Example sentences of "to [noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Young Gilbey 's passion was cars and he skipped going to university to move to the bright lights of London .
2 In sharp contrast to his ‘ enthusiasm ’ of 1792 , in 1806 Fox introduced the abolition resolution by reminding the Commons what was owed to its own reputation after its 1792 decision for gradual abolition was not carried through ; he appealed to the memory of Pitt and the arguments of Burke ; he looked to parliament to speak for the nation on ‘ a question in which party feelings , arising out of political connections , can have no share ’ .
3 My youngest son , Joseph , is very interested in history , and we are going to Hue to look at the Imperial City and watch the emperor perform the traditional ceremonies of Tet . "
4 They offered very favourable rates to industry to move into the area , and the whole venture enjoyed massive success .
5 When he found himself in charge of a famous school he seized his opportunity and set to work to instil in the offspring of the ruling classes the personally desirable and politically vital sense of sin .
6 Once Clifford had departed Palmer set to work to wring from the central government a series of concessions which , had he succeeded in obtaining them all , would have converted Northern Nigeria into a separate state .
7 They were invited to court to perform for the Empress Maria Theresa and Emperor Francis I.
8 There were , how ever , considerable practical problems for the Central Authority in disciplining this instinct by devising measures of performance alternative to the profit yardstick , The Area Board barons liked to keep the Central Authority distant from their own fiefs , but they did come to court to bargain on the issues which had to be resolved between them ; and when they did this personal and political factors could be as important as commercial or economic ones .
9 We th , do then have a toner , but you do n't necessarily have to use the toner because you 've used to water to cleanse off the cleanser .
10 There 's also a exhibition by the tactical communications wing which has sent three men to yugoslavia to help with the United Nations airlift of emergency aid .
11 When she woke she found her hand covered with blood which she could not wash off until she went to church to confess to the priest .
12 The new European Industrial Charter must create incentives to capital to invest in the peripheral regions of Europe , by creating the right environment for modern industries .
13 At obstructions , like the bath side , cut cladding to size to fit between the dado rail and the top of the bath .
14 And the worst thing is she was trying to tell a coloured person that there was n't any prejudice , and that you only come to school to learn about the European way of life .
15 With customs and police officers deployed on shore Vigilant put to sea to patrol off the Kent coast .
16 Like the aristocracy , therefore , the Church could count on its urban mob , and in the riots of 1766 the Orders were accused of releasing this urban clientèle against a reforming administration ; Aranda , the most conspicuous of Charles III 's anti-clerical ministers , called to power to deal with the rioters , seems to have planned a serious attack on poverty precisely because he feared the influence of a Church with a monopoly of outdoor relief .
17 The same old commentators are wheeled from channel to channel to comment on the same snippets of film .
18 So quite apart from the need to make new vaccines against flu from time to time to deal with the problem of antigenic shift , individuals have to be vaccinated against flu every year and even then the vaccine may not protect more than 80 per cent of them .
19 But some forest landowners were able from time to time to obtain from the Crown a grant of partial exemption from this supervision .
20 There was a mixture of the formal and the informal about it ; the Keeper of Zoology in the 1810s was wont from time to time to leap over the stuffed animals .
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