Example sentences of "to be [vb pp] [prep] such " in BNC.

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1 We must conclude that , despite its initial attractions , the proposal that pragmatics be based on a notion of appropriateness should be discarded : language usage is too elastic to allow a pragmatic theory to be based on such a concept .
2 There is much to be said for such a theory .
3 There is something to be said for such a view .
4 Considering the fears of Jacobite invasion there was something to be said for such a policy but it was not popular , especially in London , which had become the centre of support for Pitt and the war .
5 There is much to be said for such increased participatory rights .
6 What Good Friday and Easter Sunday stand for is not something to be taught as such but something which pupils with any understanding at all of Christianity would automatically acquire en route .
7 This is not , as it is sometimes believed to be , a matter of crude protectionism ; it is a measure of Japanese difference , and has to be recognized as such .
8 One was the periodic factor that wages did increase from time to time -and the other was what he called the adjustment factor which meant that a time might come in any industry when a distortion or trend had to be recognized as such for correction .
9 If you are unfortunate enough to be faced with such a situation then the only responsible advice I can suggest is the same as that offered to nursing students .
10 In fact , it may be added , we do not take ourselves to be faced with such an overwhelming task in connection with condition-sets for an effect , and hence for this reason too those sets are wrongly conceived as causal circumstances .
11 They will either have been named as co-defendants , along with their employers , or they can apply to the court to be joined as such .
12 As Lord Upjohn said in Phipps v. Boardman , at p. 123 : ‘ Rules of equity have to be applied to such a great diversity of circumstances that they can be stated only in the most general terms and applied with particular attention to the exact circumstances of each case . ’
13 Sooner or later someone is going to be killed in such an accident .
14 It was really delightful to be treated with such consideration after the events of the last week or so .
15 To Kings Lynn from Margaret Fife who , following an injury to her arm was helped with her shopping by two assistants : ‘ It was a great help to me and most refreshing in this day and age to be treated with such consideration .
16 One was that PNP appointees were ‘ real ’ teachers , not supplies or ancillaries , and were to be treated as such , even though their roles might be more diverse than the traditional anchor of class-teaching .
17 Good practice is conceptually and empirically problematic , and ought to be treated as such .
18 Legion was obviously intelligent , and deserved to be treated as such .
19 This is addictive disease the same as any other and needs to be treated as such .
20 What we as a family were unanimous about was that he adopted no pose of being the distinguished writer , and even gave the impression that he much preferred not to be treated as such .
21 The famed croaking is more likely to be heard in such tanks , as it 's at its most audible when males meet and display as a threat to other intruding males — or during the mating season as the male pursues the female .
22 If human communication were a simple matter of reciprocally exchanged words , if words had no resonances beyond themselves , I might have been proud to be cast in such a role , and either self-confident enough in my ability to fulfil it , or else realistic enough to modify my directives and declare myself in favour of some more modest role .
23 I had n't known that I was going to be presented with such a large sum .
24 ‘ Theory ’ , to be intellectually respectable , has to be presented as such , and to be a product of the academy , not of the amorphous institution of literature .
25 If the pair of you would rather stay away , then so be it ; but you must not be surprised if the rest of us refuse to be inconvenienced by such behaviour . ’
26 In my opinion it would be better to let sleeping dogs lie as there would be no mileage to be gained from such move .
27 Herbert who were concerned to protect civil liberties , outweighed any advantages to be gained from such legislation .
28 I find it impossible to believe that the Director would contemplate sending an official to interview a defendant during his trial , even if there were anything to be gained from such a course , which is hard to see , given that his answers would not be admissible .
29 Once height at school entry has been measured nothing further is to be gained from such a delay .
30 The Minister might then argue , with some validity , that huge revenue is not to be gained from such disposals .
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