Example sentences of "to [be] [adv] the same " in BNC.

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1 The explanation , as I shall argue , is likely to be broadly the same for complicated things everywhere in the universe ; the same for us , for chimpanzees , worms , oak trees and monsters from outer space .
2 A particular , one normally assumes , can change its place without ceasing to be numerically the same particular .
3 In short , nothing that is in the process of development or change , strictly speaking , can be claimed to be numerically the same as long as this process lasts , for existents are individuated only by their full life-cycles .
4 And over the whole six-year period 1979-85 the average growth of M3 was 13 per cent , which happens to be exactly the same as it was between 1965 and 1973 , the period analysed by William Rees-Mogg in his famous article in The Times ( 13 June 1976 ) , ‘ How a 9.4 per cent excess money supply gave Britain 9.4 per cent inflation ’ , which denounced the conduct of economic policy in the early Seventies .
5 R. scotica was noted by Miller as the ‘ Burnet-leaved rose with a livid red flower ’ and , having had dried specimens of R. alpina sent to him from Italy , he found them to be exactly the same .
6 The tension on one of our .009 strings and one of Ernie Ball 's is going to be exactly the same ; it 's the same wire .
7 The limestone seems to be exactly the same as that at the head of the pass , so the seas in which it was laid down must surely have been very similar to those that produced fossiliferous rocks .
8 Most furniture today is fairly low which means that a good deal of the furniture in your room is going to be exactly the same height .
9 last year 's exam , they er seems to be exactly the same syllabus more or less , yeah .
10 Yes , so any words here that that look unpronounceable , turn out when you say them , to be modern , to be exactly the same as modern words , except that of course , you do n't have an f ending , as you know .
11 But like , obviously the bath and shower , cos they 're plastic , they 're not going to be exactly the same colours , so that 's quite good , you can get away with that .
12 Answer guide : The calculation of the opening wealth here is straightforward as the historic cost , replacement cost , and net realizable value can be judged to be effectively the same .
13 When , it is possible for the horizontal concentration variations to be effectively the same as the vertical ones whilst horizontal temperature variations are much reduced from the vertical .
14 In practice variations so caused are few : in every land the total number of list seats nearly always turns out to be either the same as the total number of constituency seats or to differ from it by only one or two .
15 The alternative is to try to hang on , for as long as we can , to a form of athletic competition in which the participants at least claim to be just the same as the rest of us , only better-built by nature .
16 She expects her son-in-law to be just the same kind of husband and father , with all the same values and priorities , and finds it difficult to accept him as a man with a different set of strengths and weaknesses , however happy he makes her daughter , and this may need to be pointed out to her .
17 HEARD in a City tavern last night : ‘ I expect my husband to be just the same in 20 years time as he is now . ’
18 The intuition behind the test is once again that if the restrictions are valid we would expect the sum of square residuals , and hence their logarithms , to be approximately the same in both the restricted and the unrestricted models .
19 If the restrictions are valid we would expect the generalized variance from the restricted and unrestricted models to be approximately the same .
20 This turns out to be much the same as looking at ratios of odds , but avoids cumbersome multiplicative arithmetic .
21 Experiences seem to be much the same in New Zealand and Australia , where teachers will be reaching the same point of uncertainty that we have reached in England in , I estimate , about ten and five years respectively .
22 But 20 years on , things seem to be much the same or even worse — Cosmopolitan now subsidises its middle-of-the-road feminism with ads for depilatories and cosmetic surgery and my daughter , now a Famous Five fan herself , identifies with Anne not George .
23 In the NCO - ion the terminal atoms have similar masses and the force constants f(CO) and f(CN) are expected to be much the same .
24 Thankfully , US standards seem to be much the same as ours , so there 's no problem there .
25 say what people have said about them so , you know , it seems to be much the same sort of thing .
26 In this particular drawing the forecaster has assumed that the future is going to be almost the same as the present ( at least in the characteristics he is depicting ) .
27 Mother , in other words , is thought to be always the same mother , parental influences are regarded as invariable throughout childhood , and an assessment of the parents ' psychological characteristics at one point is thought sufficient to typecast them for good .
28 After 1992 , the TV scene in this country is never going to be quite the same again .
29 It does n't have to be quite the same , one does n't always have to have red and gold .
30 This turned out to be essentially the same menacing subject as the earlier one .
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