Example sentences of "to be [vb pp] [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 However , the reluctance of sentencers to imprison women does not seem to be based on any clear principles , given the supposed principle of equality before the law .
2 This applies , for example , to an action brought by a French plaintiff in the Paris court against a company incorporated in the United States and having no place of business in France ; the proceedings do not have to be based on any of the grounds for jurisdiction elaborated in the Convention .
3 The distinction between a statute creating a public right and a statute prohibiting what had previously been lawful is not a satisfactory one as it does not appear to be based on any particular principle .
4 There is too much archaeology to be contained in any undergraduate degree or to be taught by any group of teachers .
5 And he tells how the SAS photograph the layout of every room in royal residences to be prepared for any kidnap or siege drama .
6 ‘ If it 's any comfort , I 've never known all the beds to be full , but we have to be prepared for any eventuality .
7 This involved looking up the ailments common to exotic animals in order to be prepared for any searching questions by the proprietor .
8 It was rather to identify some of the concrete problems which would have to be faced in any such exercise .
9 In the case of summary proceedings for recovery of land , Ord 24 , r 4 , any person not named as a respondent may apply to be joined at any stage of the proceedings on the question whether an order for possession should be made .
10 Later an affadavit was presented to the High Court in London supporting an application by the foundation for injunctions freezing all Aberdour 's assets to be extended to any overseas holdings .
11 Now , the new framework being put into place has allowed the title of ‘ university ’ to be extended to any polytechnic which wishes to use it .
12 The program procedures then allow each component to be positioned within any other space according to nine controlling freedoms ( the six normal kinematic freedoms and three additional values of orthogonal scale ) .
13 A dogma that once looked profound had been shown to be no more than a simplistic diagram ; and social reality is too complex , in the end , to be embraced by any single theory of history or of class .
14 Only in the US Department of Defense does PPB continue to be applied with any great degree of success .
15 ‘ For me it 's a cup tie to be treated like any other .
16 Do battens need to be treated in any way before fixing ?
17 I am unable to see why equitable assignments , with this fall-back declaration of trust , ought to be treated in any way differently for compensation purposes than if in place of assignments there had been simple declarations of trust .
18 These staff members would have to be replicated in any unitary structures that emerge following reform in this region .
19 It would be difficult for this important matter , the relationship between the intellect and human feelings , to be presented in any other way to young readers .
20 I do n't really think there 's anything to be gained by any further questioning .
21 But Franca while remaining seemingly so calm , friendly and kind , had refused to be led into any woman-to-woman conversation about ‘ how things were ’ .
22 Ontario 's Attorney-General , Roy McMurtry , says he stands by the CDC report and Digoxin expert , Alois Hastreiter of the University of Illinois says post-mortem levels found in some of the patients were ‘ far too high to be explained by any naturally occurring substance ’ .
23 However , these concepts do not constitute a theory of word perception or production : they are names for structures and processes whose nature is to be explained by any theory of word perception or production .
24 Thus : ( 1 ) the said Solicitors ' Publicity Code ( which is summarised in Chapter 12 ) was introduced in 1988 , revised in 1990 , and covers the whole field ; from the general ( solicitors may hold themselves out to be good , but not to be better than the other firm down the road ; publicity must be accurate and not mislead ; a solicitor 's advertisement must identify the solicitor by name ) to the particular ( the correct designation of a solicitor 's practice , entries in legal directories , addresses to the Court and the use of the legal aid logo ) ; ( 2 ) the Law Society 's code incorporates by reference the provisions of the British Code of Advertising Practice which in its own way requires publicity material to be honest , truthful and decent , unambiguous and responsible , and contains a separate section relating to the advertising of financial services and products ; ( 3 ) the Financial Services ( Conduct of Business ) Rules 1987 also cover the advertising of financial services and products and will need to be studied by any firm carrying on investment business ; ( 4 ) solicitors will also need to be familiar with the Consumer Credit ( Advertisements ) Regulations 1989 and other secondary legislation in that connection , the whole corpus replete with the jargon unique to that area of law ; ( 5 ) the Business Names Act 1985 , which has already been referred to in Chapter 1 , requires revision of a firm 's letterheading every time there is a change in the identity of the partners , which will include any occasion when a salaried partner whose name has previously been shown " below the line " is promoted .
25 It needs to be adjusted for any unpresented cheques or unrecorded deposits .
26 None the less , it is clear both that they are substantial and that they have to be offset against any putative gains in efficiency brought about by the internal market .
27 She says that between three and four thousand people in the country have so far registered complaints about the drug with their solicitors — they will have to be examined before any action is taken to get expert advice on how probable it is that their problem was caused by the Myodil injections .
28 Mr Berlusconi made it clear from the start that his new purchase was going to be run like any other company .
29 ‘ I will take you back to the cage … and in the morning I will give the order that you are to be called by any name you want . ’
30 Clearly , the largest surfaces to be covered in any room are the walls and the floor , and there are invariably two schools of thought about which should have preference in the budget .
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