Example sentences of "to [art] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 By degrees the new mores spread from St Petersburg and Moscow to the provincial cities and in time affected the humblest noble homes .
2 Audit regulation , changes to the disciplinary arrangements and the continuing development of accounting and auditing standards may go some way to increasing public confidence in the profession ; and various other proposed regulations and changes to the law , such as preventing directors of public companies from exercising any influence over the appointment and removal of auditors , might have more effect than any of the steps which have been taken so far .
3 This leads to the equivalent forms and
4 Last week Mr Takeshita admitted that , in addition to the 12,000 shares that came his way , Recruit slipped him ¥20m just before his bid for the prime ministership in 1987 .
5 This is quite close to the empirical results that suggest a ‘ flypaper ’ effect .
6 More importantly , Soviet diplomats have by and large restrained from trying to cultivate political ties with groups considered unacceptable to the government in question and , when accused of doing so , have apologised and made every effort to smooth over the situation , in dramatic contrast to the vehement denials and abusive tirades which any such allegation elicited in the 1930s .
7 You have things like heredity , marriages , divorces , erm some way of life which has to do with Islamic doctrine that you do and some dispute happens , you take it to the Islamic courts and they have religious judges who take it in that context and they go according to the laws of Islam .
8 It yielded in turn to the peak or vernacular building , with a whole range of housing types carefully adapted to the varied needs and ambitions of their builders Probably for the first time , minor differentiations in social rank had a lasting impact on architectural development in Sussex .
9 From the sunlit atrium with its glass elevator to the tasteful rooms and thoughtful service , this hotel shines with refined comfort .
10 ‘ The Labour group wants to take a reasoned , properly considered approach to the momentous events that are taking place in South Africa , ’ he said .
11 To the north and east , banks of scree rose sheerly to the rocky crags and pinnacles surrounding the permanently snow-capped mountain peak , that in other seasons loomed like a sentinel above the village .
12 The resulting pressures on children in getting to the better universities and the question of whether access is open will be considered later .
13 I think that feeling has got to be dispelled and it 's for these points that the , for these reasons the government needs to turn its attention a little bit more er to the issues that I that I have raised and I would refer in conclusion Madam de deputy speaker , the minister to the Bank of England 's er memorandum submitted to the treasury and civil service er select committee in its report published on eighth of December last year when at page a hundred and eighty five they draw attention to the European directives that the minister himself referred to .
14 German industry was seen to be a major threat to the European powers and to established patterns of Atlantic trade .
15 Adversely affected in the 1970s by the United Kingdom 's entry to the European Communities and by fluctuating oil prices , New Zealand declined from a position of having the third highest standard of living ( as measured by per capita GDP ) in 1951 to 15th in 1971 and 23rd by 1991 .
16 He refers to the lithographed drawings as ‘ engravings ’ , and he used many short lines like an engraver scratching on copper ; pioneers are often conservative , and it was left to Edward Lear in his superb volume on parrots ( 1832 ) to exploit lithography , using bold flowing lines with his crayon on the stone .
17 Pressure refers to the subjective corollaries that we have met before : rush , confusion , uncertainty and anxiety .
18 He was impressed by the way that this new spirit had filtered through all units , down even to the junior officers and other ranks , both British and Dominion .
19 The older generation is faithful to the time-honoured values that represent a suitable marriage as the goal for all young women .
20 But Palestinians say they can not return to the Arab-Israeli talks until the issue of the deportation of 415 Palestinians is resolved .
21 This varied between authorities according to the complex needs and resources formulae then in operation .
22 The Whole Curriculum ( 1975 ) and The Practical Curriculum ( 1981 ) both sought to alert teachers to the complex issues that have to be taken into account in whole curriculum planning , but both eschewed the provision of ready-made answers .
23 The appearance of agreement under a standard form agreement masks the reality of the weaker party having little freedom in practice in deciding whether to agree to the standard terms or not .
24 Users can listen to the spoken messages and direct facsimiles to any machine using the phone keypad .
25 Goodbye , also , to the multitudinous managers and coaches of the largest team we 've ever sent overseas .
26 I mean no disrespect to the geriatric branch of the hospital service nor to the domiciliary services or the rapidly increasing old people 's houses and homes provided by local housing , health and welfare authorities when I say that I believe we are still groping and fumbling with this problem — all of us , social scientists and politicians alike .
27 Agreement on the prosecution of the war remained through 1917 and 1918 , and effective opposition to the government passed from the Unionist back benches to the Asquithian Liberals and the House of Lords .
28 What is certain is that for countless ages the greatest mountain range on earth will continue to form an impenetrable barrier to the terrestrial animals that live north and south of it .
29 Some of these big fish fetch big prices , two or three times as much as we would pay for them here , and they will go to the classy restaurants or the Marseille fish shops , but the boxes of little slithery bright pink fish called demoiselles and the miscellaneous collections of bony little rock fish , undersized whiting and other small fry , will go for very little .
30 Grieving parents want to know why Grantham Hospital officials failed to react sooner to the mysterious deaths and illnesses on Allitt 's ward .
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