Example sentences of "to the [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Insurers usually require a Statutory Declaration as to the solvency of the transferor husband at the time of the conveyance so the practitioner must consider whether or not it is practical to ask for this at the time of the conveyance ( see further Chapter 10 ) .
2 Richard Baxter 's tender devotion to his wife gives the lie to the caricature of the Puritans as being cold , unemotional and joyless .
3 Through its involvement in astrology it could also contribute to the governance of the Church , proving the truth of Christianity , forecasting the future , and predicting the course of disease .
4 Yet each in his own way sincerely struggled to impose order on a country where Lowlander and Highlander rarely met in friendship , and could rarely communicate in the same tongue ; where there was the continual threat of another English excuse for invasion , often abetted by self-seeking elements within the kingdom itself ; and where arrogant noblemen prolonged family feuds disruptive not merely to the families conceded but to the governance of the kingdom itself .
5 There was the trust deed of the church school , St Benet 's , founded in 1860 and , of more recent date , a copy of a well-phrased vituperative complaint to the Archdeacon from the People 's Warden about Marr 's digging up the Church for the central heating .
6 In addition , such measures are also geared to the assessment of the catalogue as a finding tool for known-item searches .
7 This difference results in a different approach by the courts to the assessment of the two categories of damage .
8 4.6 In relation to past loss the court will usually know all the factors relevant to the assessment of the loss .
9 As noted above , the factors in s11(4) are relevant to the assessment of the reasonableness of a limitation clause .
10 All staff of XYZ Business will notify the relevant steward of any information or issues which may be relevant to the assessment of the Safety , Health or Environmental impact of the products and processes of XYZ Business .
11 For secondary schools with their singular subject specialisms , it is less of a problem — merely an extension of some of the approaches of GCSE to the assessment for the fir ; t three years of secondary work within keystage 3 .
12 It is intended to develop a number of approaches to the assessment in the work place of competences , that arise as an integral part of the role of personnel managers .
13 It has been pointed out that the insignia assigned to the vicarius of the British diocese , alone of such officers , consists of castellated enclosures instead of maidens , indicating that he commanded troops .
14 Since the passing of the Church of England Assembly ( Powers ) Act 1919 , Parliament 's role in relation to the legislation of the Church has been largely formal .
15 So , under men like Halsbury , they reacted to the legislation of the later nineteenth century with all the inflexibility of those who are determined that what was good enough for their fathers ' social and economic structures was good enough for them .
16 Covering a broader range than the single-issue groups , they presented reports and analyses on a wide range of economic and social issues which generally looked forward to the legislation of the 1940s .
17 There are similar potential benefits associated with exclusive distribution , as the preamble to the legislation on the block exemption suggests .
18 you can give further encouragement by holding on to the leash in the early stages of teaching this command .
19 ‘ Do n't know , ’ he said dismissively , and turned to the tele on the wall in the Catacol pub .
20 In fact one of the great things about this walk is that it keeps for most of the time to the shoulder of the fells so that they fall away steep sided below you giving you clear views out and down .
21 The Collector watched with admiration as Lucy 's deft fingers dipped a cartridge up to the shoulder in the grease and then set it neatly in a row with the others she had made .
22 Erm I 've got a note , or I had a note to write to the admin at the university and I have done , erm saying that Derek 's been approaching people , apologising for not writing beforehand and saying that Derek 's been approaching people and if they 've got a problem they should write back P D Q.
23 Through the woods and landscaped parklands of one of England 's great country houses , rising to the ridge of the Howardian Hills — a gentle escarpment overlooking the Vale of Pickering and the North York Moors .
24 The barn was built parallel to the ridge of the bank , being entered at high level on the uphill side .
25 Beyond the junction with the lane from Crummack , the lane climbs gradually to the ridge at the north end of Moughton , shortly becoming a path .
26 He stated that he had later spoken to two observers who had been close to the ridge at the time of the accident , and they had apparently noticed that the wind had , momentarily , markedly increased in strength and had appeared to swirl up the hill towards the ridge , coincidental with the time that they saw the aircraft 's wing drop and the aircraft begin to descend .
27 Then she turned along the route taken by the boys up to the ridge above the quarry .
28 This route would necessitate only one climb to the ridge above the village , from where it was downhill all the way to Rainbagh , whence I could complete the journey to Naini Tal by car .
29 Last April , a compromise was almost achieved but , according to the second-in-command on the US delegation , Leigh Ratiner , his team 's efforts were sabotaged by opponents of the convention in Washington .
30 Once the sun started to go down , we strolled back to Europa through the town , enjoying the lively contrast of the boutiques and cafés to the calm of the Club .
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