Example sentences of "to [art] [adj] men who " in BNC.

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1 A RE-THINKING of High Noon , awarding more points to the practical men who have finally to take a stand , as represented by farmer Van Heflin , who just wants to get his crops in , with the figure of the hero reincarnated as Alan Ladd in fringed buckskins .
2 He turned to the two men who had followed him up the gangway .
3 ‘ Thank you , ’ she said warmly to the young men who had brought her plates of food .
4 He listened to the few men who had survived for more than a few weeks and talked of ‘ Blighty ’ and prayed only for a ‘ cushy wound ’ so they could be moved to the nearest hospital tent and , if they were among the lucky ones , eventually be sent home to England .
5 A Nottinghamshire mining equipment company which went into receivership in September has been sold to the three men who founded the firm two decades ago .
6 Iron Age tribes , the legions of Rome , the Norsemen and Danes , the monks , and the lay landowners who followed them : all of them , from the great lords and princes of Christendom to the little men who kept their huts on the commons , along with Quakers , Methodists , travelling packmen , lead-miners , quarrymen and rail men , all have left the print of their passing on the land .
7 He listened to Nigel Cramer for several minutes , nodded and gave his own orders to the dozen men who had clambered out of the second and third helicopters .
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