Example sentences of "to a [noun sg] [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At least the gale was from astern , but by the time we were abreast of Aberdeen the wind had increased to a storm force then , several ships were in difficulties and Venturous was becoming difficult to steer , the helmsman being forced to use the engines in conjunction with the wheel to prevent a broach .
2 Those who do not reach this level but are pretty good can aspire to a circuit judgeship eventually , but the chances of rising beyond that are problematical .
3 To mark the 10-year anniversary , staff and associates were invited to a buffet lunch aboard 's historic sailing barge Ena , where , chief executive of the Ipswich Port Authority , presented Grain Terminal chairman , with a watercolour painting to commemorate the occasion .
4 At the same time the finishing touches will be added to a University College jointly administered by Durham University and Teesside Polytechnic .
5 If the three routes are to be made available to a beginning reader then two main types of skills will be required — those involving the application of the GPC rules , and the use of an extensive sight vocabulary .
6 Ferranti 's senior management was extremely unhappy about the arrangements , but at that stage took the view that they amounted merely to a credit risk rather than a fraud .
7 If this is so , then the directors of a company would continue to be accountable to a share price rather than to a body of committed stakeholders .
8 Justin Simpson , in his Historical Sketches in the Stamford Mercury written in the late nineteenth century , reflects that ‘ such a satisfactory and speedy termination to a law suit rarely falls to the lot of man to witness in these degenerate days ’ .
9 This procedure , it might be supposed , would ensure repeated experience of novelty and should thus be especially effective in reducing neophobia to a test flavour not previously experienced .
10 Examples of this kind include the Polytechnic 's Diplomas in Cartography and Publishing ( now single fields ) , and , most recently , the Polytechnic Diploma in Language Studies ( now a double field , leading , over three years rather than the four required for honours degrees in other language fields , to a BA degree only ) .
11 Its route took it to Constantinople prior to passing through the southern part of the sprawling Ottoman empire to the Persian Gulf there to revert to a submarine route again before continuing to Karachi .
12 Instead of rushing to a telephone box less than 40 yards away or walking to her nearby home , Joanna trudged to the leisure centre .
13 Mary Rose had listened to a TV debate once when one of the panel had derided the sentimental Aryan view of Jesus Christ .
14 In the old days , when Margaret Thatcher was still a chemist , and John Major was John Major-Ball , most MPs and many Ministers stayed away from the Party conferences , regarding it as a necessary vulgarity , an annual opportunity for the spear-carriers and party bit-players to travel to a seaside resort out of season to spend a few days in the proximity of the great .
15 The wall is not as steep as it looks and a pleasing sequence of stretches and foot-changes , made all the more enjoyable by more excellent protection , leads to a stopping place just short of the arête .
16 Young Eric , who was modestly competent in English but certainly not fluent , was packed off first to a boarding school then to University College School , Hampstead .
17 Her name was Bessie Braddock and she had publicly refused that year to stay in the headquarters hotel , insisting on going to a boarding house instead .
18 It used to belong to a man name up here .
19 Even now , gin with ice cold tonic is the spirit I 'd probably choose to take with me to a desert island just so long as there were plenty of lemon groves to hand on my castaway paradise .
20 And if you come from a family that do n't bother and they have n't got the time to show you how to do things , or do things with you , and do n't send you to a nursery school then you start you know just I suppose like what they do is .
21 Aszal refused to leave her until , he says , at 1 a.m. they were told that she had to go to a detention centre where men were not allowed .
22 Procedures of both sorts can be found in any type or size of organisation , for filling in forms , processing goods , inputting data to a computer system etc , and those directed at the continual development and implementation of policy , or the preservation of the mode of business operation .
23 She 's sort of got with children then because this erm testing , they 've got to a school work outside
24 He was a pioneer in the introduction of train electric lighting , applied to a Pullman car only two years after the invention of the incandescent lamp by Thomas Edison in 1879 .
25 It was his first visit to a film festival anywhere in the world .
26 The lobby opened on to a bar area where men in dark suits and ladies in cocktail dresses sipped before-dinner drinks .
27 The village was discovered following work undertaken by the Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust Ltd. in 1977 and 1982 in response to a development threat close to the known site of Cosmeston Castle .
28 In Stamford , where it was raining , Inspector Burden went to a country house supposedly occupied by a man named McCloy and found it deserted , its doors locked and its garden overgrown .
29 A frog climbed on to a lily leaf quickly
30 The survey also showed that the great majority of diplomates transferred directly on to a degree course either in their own or another institution and that relatively few went straight into employment .
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