Example sentences of "to [noun pl] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 The angular brackets denote averaging due to chain polydispersity in the sample and the bar indicates averaging for the many conformational sizes available to chains of the same molar mass .
2 ‘ Yes , Miss Hardbroom , ’ agreed Mildred , dragging the cat from her front and reducing the cardigan to shreds at the same time .
3 There were 3488 illnesses related to pesticides in the same period .
4 In Figures 10 and 11 , below , the number of items requested within each fifteen-minute period on weekdays and on Saturdays is plotted against a scale on the left , while the mean delivery time for items supplied direct to readers within the same periods is plotted against a scale on the right .
5 Uneven allocation of notation to subjects with the same size of literature , ( or the same number of subdivisions being allocated different notational space ) will cause notation for some subjects to be exceptionally long .
6 The new £75,000 final salary limit applies to AVCs in the same way as to other earnings .
7 The two numbers should not be compared because the first refers to words which have the same word boundaries , and the second refers to words in the same region .
8 However , this does not apply to books from the same print-run circulated in the UK since his works have now come into the public domain in that country .
9 Perhaps the most resonant phrases in the whole debate came from the pro-rights organiser who suggested that future centuries would come to regard our attitude to animals with the same horrified disbelief we now feel for the periods which practised slavery .
10 these would soon be extinct if zoos could not offer protection to animals in the same situation .
11 They have subject limited statutory duties in the insurance companies act , but the fact they 're subjected to duties in the same way that the underwriters , the underwriters are subject to duties does not make them regulators , but in any event even if we were wrong on that there is no exemption under article eighty five , one for regulators and , and your Lordship has seen a number of cases and I sha n't go back to them is fully subject to the competition rules whether as a regulator or not .
12 A very sound investment compared to plasterboards of the same thickness .
13 In a parallel move , Sun is putting 3.4m Chubb shares up for grabs to investors through the same three brokers .
14 A report letter containing supplementary information was sent to centres at the same time as the new catalogue .
15 Often they say , ‘ I thought that I had been through all this and settled it in my mind ten years ago , yet here I am having to come to terms with the same issue all over again . ’
16 Jacobson even managed to ‘ transfer ’ the approach behaviour from rats to hamsters in the same way .
17 We can imagine the dilemma that an individual might face if , for example , she works in the personnel department of an organisation and has to give redundancy notices to members of the same trade union .
18 Then I shall be able to take my stuff into Stowbridge , and Brenda to Brownies at the same time . ’
19 As we follow trajectories starting at two close-together points , we move to points with the same symbolic descriptions but with the central mark moved further and further to the right .
20 ‘ Three of us were elected to Exhibitions at the same time , and I recall the maturity of his literary powers as contrasted with the callow essays we had to take up to Owen M. Edwards each week . ’
21 Most attention is usually given to correlations of the same component of velocity at points separated in a direction either parallel to that velocity component ( Fig. 19.4(b) ) or perpendicular to it ( Fig. 19.4(c) ) .
22 In those constituencies where two Whig and two Tory candidates stood , the vast majority gave both their votes to men from the same party .
23 The Social Security Pensions Act 1975 included an ‘ equal access ’ clause which entitles women to membership of an occupational scheme where this is available to men in the same category of employment .
24 As memos are often short and written to others within the same organisation , the style that a memo is written in is not thought to matter .
25 A high level of gearing ( relative to others in the same industry ) means more risk for shareholders because the possibility of their receiving dividends depends , first of all , upon earning operating profits which will more than cover the interest payments on the debt .
26 But this does not hold for national debt which is owed by the nation to citizens of the same nation … .
27 In four of those cases , three of which related to complaints about the same matter , assistance has been granted by the Commissioner .
28 ( 1 ) ( a ) A licensing board shall refuse an application of the type described in subsection ( 2 ) below if it finds that one or more of the following grounds for refusal , being competent grounds , applies to it ( in ) that the applicant , or the person on whose behalf or for whose benefit the applicant will manage the premises or , in the case of an application to which section 11 of this Act applies , the applicant or the employee or agent named in the application is not a fit and proper person to be the holder of a licence ; ( b ) that the premises to which an application relates are not suitable or convenient for the sale of alcoholic liquor , having regard to their location , their character and condition , the nature and extent of the proposed use of the premises , and the persons likely to resort to the premises ; ( c ) that the use of the premises for the sale of alcoholic liquor is likely to cause undue public nuisance , or a threat to public order and safety ; ( d ) that , having regard to the facilities of the same or similar kind already available in the locality , or to facilities of the same or similar kind , in respect of which the provisional grant of a new licence is in force , which are to be provided in the locality , the grant of an application would result in the Over-provision of such facilities ; and otherwise shall grant the application .
29 ( 7 ) If there are any convertible securities , subscription rights or options outstanding in respect of the target 's share capital , then an appropriate offer or proposal will need to be made pursuant to Rule 15 to ensure that the interests of the holders of these rights are safeguarded and all documents issued to shareholders must also be issued to the holders of convertibles and options to subscribe relating to shares of the same class ( see para 10.2 below ) .
30 Moses ( 1986 ) , among others , has found that student ratings of lecturer performance were entirely unrelated to self-ratings by the same staff .
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