Example sentences of "to [art] [noun] of time " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , they should conform to the unities of time , place and action .
2 This means that the initial state of the universe must have been very carefully chosen indeed if the hot big bang model was correct right back to the beginning of time .
3 The symbolic ordering of ageing with specific reference to the notion of time , will be analysed in the context of gender , historical differences and the total context .
4 It is also difficult to hit on an appropriate standard of measurement : it is clear that " past " , " present " and " future " all belong to the category of time reference ; but to what higher generic category ( say ) do moral attributes belong ?
5 If , on the other hand , you are not , then you need to make the effort and change the priority you give to the organisation of time .
6 Ackroyd has given some readers the impression that the modern narrative , the paler of the two , is paler on purpose — in obedience , presumably , to the doctrine of time , of its runnings-down and recurrences , which figures in the novel .
7 Anthony Powell finishes his twelve-part novel sequence A Dance To The Music of Time ( 1975 ) .
8 Such alliances tend to be as fleeting as the chance encounters and re-encounters of fictional characters in Anthony Powell 's A Dance to the Music of Time ( 1951–75 ) ; and the conversation of young friends , as potent in all likelihood as any literary influence there is , is largely beyond the reach of the historian , even the contemporary historian , except as guesswork .
9 ‘ Dance to the music of time ’ revived thumb prints and all
10 Nicolas Poussin 's ‘ A dance to the music of time ’ ( 1639–40 ) which gave its name to the famous series of novels by Anthony Powell , was recently returned to its place in the Great Gallery following restoration by Herbert Lank , Simon Bobak and Nonie Tasker .
11 ‘ A Dance to the Music of Time ’ by Anthony Powell
12 Take , for instance , the series of twelve novels by Anthony Powell , A Dance to the Music of Time .
13 A Dance to the Music of Time is also a vast human pageant , not about a narrator discovering his own past , as with Proust .
14 I once went out to dinner and discovered that the seven other people present had all just finished reading A Dance to the Music of Time .
15 The character of X. Trapnel , for which he served as model , in Anthony Powell 's A Dance to the Music of Time ( 12 vols. , 1951–75 ) gives an impression of the persona he created for himself .
16 In summer the sun does not set and so there is no alternation of day or night to give cues as to the passage of time .
17 Mr Peter Goldsmith , QC , for Mr Foecke , submitted that it was now too late for Mr Foecke to have a fair trial due to the passage of time .
18 The Association did not achieve much in the way of concrete results but the reports stand up well to the passage of time .
19 Although there is some good material in the report on Harris Tweed it stand up less well than some of the others to the passage of time .
20 It is obvious that historical perspectives oblige one to give due weight to the passage of time and to see ideas about duty or obligation , and patterns of support associated with them , as features of family relationships which are adapted to suit the prevailing economic and social conditions .
21 The recordings themselves , even considering their vintage , have hardly stood up well to the passage of time and the transfers to CD have cruelly highlighted some appallingly blatant edits in the originals .
22 She soon became absorbed , oblivious to the passage of time , and was startled when she was politely informed that the doors would shortly be closed for the midday break .
23 This is a much more difficult question to answer , because it involves applying the quantum principle to the structure of time and space themselves and not just to particle paths in a given space-time background .
24 ‘ In the same way in which a person 's job can say something about the way he values himself and sees himself as being valued , there was considerable talk [ in the group ] about assessment and much time was devoted to the problems of time and motion and job evaluation .
25 To return to the arrow of time , there remains the question : Why do we observe that the thermodynamic and cosmological arrows point in the same direction ?
26 Representing the operation of Laplace transformation by , it immediately follows that 11.5 ( a ) Unit step function delayed by time with respect to the origin of time , ( b ) unit pulse thought of as the difference between two unit step functions with differing delays and , ( c ) unit square wave thought of as a combination of unit step functions with delays that are multiples of half the period and ( d ) unit impulse function ( see text ) .
27 Bauhaus ' ‘ Dark Entries ’ remains a ferocious blue ( black ) print ; Danse Society 's ‘ We 're So Happy ’ is surprisingly epic and coolly resonant ; and mid-'80s music hall like X-Mal Deutschland , Sex Gang Children , Specimen and Alien Sex Fiend stands up to the test of time .
28 Whether the experience of religious dread had left any permanent effect would have to be left to the test of time .
29 Held , dismissing the appeal , that to sustain a plea of autrefois convict a defendant had to prove not only that he had already been found guilty of the offence charged by a court of competent jurisdiction , either by the decision of the court or verdict of the jury or entry of his own plea of guilty , but also that the court had finally disposed of the case by passing sentence or making some other order ; that since the proceedings on the first indictment had been discontinued before sentence had been passed there had been no final adjudication and the defendant had properly been convicted on the second indictment ; but that , in all the circumstances , particularly having regard to the lapse of time between trial and determination of the appeal to the Judicial Committee , it would be appropriate for the death sentence to be commuted ( post , pp. 931D–E , 935H ) .
30 They think it right , however , to express their opinion that , in all the circumstances and having regard , in particular , to the lapse of time between trial and the determination of this appeal , it would be wholly appropriate that the death sentence should now be commuted .
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