Example sentences of "to [be] [vb pp] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nostalgia aside , this guitar is eminently playable , although it has to be said the balance problem is a pain in the shoulder .
2 All those who were familiar with the works of Kerschensteiner knew that the task of the schools was to educate their pupils to serve their fellow citizens ; they were to be taught the value of joy in work as service .
3 Women , because of the nurturing and caring roles allocated to them , the responsibility they are given for the well-being and happiness of children and of men , are much more likely to be taught the value of submitting to one 's fate and considering the needs of others before their own .
4 If the contractual measure of damage was the only measure to be applied the Vendor could argue that the value of the Business was not necessarily reduced by the full amount of the undisclosed liability .
5 If capital expenditure were to be ignored the surplus in April would be [ 53,340 + 52,560 ] £105,900 , in May [ 81,980 + 52,560 ] £134,540 and in June [ 150,000 - 27,200 ] £122,800 .
6 The first British single release for this month is still being debated , but whichever track is picked , Me Phi Me is confident his message is strong enough to be heard the world over .
7 Similarly if haematite or siderite is to be detected the Litho Density Tool ( LDT ) must be run .
8 She expected to be shot the instant she emerged .
9 under Sub-Section 2 ( b ) ( c ) or ( d ) if to the knowledge of the person claiming to be indemnified the person driving does not hold a licence to drive such car unless he has held and is not disqualified for holding or obtaining such a licence
10 If your client is to be examined the letter of instruction should give full contact addresses and telephone numbers to enable an appointment to be made .
11 If the plaintiff unreasonably refuses a medical examination his action is not struck out , it is stayed ; but if he continues to refuse to be examined the stay continues and , of course , he runs the risk of dismissal for want of prosecution and , additionally , in the county court , of an automatic strike out under Ord 17 , r11(9) .
12 We 've got a number of questions we want to ask you , because er though you 're pivotal to all of our erm activities in this enquiry , we are also looking to a report which is hopefully going to be influenced the Bill the Government brings forward .
13 In my spare time and during vacations , between 1976 and 1978 , I set up what later came to be called the Standing Conference of Asian Youth Organizations .
14 And would her daughter continue to be called the Duchess of York ?
15 Expected to be called the Powerserver 970 and costing little more than the current 75.8 SPECmark Model 950 , it is said to be a rack-mount machine costing around $97,000 for an entry-level configuration with 64Mb memory and 2.2Gb disk .
16 William gazed out of the window as they drove through what used to be called The Village and was now just another suburban shopping centre .
17 But during their stay , at Moses ' instruction , they provided materials for the construction of the very complex tent which has come to be called the tabernacle .
18 Variety will be the catchword at the new venue , to be called the Beehive Variety Club .
19 It provides for the appointment of the ombudsman to be called the Building Societies Ombudsman as the adjudicator required by the Act .
20 More importantly the larger molecules manufactured inside the cell were later to be called the dna .
21 In Acts we have two vivid descriptions of what has come to be called the communism of the early Church : ‘ All who believed were together and had all things in common ; and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all , as any had need ’ ( Acts 2:44–5 ) ; and ‘ No one said that any of the things which he possessed was his own , but they had everything in common …
22 The new party was to be called the Revival Party of Mongolia , and 300 MPRP members were said to have joined initially .
23 It came amid reports that the government had in July accepted US funds to establish a new 100-strong secret service , to be called the Council for Public Security and National Defence , closely linked to the US Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) .
24 One used to be called the bottoms and one used to be called the Meadow Flats and yet they both led to the same place .
25 ‘ La Piazza : used to be called the Padovani . ’
26 Elections will then have to be held to chose the 300 members of the lower house , to be called the State Duma .
27 In May 1940 with the threat of invasion a call went out for volunteers for a new force to be known as the Local Defence Volunteers or for short L.D.V. This was later to be called the Home Guard and " Dad 's Army " .
28 The municipal authorities of Barcelona , who over the past few years have acquired a great deal of experience and expertise in founding and running cultural centres , have recently signed an agreement with the Fundación Salvador Allende to collaborate in setting up a museum in Santiago , Chile , to be called the Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende .
29 At a meeting in the Rummer Tavern ( which still exists in rebuilt form a few doors from Cottle 's former bookshop ) he was persuaded by ‘ sundry Philanthropists ’ and opponents of the war to begin publication of a periodical to be called the Watchman .
30 Worst of all for Scottish pride , what has come to be called the Stone of Scone is no longer in its honoured place .
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