Example sentences of "for no good [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 For no good reason that I can see .
2 ‘ I deeply resent being dragged away from my office for no good reason that I can see .
3 There was a moment while everybody thought about that , probably for no good reason except that they did n't like to see twenty years go by without offering up a few seconds ' respect-ful silence , then Sir Bruce asked : ‘ So she did n't go back to the GDR ? ’
4 The computer can check for towns that are missed off signs , those that appear for no good reason or appear only intermittently , to the great confusion of amateur navigators .
5 He was famous , people flocked to catch a glimpse of him , they stood for hours in the freezing cold in the hope that he would choose their hand to shake — for no better reason than an accident of birth .
6 And for no better reason than that it might be ‘ time for a change ’ ?
7 They can be the names of plants , birds or insects ( the author had a school friend called ‘ Chickweed ’ for no better reason than his name was Hickwood ) , or styles of dress , manners or speech .
8 One government , anxious to steam-roller its programme through , scheduled five such Bills in a single motion , for no better reason than that they were likely to be vigorously opposed .
9 I had imagined , for instance , that I would be able to catch a glimpse of Mount Silisili , a mile-high peak in the centre of Samoa , just a few miles away across the water : I had hoped to do so for no better reason than that Mount Silisili would be enjoying precisely the same clock time as here in Tonga , but exactly one day before .
10 John o' Groats is commonly but wrongly regarded as the most northerly tip of the country and because of this popular misconception attracts many visitors , most of whom come for no better reason than to be able to say they have been there and , having satisfied this ambition , turn round and return south .
11 Fees in general were listed under land , in some cases perhaps for no better reason than that they were annual income .
12 As the courts were unwilling to look behind the minister 's affidavit , there was a clear risk that the minister might misuse his power to ensure secrecy for no better reason than administrative convenience .
13 The decision clearly affected the Chief Constable 's legal right for no better reason than that it would affect pension rights .
14 Taken together these two propositions suggest that the traditions of conspiracy are liable to continue into the future on the extreme right , for no better reason than that this is where these traditions have existed and where they presently continue to exist .
15 Jack might be jolly enough and a fine fellow when spending his hard-earned cash ashore , but he very quickly became " Poor Jack " when , after months cooped up at sea , he found himself fleeced by prostitutes , brothel keepers , slop-sellers and crimps for no better reason than exploitation of his hunger for female company and his desire for entertainment and refreshment .
16 He was genially detached , as though brought along to Sleet for no better reason than to admire and be pleasant .
17 This is for no better reason than that few readers of such newspapers would respond and we would get a very low return on our advertising investment .
18 It seems quite likely , since the ancient inhabitants of Crete and other Mediterranean islands wiped out the indigenous populations of elephants , pygmy hippos , giant dormice , and owls , for no better reason than that they needed to eat .
19 And for no better reason than this Dickensian Government will not provide the cash .
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