Example sentences of "to be [vb pp] within the " in BNC.

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1 Those most skilled in carrying out such activities and getting away with them come to be recognized within the group as hooligans .
2 Thus the invisible is to be observed within the perceptible .
3 Among its criticisms of the treaty were the lack of a judicial body to adjudicate disagreements on its provisions , the lack of democratic control , inadequate provisions on immigration and asylum , and the lack of data protection with regard to the central database to be compiled within the framework of the treaty .
4 British Telecommunications Plc says that the bid by AT&T Co to operate in the UK could speed liberalisation of the key North Atlantic telecommunications route , and reckons that the matter could be settled within months ; AT&T says that it would much preferred to have entered the UK market with a local partner but saw no prospect of that ( it had been negotiating with Cable & Wireless Plc for a stake in Mercury Communications Ltd ; meanwhile each side throws regulatory brickbats at the other , with AT&T complaining that it has to deal — on a confidential basis — with British Telecom on interconnect and access charges where in the US , charges are much lower and have to be applied within the operator 's own business as well — and that simply applying for a licence in the UK costs $70,000 against just $610 in the US ; British Telecom complains that it was n't allowed to increase its 20% stake in McCaw Cellular Communications Inc and achieve a management position — and likely would be barred from buying MCI Communications Inc , where AT&T would be free to buy Vodafone Group Plc — or even Mercury , outright , if it wanted to .
5 On the one hand , terrorist suspects who are caught , rather than shot dead , will continue to be treated within the framework of the ‘ rule of law ’ .
6 It surely is th the cha , a childre , a childs right to be conceived within the family background and a loving relationship between a husband and wife !
7 His proof of evidence , which is due to be heard within the next fortnight is , it transpires , being translated .
8 Progressive ‘ improvement ’ of the kind suggested by the arms-race image does go on , even if it goes on spasmodically and interruptedly ; even if its net rate of progress is too slow to be detected within the lifetime of a man , or even within the timespan of recorded history .
9 Librarians recognize the need for an appropriate balance to be maintained within the materials which they make available to reflect differing extremes or shades of opinion on matters which might be thought to be contentious .
10 This award is significant in that it is regarded as the highest accolade within the weighing equipment calibration field and is only the seventh certificate to be presented within the UK .
11 Activities need to be kept within the bounds of fair competition and care needs to be taken that there is no overstepping into open conflict .
12 Equally the way in which economic activity has increasingly come to be organized within the company rather than through the market is something to be celebrated instead of feared .
13 In these papers , all kinds of non- and extra-philosophical activities become the basis for philosophical reflection , for instance menstruation and childbirth ( Brenda Almond 's paper ) ; a gut reaction to pornography ( Alison Assiter 's paper ) ; the fantasies that disturb because of their apparently unfeminist nature Jean Grimshaw 's paper ) ; and nonviolent demonstrations against missile bases ( Anne Seller 's paper ) ; the point in each case being that these experiences are the starting point , because their importance did not seem to be recognised within the theoretical categories already provided , and so urgently impel the theorist to work out categories that are more adequate .
14 Children were to be subsumed within the dwelling to this notion of order : " Teach your children that a house is only habitable when it is full of light and air , and when the floors and walls are clear .
15 In 1795–6 , for example , the member of parliament for the county of Angus found himself much concerned with the fate of a piece of crown land which happened to be situated within the plantation lands in the island of St Vincent belonging to Patrick Cruickshank of Stracathro , one of the Angus freeholders .
16 Understandably , this has been a bone of contention with many of the staff of the polytechnics ever since , who maintain that for teaching at degree level to be lively and effective it needs to be supported within the institution by an active research programme .
17 where the initial word processing is to be undertaken within the firm , ensure that the technology is such that the transfer of files to the printer 's system will maintain the integrity of the document and be cost effective ; and
18 The objective will show in detail how the information is to be obtained within the cost constraints imposed by the marketing budget .
19 However , the learning of the language is not simply a matter of being deaf , since those who become deaf later in life very seldom achieve a fluency in BSL which allows them to be accepted within the community .
20 A field where the sign no longer refers back to real objects or persons but instead constructs what is to be perceived within the system of signification .
21 May I take a passage from the last section of the article : ‘ If the ethical nucleus of culturally specific mankind is not to be lost within the framework of media globalism we need to encourage a ‘ Self-critical Regionalism ’ based on the heterogeneity and plurality of gender , ethnic background and class ’ .
22 The Mersey building programme had continued at an impressive rate throughout 1990 with orders recently placed for the last 14 fibre reinforced composite ( FRC ) boats — due to be completed within the next 22 months .
23 The measurement of length , area , distance , weight , and such like , was achieved long ago as an integral part of day-to-day practical activities , and later to be refined within the context of modern science .
24 Working Paper 4 states that new patients on a list or changed clinical conditions of existing patients will bring corresponding adjustments to the drugs budget , but it is not clear whether these adjustments will have to be made within the overall regional allocation to the FPC , or whether new funds can be made available during a year in recognition of patient migration .
25 The stimulus requires a choice to be made within the system that is being drilled .
26 The framework agreement was to be made widely known among the population , and other topics under negotiation were to be handled within the context of the framework agreement .
27 These fluctuations are responsible for the ‘ spoke-like ’ pattern of bright and dark patches to be seen within the polygons of Fig. 22.6 , although , because of the unsteadiness , the behaviour is not fully illustrated by a single picture of this sort .
28 No , no , Harrison , this will have to be done within the next two weeks .
29 We employ the people to do the jobs that need to be done within the Council .
30 If all long term care was to be given within the NHS the number of beds would have to be expanded by at least a third and probably nearly doubled if , as is often the case , those in residential homes require nursing care .
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