Example sentences of "to [art] [noun] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Trying not to show that she was completely at a loss , Sophie made a careful examination , then , taking out her stethoscope , she gestured to the herdsman to hold the calf steady while she listened to her patient 's lungs .
2 That theory , quantum mechanics , will be described next , before we turn to the efforts to combine the two partial theories into a single quantum theory of gravity .
3 He would have to go very close indeed to the hoarding to read the word ‘ Taunton ’ between ‘ now ! ’ and ‘ Times ’ .
4 For location work it is very helpful to the photographer to visit the site beforehand .
5 The argument is that proper name is an important signal to the processor to treat the referent as a main character , which tends to separate that character from others in terms of the roles they play in interpretative scenarios ( see also Garrod & Sanford 1988 for a fuller discussion of the concept of main character ) .
6 If this causes difficulties for some , Foucault 's scepticism with regard to the tendency to inflate the effect of individual agency can only be compared to the position of many Marxisms in which resistance and revolution are hardly the privilege of the individual as such , but rather of collective class action .
7 I went over to the range to get the kettle and make a pot of tea and listened to their conversation .
8 Turning to the relevance of consent to the obligation to obey the law , we will here be concerned not with the well-known problem that most citizens in any given society have not consented to the authority of their government , but with the prior question whether their consent , if given , would have been valid .
9 Courts would be involved in pre-trial procedure much more actively than at present in attempting to keep the parties to proposed new timetables , whilst allowing for a realistic degree of relaxation by the court , and permitting the parties to vary particular time limits by agreement , subject always to the obligation to have the case ready for trial and set down within the overall timetable .
10 ‘ After that , I transferred to another NZS ship , Sussex and we went to the Pacific to join the American 8th Fleet as a supply ship . ’
11 He forced it close enough to the edge to allow the Toyota to creep past on the inside .
12 A stampede broke out , people pushing past Jezrael to the cockpit to see the first signs of other human beings through the canopy .
13 That is quite different from asking single persons entitled to the discount to inform the local authority of that fact and to record their names .
14 Fit the new door to the unit and make the necessary adjustment to the hinge to ensure the door sits correctly
15 He found a ‘ poor fishing town ’ which had retreated on to the cliffs to avoid the winter storms ; but it was far better situated than Daniel Defoe allowed when he visited the coast in the 1720s .
16 And once again we have to add another suffix -yi to the verb to indicate the switch .
17 The papyrus ( P. Hambstrg no. 129 ) contains a letter allegedly sent by Hannibal to the Athenians to announce the victory of Can nae : the forgery is evident , and its date may well be about 185 B.C. ( E. Candiloro , Studi Class .
18 ‘ NCP is looking to the council to put the job right as the council approved the work before they paid the contractor . ’
19 ‘ NCP is looking to the council to put the job right as the council approved the work before they paid the contractor . ’
20 I have pleasure in proposing that Messrs be appointed Auditors and the authority is delegated to the Council to fix the remuneration of the Auditors .
21 He tells you the price per Chinese pound , and then merely points to the scales to show the weight .
22 A photographers platform on the platform-less side became a permanent fixture allowing photographers to get next to the lip to capture the action .
23 Down to the beach to see the oil rigs at sea .
24 With every nerve straining to turn tail and run , she 'd backed away as quietly as possible and once she was out of earshot raced back down to the beach to find the tide had turned .
25 Because of the visits to the footplate to see the controls , and also the food cooked traditional style on the shovel , most of the people at the party will have exchanged a few words with Roger and gained an impression of the sort of cheerful , obliging chap he was .
26 But the difficulty with this approach for the present case is that Woolwich was in reality suffering from no mistake at all , so much so that it was prepared to back its conviction that the revenue was acting ultra vires by risking a very substantial amount of money in legal costs in establishing that fact ; and , since the possibility of distraint by the revenue was very remote , the concept of compulsion would have to be stretched to the utmost to embrace the circumstances of such a case as this .
27 But the desertion of a part of the crew is to be considered an emergency of the voyage as much as their death ; and those who remain are bound by the terms of their original contract to exert themselves to the utmost to bring the ship in safety to her destined port .
28 The right thing is for the two counties to get together and to make a joint decision and , if necessary , to have a public inquiry or to leave it to the Minister to call the scheme in if he is not satisfied .
29 I extend an invitation to the Minister to visit the community .
30 If Northumberland County Council approves a plan for waste tipping near their home , animal lovers will appeal to the Minister to overturn the decision .
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