Example sentences of "to [noun pl] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But after the wars were over the government cleared off the backlog of prisoners by arranging , in the 1718 Act , to pay a subsidy to merchants to take them across the Atlantic , and it also gave the judges the right to impose a sentence of up to 7 years transportation .
2 This is an extra allowance , worth £1,720 a year at current rates , specially given to widows to assist them over the first difficult period .
3 write to manufacturers informing them of your choice and encouraging them to sell goods packaged in recyclable materials
4 Estate agents will now have to give consumers more information , with specific requirements to write to clients informing them of services they intend to offer to prospective purchasers , and to explain in writing terms such as ‘ sole agency ’ , ‘ ready , willing and able ’ , and ‘ sole selling rights ’ .
5 Decisions should also be reached as to whether appointment lists should be displayed in the school and parents invited to come in to choose a discussion time or whether staff will decide and write to parents informing them of an allocated time .
6 If the examples cited by Hildyard and Olson of oral language being ‘ autonomous ’ and of written language being ‘ context-based ’ were the rare exceptions that the reference to letter writing and to lectures suggests them to be , then their conjectures about literacy would have some credence , though the argument could not be as absolute as they sometimes make it appear .
7 It is even a good idea to hold on to congratulatory memos ( perhaps appended to slips telling you of pay increases ) or any other correspondence which might at some distant date help you to defend yourself against unfair criticisms of your capabilities .
8 Ultimately , it is up to individuals to make something of their situation , and their motives and capacities therefore play a central part in explanation — they have , so to speak , the casting vote .
9 The American capitalist state looked to universities to help them in their war effort , enlisting the help of scientists , engineers , psychologists and sociologists .
10 Well , we 've been going for , I should think , about eighteen months in hospitals in Oxford , looking at ways in which we can give better information to consultants to help them to be more in charge of their own destiny .
11 Pinot Noir , Burgundy 's top red grape , is less willing to travel and has not been entirely amenable to efforts to tame it in Australia .
12 After more than five years of talks , outstanding difficulties centred on ( i ) whether it could be acceptable under GATT rules for the EC to make direct payments to farmers to compensate them for cuts in subsidies ( a key part of plans to reform the EC 's Common Agricultural Policy ) ; ( ii ) the volume of EC grain exports ; and ( iii ) EC demands for limits on US exports of cereal substitutes to the EC .
13 It relates to places of entertainment such as cinemas , theatres , dance halls , and proprietary clubs and permits the sale or supply of liquor for consumption on the premises to persons frequenting them as an ancillary to the entertainment provided .
14 In all such cases the plaintiff is entitled to damages to compensate him for the lost benefit .
15 He did not , as he said on 9 December 1958 , when as owner of Be Careful he spoke at the Gimcrack dinner , object to bookmakers paying something towards the racing industry 's expenses .
16 But for people like Kim even the chance of saying goodbye to needles makes it worth the wait .
17 As might be expected , losses due to accidents took anything from a healthy nibble to a large chunk from the companies ' profits .
18 ICI Pharmaceuticals had also written to doctors telling them about the serious reactions and deaths .
19 This week the council said the 7.5 per cent pay rise given to teachers left them with an education budget shortfall of £2.5m .
20 We can conclude that so far the law 's quest to subject the power conferred on corporate managers to controls to prevent it from being exercised arbitrarily has not been successful .
21 This just gives time for production and dispatch to members giving them at least a clear month before the next event .
22 SCOTVEC has written to colleges reminding them of the availability of a devolved system of assessment for awards for which only one college provides the course .
23 Sensitivities to foods manifest themselves in many different ways .
24 For psychology , the irrationality , affectivity and sociability which it attributes to women link them to the unscientific uncertainties of subjectivity , and put them slightly outside the discipline 's proper field .
25 That the potential for collaboration was there may be seen from the final sentence by J. W. Heslop Harrison ( 1948b ) where he says ‘ Still , it must be admitted that much remains to be done , and by many workers ; we give a hearty invitation to others to join us in our labours ’ .
26 He was refused permission to shut the bar at 1am but keep the club open until 2am , and made an announcement to clubbers telling them of the police decision .
27 ROUGH GUIDE TO CAREERS advises you on how to get into the theatre .
28 This included threats and use of adverse publicity , revocation of licences , writing directly to consumers to warn them of company practices , and exerting pressure on reputable financial institutions and suppliers to withdraw support of the targeted company .
29 He said a letter sent to competitors informing them of the restriction and threatening possible exclusion of wheelchairs from future London marathons if the rule was not adhered to should not have been sent .
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