Example sentences of "to be [vb pp] by many " in BNC.

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1 It is important to distinguish between allies and enemies : large numbers of aphids , for example , are often accompanied by ladybird or lacewing larvae which feed voraciously on them and are liable to be killed by many insecticides .
2 Yet the figure she eventually pulls out of the hat is not one likely to be recognised by many who came into contact with Freya Stark .
3 The argument came to a head in 1986 following the US Secretary of State 's programme to ‘ improve the quality of life ’ , when a number of American agencies receiving USAID funding began to be shunned by many Palestinian development workers .
4 It seems to be assumed by many advertisers that this sort of thing makes it simpler for the ( presumably illiterate ) public to take in , but I have never seen any evidence whatever to prove that it is better than , or even as good as , writing in slightly more formal English .
5 Moreover , since it came to be accepted by many schools that a pupil could not study these separate subjects at A level unless he or she had already studied them at O level ( although in the 1950s it had been intended that O levels should be ‘ bypassed ’ by those who would study a subject at A level ) the domination of the university faculties began when a pupil was 14 .
6 No doubt one reason for this neglect has been the desire on the part of sociologists to have their discipline accepted in universities as a science , and since many psychologists rejected Freud as being unscientific , this judgement came to be accepted by many sociologists .
7 They tend to be inspired by many of the ideas for home projects they see , but they lack confidence .
8 ‘ The assumption is that women like to be desired by many men .
9 Almost every eventuality has been foreseen , but this has necessitated a complicated set of forms which , although simple in principle , are so detailed as to be regarded by many as impractical .
10 From being a comprehensive Weltanschauung , in which there were to be found , according to Gramsci , all the elements that are needed for the construction of a new ‘ integral civilization ’ , it has come to be regarded by many thinkers as a much more limited and tentative body of thought , which is far from being able to predict , in any detail or with any certainty , the future development of society , or to offer anything but the roughest of guides to political action .
11 By the beginning of 1968 Britain was ceasing to be regarded by many Americans as either a powerful or a special ally .
12 Even after the war turned sour he continued to be seen by many as the epitome of Germany 's unwavering will to certain victory .
13 The unemployment of the mid-1880s contributed to the difficulty of sustaining the policy — workhouses were not large enough to hold all of the unemployed in the hardest hit district and out-door relief had to be given by many Guardians , though normally only in return for a daily ‘ test ’ such as stone-breaking in the workhouse yard — the task most favoured by Guardians for the male unemployed .
14 Many er areas of our church are in areas where the education , educational standards are not as high in other areas , and a lot of the leaflets that we bring out are quite er unable to be understood by many people in these areas .
15 But its opposition to traditional psychological accounts of socialization , and its articulation , against white feminism , of a specific and positive role for the Afro-American family , leads it to be cited by many feminist psychologists , and the first edition of Williams 's ( 1979 ) Psychology of Women reader took it as the sole representative of psychological work about black women in the overdeveloped world .
16 This demonstrates that there are indeed certain junctions which both tend to be rated as risky and tend to be recalled by many subjects .
17 A poor man believed himself to be possessed by many devils .
18 The arrest of Hains , nicknamed ‘ Le Duc de Bourgogne ’ after galleries he ran first in Dijon and then in Le Louvre de Antiquaires in Paris , is expected to be followed by many more .
19 The increase in the elderly dependency ratio over the same period was from 23.2 to 25.5 ; a rate of increase considerably less than that likely to be experienced by many other developed countries .
20 This is a highly effective method of generating prospects and , yet , tends to be under-used by many .
21 The former is that more or less subconscious attitude to sedimentation which still seems to be held by many ( if not most ) stratigraphers , though not by students of Recent sediments .
22 It used to be thought by many scientists that the armoured plates stuck outwards , as in Stegosaurus , in order to hit enemies approaching from the side .
23 If I could just add my thanks to the officers substantial piece of work , which is , I hope going to be used by many members to come for the next year .
24 Although Sir Leon 's approach will be welcomed by the nationalist-minded rightwing in the Federal Republic , it is unlikely to be endorsed by many ministers in the present Bonn coalition nor by opposition parties .
25 These issues of how to shift Britain towards a sustainable path of development are sufficiently important and wide-ranging to be addressed by many cabinet ministers , not just one .
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