Example sentences of "for the [noun sg] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 For the foreground , I mix up burnt umber and deep violet for the winter scene and varying shades of green for summer .
2 The other part of the problem is that I do not plan the talks for the winter meetings and the excursions very far ahead .
3 Apart from Gatting , who is seen as a near-certainty for England 's winder tour of India , others who may come back into the international reckoning are Chris Broad , Alan Wells , Matthew Maynard and John Emburey , while Neil Foster ( another South African tourist ) might have been considered for the winter tour but for a knee injury which kept him out of the Essex side for the last part of the season .
4 They come for the winter sports and the spectacular scenery .
5 However , it is necessary to consider this in a little more detail , for it might be argued that a rather better case could be made out for the materialist theory than the dismissive remarks of the preceding section seem to suggest , provided certain additional facts are taken into consideration .
6 He worked for the council and was responsible for the sewage outfall until we had the new drainage scheme . ’
7 They will pay their Poll Tax , they 'll pay for their electricity , they 'll pay for their water , they 'll pay for the sewage disposal and , what is more , they will pay rent .
8 There was at least this to be said for the mainline Catholic and Protestant positions .
9 Erm Nick has obviously talked about the er , the phasing of the estate erm , just to point out that the reason for it , perhaps seeming a bit of long drawn out er affair , it 's , it 's a , a minimum time as far as erm , all the people who have been negotiating feel it 's achievable in if we are to make sure that the estate does n't remain a building site as as a as a total entity fo , at any time , so this site here will not commence until this site is completed so that there will be some er , rest bite for the bungalow residents and of course , somewhere to park their cars in the in the interim .
10 The government on June 8 , 1990 , announced an environmental protection programme for the 12 worst polluted areas of Bulgaria , to include cuts in harmful atmospheric emissions , measures to clean rivers , and pollution control for the river Danube and the Black Sea .
11 This is a simple job for the fill tool or a more complicated one if you decide to shade your creations .
12 No , I came to get a ticket for the literature festival but it was pouring down so I came to get out of the rain .
13 Her work for the Eugenics Society and the Family Planning Association gave her a keen interest in population issues .
14 The differences in disease severity during the study were paralleled by a higher mean stool frequency for the placebo group as compared with the cyclosporin group , 2.7 v 1.6 stools/day ( Table II ) .
15 The atomic root-mean-square ( r.m.s. ) distribution about the mean coordinate positions for residues 5–165 of the CsA/CyP complex is 0.93 0.10Å for the backbone atoms and 1.51 0.10 A for all atoms .
16 The FRISC chip , which also gave its name to the operation responsible for it , had reportedly reached working silicon and was being put on graphics cards and SBus accelerators for the Sun marketplace when Micron pulled the plug .
17 Pringle bowled a particularly good opening spell of five overs for six runs , which augurs well for the Test match as he had struggled to find his rhythm previously .
18 As a first experiment they improved the lighting for the test group and were pleased to find that productivity improved , but puzzled to find that productivity also improved in the control group .
19 Security problems at hotels resulting in loss of property or injuries to guests is bad for business and time-consuming for the hotel management and staff .
20 Engineers are especially trained and briefed for the hotel environment as well as being equipped with uniforms and positive ID .
21 Detectives are appealing for the lorry driver and any other witnesses who may have seen the struggle in the supermarket or car park to come forward .
22 Tony was the first Technical Adviser for the lager operation and ran the training programme for all the breweries that handled the brand in the 1960s at the beginning of the later boom .
23 No I do n't think there were , there might have been one or two , yes I do know one that used to make some form of er something for the saddlery trade and you know those houses opposite the alms houses in Road , there are some alms houses on the one side , then there 's some houses that lie up steps on the other side of the road if they 're still there .
24 However for the new effort it is seeking out three types of indirect channel : simple resellers for the adaptor boards and a mixture of systems integrators and US OEM partners for the software side .
25 The early assessment of under-fives , home visiting , Portage schemes and nursery provision should be a priority time for the assessment process and additional support for the care of very young children with special needs attending nursery classes .
26 Despite their many differences , deep ecology , animal welfare , and anti-cruelty have some fundamental similarities , the most important of which is that individuals are morally expendable — expendable for the deep ecologist as long as the good of the biotic community is sustained or promoted , expendable for the animal welfarist as long as the welfare of others is protected or advanced , and expendable for those who accept the anti-cruelty position , as long as worthy ends are not obtained by means that cause excessive suffering .
27 ‘ This is a chance for people to show their support for the play scheme and for anyone who would like to help to let us know . ’
28 Cos there were a lot of losses of course o in after the convoys had been introduced for the ocean thing but they had n't introduced convoys for inshore .
29 An excellent bar , handy for the STV studios and popular with businessmen .
30 Religious Education in Catholic schools is Trinitarian and Christocentric in scope and spirit yet the general orientation of the Working Paper 7 is not , nor does it show any real concern for the faith development and Christian formation of pupils .
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