Example sentences of "to [noun pl] made [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The brief rejected the relevance of United States in personam jurisdiction over the person required to produce evidence , and asserted the cooperative attitude of German courts and authorities to requests made under the Convention .
2 In response to requests made at the ODP workshop in August , a ‘ marriage broking ’ service is being provided to assist in the forming of consortia .
3 ‘ … we find it unfortunate that Upjohn failed to respond at all readily to requests made by the Licensing Authority as early as 1990 , that they should carry out a new post-marketing surveillance study ’ .
4 A number of international organizations responded to calls made by the ANC for the deployment of teams of international observer to monitor township violence [ see p. 38850 ] .
5 My Lords , the respondents to this appeal , Woolwich , paid to the Inland Revenue Commissioners almost £57m. pursuant to demands made under the Income Tax ( Building Societies ) Regulations 1986 .
6 If you listen sometimes to speeches made by the Royal Family now , they are not necessarily to my mind and er this is this difficulty of the sort of humanity and effemininity of the Duchess of York and the Princess of Wales who tried I think , both of them , to do a phenomenal amount of public work with different levels of success and different levels of coverage .
7 Guinness was accused of bad faith , in particular for failing to adhere to promises made in the official offer documents .
8 The corollary of this is that any receipts received or payments made in the current financial year which relate to accruals made in the last financial year , will not affect the current year 's profit figures .
9 ASTRONOMERS now have a far better idea of the size of the Universe , thanks to observations made by the Hubble Space Telescope .
10 However , due to changes made at the insistence of President Turgut Özal , the law did not apply to those accused of terrorism or crimes against the state , nor was it effective in those provinces under a state of emergency .
11 The barons complained that Henry III had arbitrarily re-afforested woods and lands which had been put out of the forest by the perambulations of 1225 ; that he claimed the wardship of heirs to assarts made within the forest , to the detriment of the overlords in whose lands such assarts had been made ; and that he made frequent grants of the right of free warren in disafforested areas , thereby restricting the free rights of hunting which ought to have been enjoyed by landowners in such districts .
12 ( 3 ) Where co-owners of an estate or interest in any land , … not being itself partnership property , are partners as to profits made by the use of that land or estate , and purchase other land or estate out of the profits to be used in like manner , the land or estate so purchased belongs to them , in the absence of an agreement to the contrary , not as partners but as co-owners for the same respective estates and interests as are held by them in the land or estate first mentioned at the date of the purchase .
13 Contrary to assessments made by the British at the time of signing , there are many examples of these .
14 He granted an injunction restraining the defendant from using and/or disclosing confidential information but qualified it so that it did not apply to communications made by the defendant either to FIMBRA or the Inland Revenue in respect of the matters identified in the defence .
15 This measure came largely in response to suggestions made to the government in April by representatives of the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) .
16 Question : What do you say to suggestions made by the court that had it been any other man you would have simply warned them ?
17 Practice changed in response to arguments made in the context of adjudication , as arguments about what judges should do in particular cases , not in special miniconstitutional conventions .
18 She refered to comments made in the High Court by Mr Justice Ward , who said of the Gojkovics ' success : ‘ This is a story of high achievement and , many would think , glorious success .
19 In practice , too many governing bodies are merely ‘ rubber stamps ’ to decisions made by the headteacher and/ or a group of governors with the headteacher in the guise of ‘ subcommittees ’ .
20 Contributing to decisions made by the Divisional Officer on matters relating to the section 's specialism .
21 No one in the Sudanese government had been willing to meet her , she said , and the Sudanese government had not responded to approaches made by the UK ambassador to Sudan , Allan Ramsay , in his capacity of chairman of the group of west European donor countries in Khartoum .
22 This involves accruing any receipts which have been earned in the financial year and accruing any payments which relate to purchases made in the financial year .
23 The following remark , for example , made in the realization that physics was both something less and something more than an objective body of knowledge , was very similar to remarks made by the arts students about English :
24 However , the other category of liability for personal injury or death which the party in default can seek to pass on to the innocent party is that relating to claims made against the party in default by third parties , who have suffered death or personal injury by reason of the negligence of the party in default .
25 According to soundings made in the surrounding ocean , there are some very deep ocean trenches in the sea around the island .
26 It is a useful way of adding touches to garments made on the chunky machine .
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