Example sentences of "for the [noun] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Neither at present condones euthanasia , so that , to cause the patient 's death , whether by omission or commission , would be a breach of the duty to care for the patient in good faith , and hence unlawful .
2 Women are peculiarly fitted for the onerous task of patiently and skilfully caring for the patient in faithful obedience to the physician 's orders .
3 This could have severe repercussions for the landlord in that it could include easements over the adjoining retained land of the landlord adversely affecting the landlord 's ability to use or develop that land .
4 Both candidates for the presidency in 1980 were short of relevant experience and had shown no great aptitude for working with other political leaders .
5 As such it helped to improve the prospects of Kim 's anticipated campaign for the presidency in late 1992 or early 1993 .
6 Published in August 1990 [ see p. 37807 ] and adopted by a constituent assembly on Dec. 15 , it provided for a multiparty system and direct elections for the presidency in 1991 .
7 Er Harry Truman could 've run for the presidency in nineteen fifty two but chose not to .
8 Analysts were agreed that the demonstration was part of Cárdenas 's plan to build a popular anti-government campaign to boost his campaign for the presidency in 1994 .
9 Carlos Abadia , leader of the broad-based opposition movement National Civic Crusade ( NCC ) , claimed that it was well known that Ford wished to stand for the presidency in 1994 and that he wished to give up his ministerial post " to reduce the political pressure on him " .
10 The resignations of four government ministers in late September were believed to be related to forthcoming elections , with Education Minister Ricardo Lagos Escobar in particular stepping down in order to stand for the presidency in 1993 , and Carlos Ominami Pascual ( Economy ) to organize his campaign .
11 The High Altar itself was carved by K. Kovář , who was also responsible for the pulpit in 1731 .
12 Will my hon. Friend do everything he possibly can firmly to nail the blame on Bruce Millan for the delay in these funds coming to the coalfield areas ?
13 When Surrey tied for the Championship in 1950 the county had the makings of a great side .
14 FRANCE FRANCE abolished PR for the legislature in 1986 after Jean-Marie Le Pen 's National Front stunned the nation by winning 33 seats in the previous election .
15 When formerly two or more persons would have taken as legal tenants in common , they take now as joint tenants on trust for the tenants in common ; and no severance of this legal joint tenancy by alienation or otherwise is allowed .
16 In addition , the ethos of the CAB is being spread by all those who receive CAB training and then act as ambassadors for the CAB in other roles .
17 On June 27 , 1990 , the UN Security Council had approved preliminary plans to establish a UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara ( MINURSO ) to monitor a ceasefire and the referendum .
18 A UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara ( Minurso ) would then have support from 2,900 civilian , police and military personnel in overseeing the registration of voters ( based on a census compiled by the Spanish authorities in 1974 ) , the political campaigns , and voting in a referendum , to be held by January 1992 .
19 Johannes Manz , director of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara ( Minurso ) operation , reached Al-Ayoun , the Western Saharan capital , on Sept. 21 .
20 Morocco was also said by various sources to have prevented the full deployment of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara ( Minurso ) personnel and the unloading of equipment for the mission in the port of Agadir .
21 The former Pakistani Foreign Minister Sahabzada Yaqub Khan was on March 24 appointed director of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara ( Minurso ) , replacing Johannes Manz , whose resignation had taken effect on Dec. 31 , 1991 [ see pp. 38692-93 ] .
22 With Robert Jones and Aled Williams a dominating half-back force , Wales coach Alan Davies will need little prompting about the men he should choose for the Test in two weeks time .
23 They said of Sherwood Forest , ‘ No Deer being now kept for the King in any Part of the Forest , except Thorney Woods , the Forestrial Rights are productive of no Profit or Advantage ’ .
24 Her favourite Isabella ( later demoted to ‘ Lady in a Turban ’ ) was snapped up for the museum in 1896 , a few weeks before one of Berenson 's best finds , a Rembrandt self-portrait .
25 She lay derelict for 10 years before she was restored for the Museum in 1988 .
26 As mentioned in the previous section , there are sound reasons for the slowdown in big-city population decline .
27 The seller has no difficulty in producing them for the buyer in any quantity provided he has sufficient notice to schedule production , and purchase needed materials and components .
28 No approval by the production Code Administration shall be given to the use of words and phrases in motion pictures including , but not limited to , the following : Alley cat ( applied to a woman ) ; bat ( applied to a woman ) ; broad ( applied to a woman ) ; bronx cheer ( the sound ) ; chip-pie ; cocotte ; God , Lord , Jesus , Christ ( unless used reverently ) ; cripes ; fanny ; fairy ( in a vulgar sense ) ; ‘ hold your hat ’ ; louse ; lousy ; Mada ( relating to prostitution ) ; nance , nerts ; nuts ( except when meaning crazy ) ; pansy ; razzberry ( the sound ) ; slut ( applied to a woman ) ; S O B ; son-of-a ; tart ; toilet gags ; tom cat ( applied to a man ) ; travelling salesmen and farmer 's daughter jokes ; whore ; damn ; hell ( excepting when the use of said last two words shall be essential and required for portrayal , in proper historical context , of any scene or dialogue based upon historical fact or folklore , or for the presentation in proper literary context of a Biblical , or other religious quotation , or a quotation from a literary work provided that no such use shall be permitted which is intrinsically objectionable or offends good taste ) .
29 Transport 2000 wanted to see a radical shake-up of the funding system for the railways in this country to provide a better service .
30 In all the countries across Europe , the most likely individuals handling Virgin material for the licensee in that country were approached to set up the new local Virgin office .
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