Example sentences of "to [noun sg] [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 Apparently following a plea by the newly returned Uniate Cardinal Miroslav Lubachivsky [ see p. 38104-05 ] , Khmara had finally been released pending trial on April 5 after almost five months in investigative custody ( the delay in bringing him to trial resulted from the original indictment having been withdrawn by the prosecution in early March for further investigations ) .
2 Another marked contrast between Welsh and English practice is in regard to provision stemming from the recommendations of the 1975 and 1978 Haycocks Reports on the training of full-time and part-time teachers of further education respectively .
3 The point of interest from all of these examples is not only the obvious centrality of blood to Jewish ritual thought and practice , but also the fact that virtually all of the significant references to blood derive from the book of Leviticus and other chronologically allied strands of the Old Testament .
4 If children were egocentric , the capacity to sustain an effective dialogue would be impossible , for this requires the ability to switch speaker and listener roles constantly , to monitor the effects of one 's messages , and to modify them according to feedback received from the listener .
5 Further evidence that children are attentive to Conventionality comes from the repairs they make to their own lexical choices .
6 Aspirations to independence parted from the reality of dependence .
7 Under such conditions , it is assumed that there would have been no ‘ real ’ changes in the child 's language and that any differences in the two test scores would be due to error arising from the limitations of the test itself ( see Chapter 7 ) .
8 Once Clifford had departed Palmer set to work to wring from the central government a series of concessions which , had he succeeded in obtaining them all , would have converted Northern Nigeria into a separate state .
9 An outer-arc ridge , formed of wedges of deformed oceanic sediment and slivers of oceanic crust in addition to sediment originating from the adjacent continent , may undergo extensive vertical development and in some cases rise above sea level .
10 We have used the outside scale so far because all the angles left-right have been turns from left to right looking from the base line .
11 The 1914 analogy remains potent in a nuclear age , where many observers worry about a drift to war resulting from the increasing automation of the battlefield and of command and control systems .
12 The judge held that the discretion under section 78 may be wider than the common law discretion identified in Reg. v. Sang [ 1980 ] A.C. 402 , the latter relating solely to evidence obtained from the defendant after the offence is complete , the statutory discretion not being so restricted .
13 The failure of a small group of teachers ( who even if they were not professionally inept were certainly politically naïve ) was used to provide ammunition for an attack on schools whose approach to learning diverged from the traditional .
14 Only replacement back Kenny Logan was an absentee , confined to bed suffering from the 24-hour flu bug .
15 One of these is that stocks have been only modestly run down compared with previous recessions ; another is the boost to government spending from the Gulf war .
16 Human readers can understand many badly formed letters and seemingly illegible words due to information gained from the surrounding context .
17 One person was taken to hospital suffering from the effects of smoke inhalation .
18 Three people were taken to hospital suffering from the effects of smoke .
19 A man was taken to hospital suffering from the effects of smoke inhalation yesterday after a kitchen blaze at his ground-floor flat in Lutterworth Road , Longbenton , Newcastle .
20 Problems mat arise in connection with the legal liability of care givers in the event of an accident or damage to property resulting from the sufferer 's activities .
21 Comshare uses Scripts , a technique it has developed to port commands from the application to the database .
22 ‘ We are not talking about births , ’ Verity , veteran of TV hits ranging from Dr Who to Minder reveals from the luxury London office she shares with her Great Dane , Arthur Daley .
23 In three months the whole area embraced by the several reports was closely examined and this potential danger to shipping erased from the charts .
24 this case concerns a claim for pain and suffering lasting a few seconds prior to death arising from the hillsborough incident .
25 But some forest landowners were able from time to time to obtain from the Crown a grant of partial exemption from this supervision .
26 Now we use the inside scale for all angles with turns from right to left looking from the base line .
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