Example sentences of "to [be] [vb pp] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 VTAM , the Virtual Telecommunications Access Method , is the first application to be split from the network , and with the new 3.4.2 release , it can now run natively over TCP/IP , and comes with support for OS/2-based machines too .
2 Duclos offered his hand , anxious to be gone from the unwholesome presence of the recruiter .
3 But if , as is proposed , the core is to start to be taught from the primary schools , upwards , then it makes sense to introduce at the same time graded tests in each of the compulsory subjects , English , mathematics , modern languages , and science ( the music examinations could hold their present place as optional ) .
4 Carson had nowhere to hide , and he was about to be joined from the upper terrace .
5 Ehrenpreis 's approach , while fruitful in some respects , tends to treat the poor as an object to be observed from the outside even if it is with ‘ rapt interest ’ .
6 Fertility genes enable a plasmid 's genetic information to be transferred from a donor to a recipient strain .
7 It has even been known for an esteemed binder 's ticket to be transferred from a battered volume to a more handsome specimen with which he had no demonstrable connection .
8 The plaintiff had applied to a Mental Health Tribunal to be transferred from a secure hospital .
9 The Act makes it possible for the properties to be transferred from the local authorities to housing associations , tenant co-operatives , or private landlords .
10 The report highlights three issues : the amount of money to be transferred from the budget of the Department of Social Security ; the way in which housing benefit will be calculated after 1993 ; and the division of responsibility between the health authorities and the local social service departments .
11 6 of them had to be transferred from the Aylesbury Young Offenders Institution when Judge Stephen Tumim 's prison inspection team found it was not secure enough to take them .
12 An extra £3,500 had to be transferred from the leisure services central budget because there was not enough to produce publicity leaflets and posters .
13 But he was stable enough to be transferred from the town 's general hospital to the specialist Walton centre for neurology and neurosurgery in Liverpool , where he remains on a ventilator .
14 Solid modelling thus allows the domain handling approach to be extended from the initial gross object definition level right down to the elemental description of local geometry by use of primitives .
15 Letters not specifically addressed to individuals or departments should also pass through this unit , and could be logged , if response monitoring were to be extended from the current obligation we have to log ‘ environmental ’ enquiries ( which we should also talk about ) .
16 The new territory , which was to be carved from the eastern reaches of the vast Northwest Territories and would stretch from the Manitoba border to the North Pole , was to be known as Nunavut , an Eskimo term meaning " our land " .
17 A referendum was held on Nov. 3-5 among the Inuit people in northern Canada on the proposed establishment of Nunavut , a huge semi-autonomous Inuit territory to be carved from the eastern reaches of the Northwest Territories .
18 Accumulated errors were to be erased from the holy books , services were to be conducted in a more intelligible manner , sermons were to be encouraged , and scholarship was to be actively fostered in a number of monasteries ; at the same time , new saints were canonized , clergy and laity alike urged to observe the prescribed fasts , and for a brief time the government even went to the lengths of closing the taverns .
19 In 1977 a female student at the University of Missouri became the first patient to be turned from a woman to a man by means of surgery .
20 Thus we commend the Bible to be read by the Churches and by Christian families in their homes , as nourishment for their souls , and not to be separated from the sacrament in the liturgy ; we commend modern translations , into the various languages , as a help to understanding ; we commend the people who have the duty of seeking to interpret the Bible in terms of the modern scientific view of the world ; and remind the Churches that all knowledge is of God and therefore that scientific discovery is also part of His work ; and so the world will be brought to know God as its Maker , and the Cross as timeless .
21 We are not told why the lepers were wandering around when it was normal , at that time , for lepers to be separated from the rest of society .
22 Occasionally there is a strong reason for weaning from the breast as the mother may want to return to work , or may need to be separated from the child for some reason .
23 The greatest danger for the very young is to be separated from the nest because they are helpless and can quickly die of cold .
24 For research purposes , the laboratory was just beginning to be separated from the kitchen ; but for the nineteenth century the centres were the laboratory and the museum .
25 This can be a critically important action as the human memory is notoriously selective , and loose-leaf and logbook notes are prone to be separated from the project plan .
26 Those knitters who broke the machines had to be separated from the " constitutionalists " who organised the petitioning of parliament .
27 Since then , however , Mr Florio 's hard-taxing rhetoric has started to be heard from the White House ; and the opposition movement has quietly lost strength .
28 He remembered the row on the day the newspaper interview had come out — so violent as to be heard from the street …
29 Tariffs on passenger vehicles were to be reduced from 35 per cent in 1992 to 15 per cent by 2000 , and protection for textiles , clothing and footwear was to be cut from a maximum of 55 per cent to 25 per cent .
30 Customs duties were scheduled to be cut from a peak of 150 per cent to 110 per cent over three to four years , bringing them in line with other industrializing developing countries .
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