Example sentences of "to be [verb] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 1 Inform patient quietly that he is to be transferred to theatre .
2 GL to arrange for this amount to be transferred to Computing .
3 Unless monetary payment is to pass from the wife to the husband ( for instance , as in a case where the house is in the husband 's sole name and the husband and wife agree that it is to be transferred to husband and wife and held by them upon certain trusts provided the wife pays the husband a sum of moneysee Chapter 7 ) , when the husband may require such money for his own purchase of another property , a contract between the parties would appear to be unnecessary .
4 After everything had been checked Diana ordered the contents to be transferred to plastic dustbin liners .
5 Whether one tries to illustrate subsidiarity by an upturned pyramid or a spiked helmet is irrelevant : Sir Christopher 's definition makes it clear that , far from being a guarantee for decentralisation , ‘ subsidiarity ’ is a blank cheque for more and more power to be transferred to Community level , just as the principle 's enshrinement in the German constitution has led to massive centralisation of power and expenditure in that country .
6 Later this month ( June ) the test is to be extended to South East England .
7 Some would like uncovering to be extended to Test matches in England .
8 German recycling scheme to be extended to industry
9 Kaleida will initially be housed at Apple 's headquarters , but there are plans for it to be relocated to Silicon Valley later in the year .
10 Three cardiac arrest patients had to be flown to hospital by the North Wales police helicopter because ambulances could not get through the floods .
11 The new requirements are largely set out in the Building Societies ( Accounts and Related Provisions ) Regulations 1992 , although where the change necessitated a change to the 1986 Act itself , that has been effected through the s 104 mechanism , which enables company law to be applied to building societies by Order .
12 Gutter sealant may need to be applied to metal guttering , and plastic guttering may need the replacement of perished foam gaskets
13 At present local authority procedures for regulation and control are rudimentary , and the criteria to be applied to funding decisions are less than clear .
14 Although there is fairly general agreement on the terms to be applied to sediment particles of various sizes the definitions used for the bounding sizes is not uniform .
15 In doing this , the system may have to combine and manipulate information from a number of different sources : the operator specifies the letters and clauses to be used ; the system fills out certain details from the data base ; in some cases it may have to do such things as take the salary and location from the data base , look up the conditions for that location , find out that certain uplifts need to be applied to salary , perform the arithmetic and insert the answers in the appropriate places in the text .
16 GPs make many decisions which have financial consequences and all the arguments for clinical budgets to be applied to hospital doctors can also be applied to GPs .
17 For example , in some districts in Central London , black children have to be escorted to school to defend them from assault ; white estates have deliberately driven out black tenants .
18 Glass can be bought in ready-cut sizes , or in larger stock sheets that are less costly but have to be cut to size .
19 Providing posts are of the correct spacing , replacement is easy , but where posts are closer , a panel may have to be cut to size .
20 The so-called Massive Privatization Programme was expected to be presented to parliament for approval in the autumn .
21 Under a proposed law to be presented to parliament later this year , industrial producers will be obliged to ensure the collection and recycling of waste consumer products .
22 The cabinet approves government bills to be presented to Parliament .
23 The cards will be supported later this month by a formal petition to be presented to Parliament by local MP Elfyn Llwyd .
24 Conversely , when Woosnam was taken ill so badly during the Johnnie Walker tournament in Bangkok earlier this year that on completion of his round he had to be rushed to hospital suffering from dehydration , he did not leave until he had first dealt with the hovering group of reporters .
25 " she had to be rushed to hospital .
26 ( One of Jim 's sisters had to be rushed to hospital with a critical diabetic condition . )
27 The task will fall to the manager to persuade advice workers to attend race-awareness training in addition to popular updating in welfare benefits ; managers may have the task of explaining to management committee members why they now need training after so many years without it ; it will be the manager 's job to be attuned to advice workers ' weaknesses and tactfully point them to the relevant additional training ; the manager must find a balance in workers ' meetings between training , casework and group support .
28 It will allow every stored parameter to be retrieved , and output to be tailored to customer demands .
29 A perk of the office is to be invited to lunch with the Queen every few years .
30 Maintaining contact with all Medau teachers , especially those in isolated areas , is my particular concern and I shall be happy to visit any area or negotiate on behalf of any teacher if you request it and I would like to be invited to area teachers ' meetings .
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