Example sentences of "to be [vb pp] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 There are improvements that can be made but that 's to be said for all animal husbandry systems , from pets , to guide dogs for the blind , and every other every other type of system .
2 But in February 1955 France complained bitterly that the agreement had been infringed by the West German decision to make English the main foreign language to be taught in all schools .
3 These questions underline the real issues to be faced by all the interested parties involved in privatisation .
4 Impeccable etiquette is required from everyone ; discipline and good manners , have to be observed at all times .
5 Indeed , except for first-row elements , band shifts are rarely more than one or two cm -1 , and particular precautions must be taken if they are to be observed at all .
6 However , this does not persist over a long time scale and is often not to be observed at all .
7 He should neither do damage to Mr. Jones , nor be slow in warning him of any impending danger ; fornication , marriage , gambling and the haunting of taverns or playhouses was strictly proscribed , and generally a monastic restraint was to be observed in all things .
8 At a informal gathering in Scotland , EC Environment Ministers have called for environmental protection measures to be extended into all areas of the Community 's policy-making .
9 The benefits would need to be extended to all those on income support as well .
10 To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when he expects the higher standards of residual stability recommended by the steering committee of the roll on/roll off ferry safety research programme to be applied to all roll on/roll off ferries using British ports .
11 Mr Takeshita bulldozed this through parliament last December , and on April 1st it began to be applied to all goods and services .
12 Further their Lordships have no doubt that when Lord Bridge , after quoting the guiding principle , gave certain examples he was not intending thereby to lay down an exhaustive list of tests to be applied in all cases in determining whether or not profits arose in or derived from Hong Kong .
13 I only ask of the Government to be treated as all other men are treated .
14 All children appeared to be treated by all the adults with equal and , by our standards , highly indulgent affection .
15 There was an awkward pause during which it became clear that this hint was going to be ignored like all previous ones and then the Guider realised that the pause was going to continue .
16 Those reductions were those identified in paragraph three and perhaps I do need to point out in fact that according to the report in Policy and Resources Committee , the use of carry forwards from the registration service of twenty thousand pounds in fact needs to be replicated across all three years .
17 Is your voice loud enough to be heard on all occasions ?
18 In her analyses of Freud 's conception of female sexuality , she demonstrates that Freud 's view of women as lack or as absence forces them into the discursive position of the hysteric because it denies them autonomous identity and obliges them to mimic the voice of the dominant male if they wish to be heard at all ( 1974:66–71 ) .
19 Now , of course , there was nothing to be heard at all , nothing to be seen but the sudden , wheeling pallor of one more set of headlights taking the curve in the Silcaster road , far beyond Aurae Phiala .
20 The finished tape is then sent to the agency to be heard by all interested parties .
21 But we must accept that these occasional audible signals were not even meant to be heard by all the chorus singers : they were to be heard by the sub-conductor(s) , who would then relay the beat visually .
22 The necessary appearance of friendship had to be maintained at all times , and patronage continued to flow in the direction of the town of Perth from which the unfortunate Mr. Robinson came .
23 A system of ‘ National Assistance ’ was to be maintained for all those who fell outside the other benefits to be paid for by the national exchequer .
24 But overall , the report says more information 's needed and it calls for a careful record to be kept of all future suicides and attempts .
25 Copies were to be sent to all sheriffs , who were to publish them to the people ; others were to be kept in all cathedral churches and read twice a year .
26 To remedy these grievances it was enacted that the Charter of the Forest was to be kept in all its articles , that the perambulations made in the time of Edward I were to be observed , that those perambulations which still remained to be made should be made as quickly as possible , and that the forest boundaries in each county should be confirmed by royal charters , as laid down in the perambulations .
27 His last speech in the House was more than three weeks before , and the occasion seemed to be organized by all concerned as a commemorative epitome .
28 As the subject has to be studied by all pupils , it tends to become a forum for half-baked discussion of moral or social issues , in order that it may not seem irrelevant to the non-religious , or offensive to the keenly sectarian .
29 If girls are taught from an early age that science is a subject to be studied by all pupils , and is not ‘ only for the boys ’ , then some of the problems relating to girls ' under-achievement in science in the secondary school will be resolved ( Equal Opportunities Commission 1982 : 4 )
30 As it was , however , the US was slowly , and not too slowly , getting itself into a position where its responsibilities tended to supplant rather than complement those of the French : and this was something which at least had to be offset against all the delays that would ensue in European rearmament .
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