Example sentences of "to it [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It probably sums up the case and we can discuss it and perhaps add to it at that time .
2 Very little built on to it at that stage .
3 The former is a tenancy made by the agreement of the parties on the terms that either may put an end to it at any moment at the shortest notice ; the latter arises where a tenant whose interest has expired continues in possession without the landlord either assenting or dissenting .
4 Their excellent long-distance vision spots something suspicious and they fly to it at high speed .
5 Remember that it is far better to get down and then to run into obstruction than to stall on to it at flying speed .
6 It is not that racism vanishes — in fact it intensifies and violence increases , but most children start to face up to it at this point , and their ‘ inferiority ’ usually clears away .
7 Tirpitz lies at the bottom of the local fjord , and every year the local diving club goes down to it on New Year 's Day to retrieve a handful of bits guaranteed to fuel the old fires for another year .
8 For Coldingham ( c ) turn left inland on tarmacked track between café and lifeguard hut and follow road ( signposted path runs parallel to it on right-hand side for a distance to avoid road-walking ) .
9 The forward ceptors had been showing a bright little disc that was the planet Fraxilly , steadily enlarging as we crept near to it on planetary drive .
10 I listened to it with great interest , and er , I thought again that the County Council was lead role was modestly but quite accurately described in that , fairly lengthy er , interview .
11 Julia listened to it with professional interest , expecting the usual Nazi defence of obedience to superior orders .
12 Yet once he had started he applied his mind and industry to it with such vigour that he had mastered more books in that short space than any child before or since .
13 At the other end of the scale , a small and humble task can sometimes be given ritual status by attending to it with real attention and care .
14 It 's the oldest lyrical theme in the world and David Gedge adheres to it with laudable steadfastness .
15 Conversely the under-confident person may be hesitant to predict danger or to react to it with sufficient purpose or determination .
16 The administration was always discomposed by evidence of Masai unfaithfulness , reacting to it with pained surprise if not outright disbelief .
17 There 's a process getting the kids used to it with dummy running so that the picture you get is a realistic one .
18 No one could have been better suited for the role , nor taken to it with more enthusiasm .
19 I shall look forward to it with ssspecial pleasure . ’
20 On the latter point the King felt the same confidence , although less reluctantly , and reacted to it with some lack of consideration by more or less commanding Baldwin not to leave the country for his annual expedition to Aix .
21 By the stage we define broadly as intermediate , learners are some way towards developing control of the language they are learning : their store of language has grown to a point where they can adapt , adjust and add to it with some facility ; they can transfer language use from one context to another ; they are building up more complex networks of language and the work we do in the classroom at this level is similarly more complex and less controlled .
22 Holding on still with one hand , I took a visual line ahead from the north needle to mark into memory the furthest small tree I could see , then put the compass away again and with infinite slowness clawed a way forward by inches and after a while reached the target and held on to it for dear life .
23 I soon noticed myself rapidly approaching a fallen tree over the surface of the river and as I rushed towards it I clung on to it for dear life .
24 People looking to it for educational use , or a big company HQ .
25 But she took a dislike to it for some reason , she would n't go in it .
26 First they looked to it for some confirmation that the general principles of history which they saw at work in capitalism had always been operative .
27 He 's also preparing an interim guide to it for imminent launch .
28 By the next season 1923–24 , the outside-right position was Harry 's own — and he held on to it for another decade .
29 The British second chamber is unique in that the majority of its members belong to it through hereditary right or accident of birth .
30 but erm , and these people were assigned erm three separate sections erm , Harold for instance , he took over Further Education which was a term which had n't been erm , was not an accepted term in those days because we 'd always er referred to it as Higher Education
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