Example sentences of "to be [vb pp] as such " in BNC.

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1 What Good Friday and Easter Sunday stand for is not something to be taught as such but something which pupils with any understanding at all of Christianity would automatically acquire en route .
2 This is not , as it is sometimes believed to be , a matter of crude protectionism ; it is a measure of Japanese difference , and has to be recognized as such .
3 One was the periodic factor that wages did increase from time to time -and the other was what he called the adjustment factor which meant that a time might come in any industry when a distortion or trend had to be recognized as such for correction .
4 They will either have been named as co-defendants , along with their employers , or they can apply to the court to be joined as such .
5 One was that PNP appointees were ‘ real ’ teachers , not supplies or ancillaries , and were to be treated as such , even though their roles might be more diverse than the traditional anchor of class-teaching .
6 Good practice is conceptually and empirically problematic , and ought to be treated as such .
7 Legion was obviously intelligent , and deserved to be treated as such .
8 This is addictive disease the same as any other and needs to be treated as such .
9 What we as a family were unanimous about was that he adopted no pose of being the distinguished writer , and even gave the impression that he much preferred not to be treated as such .
10 ‘ Theory ’ , to be intellectually respectable , has to be presented as such , and to be a product of the academy , not of the amorphous institution of literature .
11 They are central to curriculum planning and have to be recognised as such .
12 If information has been obtained from a third party it has to be recorded as such , as well as any challenge to the accuracy of the information by the data subject to which it refers .
13 The effect of a loss in confidence would be a desire to convert dollars into gold at the official price , and accordingly the system would collapse since the most widely held reserve asset would cease to be accepted as such .
14 If the sender does not intend violations of the principle to be perceived as such , or if the receiver does not realize that they are deliberate , then communication degenerates into lying , obfuscation , or simply breaks down altogether .
15 How McDougall Topped the Score is another classic included , and in time Paul Kelly 's long ( 7.245 ) Bradman may come to be regarded as such .
16 The reason is , of course , that there is no need for words to be understood as such in this situation .
17 The free Church Council , special emergencies apart , will therefore best serve the administration of its city or town , neither by meddlesome interference with it , nor by attempting to be represented as such in its political caucuses , or even on its administrative boards ; but by training men who , representing its views and coming under its influence , have at once the strength of character and the breadth of conception , which will cause them to secure its great ends … in the ordinary arena of public life .
18 The machine detergent product is often therefore a ‘ package ’ and needs to be considered as such .
19 An understanding had been arrived at with the Danish Tourist Board that nothing of the fabric or the furnishings and fittings in either the Tuscan Villa or The Tamarisks should be altered ; the houses had been complete works of art when they were taken over and were to be respected as such .
20 Shorter maturities are perhaps a little too volatile and respond to day-to-day liquidity conditions too readily to be used as such a guideline .
21 They were for all ages , from the very young to the schoolroom young lady ; some might even be classed as adult fiction , though they were never again to be published as such .
22 While this may mean that disabled people are shifting from institutions to ghettoes , it nevertheless heralds an age when disabled people are not to be cured as such .
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