and Greenwich .
12 It is important that we continue that monitoring process , and it will not be until the end of the financial year , that we have the full picture of the workload , and the financial implications for the first year of er , care in the community and the new arrangements .
13 The risk of death is high for the first year of life , falls sharply to reach a minimum during the teens then climbs , especially from middle age onwards .
14 CCG will continue to provide services for the first year of operation and hopefully into the future .
15 And of course in a scheme like that many details have to be worked out especially in negotiations with the bus company for the figure we have put in is I think a realistic figure for the first year of the scheme .
16 With the advent of the Youth Training Scheme ( started in 1983 ) one or two of the dairy farmers had taken on 16 year olds for the one year of the Scheme to lessen their own work load .
17 It is no wonder that Ministers do not understand the problems local government faces in having to prepare for the final year of poll tax , in having to work out how to collect the current year 's poll tax , in having to prepare the software for collection of the council tax .
18 contribution to be abolished for the final year of the tax .
19 That will earn him his RIBA Part I. But then , he has to get a year 's relevant experience in practice before coming back for the final year of his course .
20 This strategy , for the third year of work of the Enterprise Centre , will facilitate the integration of the work of the Enterprise Centre as a crucial and core activity of the University .
21 De La Rue chairman Peter Orchard comments : ‘ This does not have a major effect on the results of the company for the half year of for the previous year , but it does have the consequence of increasing marginally our earnings per share in both periods as the result of including within ordinary activities certain items previously classified as extraordinary . ’
22 A statement of total recognised gains and losses , as required by FRS 3 , shows that the profit for the half year of £32.6m is boosted by currency translation differences on foreign currency net investments of £3.2m to produce total recognised gains and losses for the period of £35.8m .
23 A profit of $7.6m in the second quarter ( 1992 : $39.6m loss ) produced an overall profit for the half year of $3.5m , which compares with a deficit in the same period in 1992 of $104.8m .
24 For the last year of his life he suffered from myeloma , a form of bone cancer , and entered hospital for the last time in July where he made friends with another patient who , unfortunately , soon died .
25 Freud moved from Vienna in 1938 , when the Nazis took over , and lived for the last year of his life in London .
26 However , further pit closures are inevitable in the productivity battle , because the 65 million tonnes agreed for the last year of the contract is likely to shrink to fewer than 50 million , at best .
27 On Feb 28 , 1990 , the SPC approved a draft law for the last year of the five-year plan , and agreed new terms under which property might be more freely hired and transferred .
28 This is of course very much smaller than the comparative figure for the previous year of £321,715 , but it should also be looked at in the context of the budget for 1991–92 which had predicted a loss of £117,000 .
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