Example sentences of "to be [vb pp] to some " in BNC.

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1 His heart sank , perversely convinced that he was to be transferred to some damp hole where he would be able neither to stand upright nor lie at full length , and chained there in darkness .
2 ‘ Perhaps it is to be applied to some kind of child 's toy — a gunpowder-propelled kite ! ’
3 Bremner and Jimmy Johnstone made Willie Ormond 's period as Scotland manager into a nightmare of infuriating incidents and in the '60s , the city of Turin was to be treated to some memorable scandals when Denis Law and Joe Baker both signed for the Italian League side Torino .
4 Any piece of computer equipment which has to be fitted to some other equipment , such as a replacement " card " ( printed circuit board containing integrated circuits ) which has to be a certain shape , or have a certain type of connector , in order to fit into a computer will also fall into the first part of the exception .
5 This is a scottish rock band ( every album has to be categorized to some extent in order to sell it ) .
6 Wealthy ladies , doing a little charitable slumming , as well as a few shopkeepers ' wives , bought the pretty baby clothes , and the doll she had dressed went for a fabulous price , to be given to some little girl more fortunate than those for whom the money was being raised .
7 After his talks with Li , Maude said that he had been " encouraged " by the Chinese administration 's muted attitude to issues of contention between the UK and China , including the British Nationality ( Hong Kong ) Bill which provided for full British citizenship to be given to some 225,000 Hong Kong citizens .
8 In Sweden secrétaires de commission began to be appointed to some missions in foreign capitals from 1669 onwards , mainly it seems to provide for greater continuity in the event of the death or recall of the head of the mission .
9 They might try to look like aeroplanes but at least there were still smart waiters serving drinks to tycoons as they shuffled papers where the noughts ran off the edge of the page building a case to be argued to some Washington agency the next day .
10 Governments have to govern people , and not only do their policies have a direct impact on the population at large , and are likely to be shaped to some degree by an awareness of what that impact might be , but policies can also be a response to pressures or problems that emerge out of society .
11 This statement has been echoed through the ages — by Plato : ‘ Love is the desire and pursuit of the whole ’ ; by Coleridge : ‘ Love is a desire of the whole being to be united to some thing , some being , felt necessary for its completeness ’ ; and by the man in the street ; ‘ My other half ’ , or even ‘ My better half ’ ; or in Erickson 's terms : ‘ the ‘ me in you ’ ’ .
12 When we would expect a feeling to be expressed to some extent by both partners but instead one person is quite overcome with emotion while the other is apparently untouched , we may assume that one carries and expresses the feeling for both .
13 Whence it came it will return , perhaps again , to be communicated to some being higher than man , perhaps to pass through gradations of glory from the pale human soul to brighten the seraph .
14 Cos these 'll have to be clarified to some degree .
15 Finally , remember that point-by-point comparisons can become tedious if extended too far ; a formal analysis always needs to be subordinated to some more general point you want to make .
16 But I suppose really it was for supplies that came by ship to be carried to some of the houses on the hill , the Ranger 's House , or the Observatory . ’
17 Joyfully and thankfully reconciled with me , and having proved himself in a very arduous campaign , he might well have rested on his laurels in comfort and safety , waiting for the war to end or to be drafted to some new theatre of operations .
18 In addition to specifying what the core should contain , the framework laid down the percentage of the timetable to be allocated to some subjects , for example , English and mathematics were each to be allocated ten per cent .
19 This brief résumé of methods of allocation omits an important area which is rarely controlled through financial allocation , yet which certainly needs to be subjected to some form of central control .
20 The process of report and interrogation took quite a time , and Rostov began to suspect that if he and the others were to be subjected to some form of tribunal before their fate was decided , then at least it would pass for a fair one .
21 New material , both archival and interpretative , requires these judgements to be modified to some degree .
22 The nature of this partisan strife , and the precise relationship between Whig , Tory , Country and Court , was bound to be transformed to some extent as a result of the Glorious Revolution .
23 Hence , changing underwriters could mean substantial costs as all the other services might have to be shifted to some new institution .
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