Example sentences of "to [adv] [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Use of a chart prevents repetition of work that has already been carried out by blocking any attempt to reapply the same rule in the same place .
2 The opening paragraph of The Autocar 's November 1965 test of a privately owned car ( to much the same spec as our example ) read : ‘ Few readers indeed will get this far before turning to the data page which follows , for the name of AC Cobra is synonymous with performance .
3 Basically any report on Eastern Europe 's problems comes down to much the same things : a heavy reliance on smokestack industries burning brown coal ( also known as lignite ) and pouring out uncontrolled noxious fumes , factories tipping their chemical wastes straight into rivers , and untreated sewage .
4 Almost at the same time D. P. McKenzie of Cambridge and R. L. Parker of the Scripps Institution in America had come to much the same conclusions as Wilson and together these scientists were responsible for what they called the ‘ New Global Tectonics ’ .
5 And at the same time , and slightly in contradiction to that , I found it increasing erm , er , perception and indication of dissatisfaction with the way in which the joint er , collaborative structures were actually working , if I may say , especially at the top level in terms of the political erm erm , so I say to you colleagues , that you are required as er , by statute to , to have in place collaborative structures , er , under a statute that goes back to the nineteen seventies , and I should also say to you that up and down the country that authorities like your own are at this stage doing what you 're doing , and that is reviewing the effectiveness of the operation of those structures , and probably coming to much the same conclusions .
6 Thus , we are prompted to suppose that an unspecified industrial strategy on the one hand is so like matters of health and safety for the purposes of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 , or like employment protection for the purposes of the Employment Protection Act 1975 on the other , as to amount to much the same kind of thing as they are ; and so to accept the view that , just as the second is a subject for joint regulation by management and unions or of prior discussion between management and unions , so too should the first .
7 Besides , primaries used for the selection and ranking of persons proposed for inclusion in party lists would be open to much the same objections as were raised earlier in these pages against choice by the electorate at large among candidates who actually figure in those lists .
8 My own impression is that initially there was a significant increase , but that attendance has now returned to much the same levels as before the cameras came in .
9 The Archbishop of Canterbury 's report on urban priority areas ( UPAs ) comes to much the same conclusion as the inner area studies and the Scarman Report : ‘ We can put forward a confident and melancholy generalisation — that the UPAs are places of severe and increasing deprivation .
10 Up and down the canal , as far as my binoculars can reach , the water is white with floating cottony flecks , and we can be sure that they have carpeted the ground to much the same radius in other directions too .
11 His speech made clear that he had been brought reluctantly to much the same view as his Director of Propaganda .
12 With rents normally frozen at an obsolete level , entry fines were either certain , or , if technically arbitrary at the will of the lord , required by custom to be reasonable , which amounted to much the same thing .
13 This is , I suspect , the beginning of a process that will lead to much the same outcome as was brought about by the hundreds of Government amendments — sometimes running into four figures — that have been tabled to similar Bills .
14 In his view , it was a great strength of English law that governmental officials were subject to basically the same laws as private citizens to the extent that these covered the activities of government .
15 And the work would then be completed to approximately the same timescale that we , that we deadlined on the .
16 Pupils entering S1 in August 1994 will be able to join the pupils from our own Junior School if they have already studied one of our own two languages to approximately the same level .
17 None the less , Fabry-Perot experiments seem to give rise to broadly the same sorts of instability as those predicted from ring cavity analyses .
18 Its officials may not have come to exactly the same conclusions as I did , but they should have tried to find out .
19 The County have done initial work on this and come to exactly the same conclusions which we have .
20 Whatever their ultimate truth or falsity , beliefs and ideologies could thus be subjected to exactly the same kind of functional analysis as other social phenomena .
21 The Bill could lead to exactly the same kind of problem .
22 If claims of strict representativeness are made for a telephone survey such as Labov 's in Philadelphia , the method is subject to exactly the same criticisms as those discussed in 2.2 .
23 Lyotard points to exactly the same structure in Marx , who could likewise never complete Capital .
24 They live their first few months in the river , then migrate downstream to the sea ; they spend two or three years in feeding and growing out at sea , during which they cover thousands of miles ; and when mature , they migrate back to exactly the same river , and same tributary , as they were born in .
25 Their behaviour patterns can also be extremely individual , so that two autistic children with exactly the same characteristics may react differently to exactly the same situation .
26 And she said that erm Gordon , her husband erm he has no sight in one eye due to due to exactly the same thing not patching erm , an eye at the , the right age .
27 Yet , with very few exceptions , they succeed in getting back to exactly the same stretch of river where they hatched .
28 They 're then taken upstream to exactly the same stretch of river they were picked up from two weeks ago and released — clearly happy to back in the territory they recognise … until this time next year , when they 'll be collected once again for another short break in their unlikely holiday location , just off the M25 …
29 And these visits managed to reduce her to exactly the same stage of trembling , silent , frustrated anxiety that she had endured throughout her childhood ; she felt , each time , that she had gone back , right back to the start , and that every step forward must be painfully retraced .
30 In the afternoon we 're on the Palmer charge and believe it or not he hits his tee-shot at the 17th to exactly the same spot again , and turns to me and says , ‘ Before you say anything , Tip , do n't tell me it 's a 6-iron . ’
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