Example sentences of "for the [adj] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But getting into RADA was quite a searching process and I remember doing four one-hour work sessions with some of the tutors there , including the Principal , before finally being accepted for the three-year course there .
2 Perhaps half of those who had previously voted for the middle-class parties now voted for the NSDAP .
3 Then I remembered they would be getting ready for the Roman banquet later on in the evening .
4 Others put the current figure for the Roman Catholics alone at about 1,500,000 , the majority of whom came from the Hungarian and German minorities .
5 admitted to playing truant for the odd lesson here or there ) ; as such it possibly lies beyond the scope of the law at present .
6 One group in particular seems greatly disadvantaged by the current system and ill-served by current mental health services — service-planning for the Afro-Caribbean population often creates a great deal of dissent and anxiety amongst both service managers and service-users .
7 All was silent except for the automatic fire fairly close at hand , somewhere down by the crossroads .
8 According to the report , the USA was " pouring millions of dollars into north-western Cambodia " in an attempt to win support for the non-communist rebels ahead of any peace settlement .
9 Because it seems that erm it 's a luxury for the middle class really to be able to afford Traidcraft erm prices .
10 Graphs showing the relative enhancement of P ( b ) and v 1 ( c ) following the tetanus as a function of the initial P. The P and v 1 ratios were calculated as the mean value for the 500 trials immediately after the tetanus divided by the mean for the 500 trials before the tetanus .
11 The PL discredited itself , however , by fielding 392 candidates , divided into different factions , with 89 separate candidate lists being presented for the lower house alone .
12 Yet the skill it has shown in the last three weeks suggests it is well equipped for the tricky tasks ahead .
13 More than anything else it has changed the public lifestyle of Catholicism for the ordinary churchgoer so that it is hard for the young actually to realize that thirty years ago Mass said wholly in Latin , including even a first reading of Epistle and Gospel , was simply taken for granted by most people .
14 Export sales manager is heading for the Far East shortly to expand the business into other countries , working with Courtaulds interests in Singapore and Hong Kong .
15 After the placing , for example , they threw a huge party for the professional advisers downstairs at a local Chinese restaurant , and in early 1987 , almost as a thank-you , they took the audit manager and me out to Chicago to meet the team there .
16 The academic disciplines of linguistics , psychology , sociology , and education provide the essential bearings for the professional teacher both in the ideas they generate and in their processes of enquiry , and it is the task of applied linguistics ( whose name belies its scope ) to make the insights these disciplines offer accessible for appraisal and application .
17 There is a role for the professional accountant here : dealing with complex data — some scientific and some financial — in a fair manner drawing on the sort of guidance that , in time , could be provided by the ASB and the APB .
18 Will the Minister confirm that we have stopped medium-term cover for the Soviet Union longer than any other OECD country ?
19 To begin with , they thought that the Robemaker had injured him in some unimaginable way , for the crimson mask still had him in its grip and in the flickering light , it looked for a moment as if the lower part of his face was covered in blood .
20 For the twelve months like .
21 The methods necessary for the above problems invariably require computational techniques implemented on powerful computers .
22 ‘ Because we live in the Burrows and are not fit company for the rich people uptown ?
23 I think we 're actually getting in each other 's way for the right reasons rather than the wrong reasons , like just said and it 's not a question of somebody else trampling on others er cos I 've heard this sporadically for some time .
24 we get one Mark we 're going to get one for the right reasons indeed .
25 got the right one for the right belt anyway yeah
26 However , when subjects had to concurrently remember 2,4 or 6 words the reaction time for both hemispheres improved , but that for the right hemisphere more than that for the left hemisphere , which resulted in a LVF superiority .
27 This resulted from slower regional transit through all three parts of the colon , although the difference was significant for the right colon only .
28 Keener looks for the right sound rather than dictating where microphones should be .
29 I do think we could have been ‘ sniffing ’ for the second ball better ( ie the cleared headers/knock downs ) .
30 TROOPS held Zairean legislators prisoner for the second day yesterday , demanding they approve use of controversial banknotes which have caused riots and crippled trade .
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