Example sentences of "to [be] [verb] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Tomonori Tsurumaki , Japanese industrialist who bought Picasso 's ‘ Les Noces de Pierette ’ for £33.1 million ( $51.6 million ) at auction in Paris in 1989 , is rumoured to be burdened with heavy debts .
2 Through conversation , it was soon realised that although consultants welcomed the concept of the educational supervisor theoretically , they did not all wish to be burdened with this increased responsibility .
3 N45 ) to be fixed with 2 decimal palaces .
4 But his parents want him to be taught with normal children .
5 In a context where design debate , narrowly conceived , seems to be meeting with little success in evaluating design 's social import , the questions raised — is design the means whereby we can shape future socio-technological systems to create a richer and more emancipated life or simply the often impotent agent of techno-economic systems ? — become a means to general design understanding .
6 He proposes to become a capitalist and a ship-insurer , but seems not to be meeting with much success .
7 If that decision is the right one , then the spirit can progress to the next lesson ; if the person gives in to temptation , then the spirit has to be faced with that choice again and again ( either later in that same life or perhaps in a future one ) until the right decision is reached .
8 If you are unfortunate enough to be faced with such a situation then the only responsible advice I can suggest is the same as that offered to nursing students .
9 In fact , it may be added , we do not take ourselves to be faced with such an overwhelming task in connection with condition-sets for an effect , and hence for this reason too those sets are wrongly conceived as causal circumstances .
10 erm schools just do n't help girls to have both and so a lot of the talk about underachievement , and I do n't like that word , amongst girls really ignores the fact that girls are n't underachieving when they do n't go all out for occupational success , when they do n't set their goals very high in schools , they are being very rational because if they do achieve they are going to be faced with immense problems .
11 Large variations are to be observed with strong maxima close to the wall .
12 Well first of all I 'd go down Street and up Street West and up to the top of Street and there was some puddling furnaces , the new side iron works and I 'd watch those men they 'd produce wrought iron and during the process the metal boils up and I 'd have to get a big rubbling bar and rubble they 'd call rubble into a ball , there 's a little wagon put underneath the put under the wagon and off he goes to the steam hammer , now I used to be fascinated with this and Saturday after Saturday I used to go up there and watch one of the heats and as soon as they 'd finished doing they used to go into the Forge and Hammer for a drink , I mean it was such hard work so they 'd do a heat go up the Forge and Iron and come back and then do another heat when I 'd
13 Two things need to be emphasized with equal force .
14 And almost every object in the room seemed to be spattered with multicoloured splashes of paint ; while the windows were covered with grime and festooned with cob-webs .
15 It they suffered in this way , they had to be sprayed with fresh water .
16 Temperatures were so high in some of the deep mines that the ‘ tinners ’ had to be sprayed with cold water while they worked in the dark with candles fixed to their helmets .
17 Only in the US Department of Defense does PPB continue to be applied with any great degree of success .
18 Even these two conclusions need to be treated with great caution .
19 Incidentally , the cattle of Landes used to be treated with great care as draught oxen ( they were never overworked and were given special headgear to ward off flies ) but were also used in amateur ‘ bull races ’ in which bad-tempered oxen and cows were teased into charging at people .
20 Words demand to be treated with great truth .
21 In each case the greatest threat needs to be addressed first and where two or more addictions are equally strong , then each needs to be treated with equivalent concern .
22 Model predictions of regional changes in temperature and moisture in a future world with the equivalent of 560–600 ppm of atmospheric carbon dioxide have to be treated with much caution .
23 It tends to medicalise and individualise social and economic problems so that the stress of the effects of poor housing , for example , is treated as an individual depressive illness — to be treated with psychotropic drugs .
24 It was really delightful to be treated with such consideration after the events of the last week or so .
25 To Kings Lynn from Margaret Fife who , following an injury to her arm was helped with her shopping by two assistants : ‘ It was a great help to me and most refreshing in this day and age to be treated with such consideration .
26 He had not seen any of his children for ten years ; but he guessed that Alexei knew that he hated to be treated with formal courtesy .
27 Eye-witness evidence has to be treated with considerable reserve .
28 The fact that heads and teachers of very differing professional styles and values were working in Leeds throughout this period demonstrates , of course , that other factors were at work and that the wilder accusations of patronage which came our way needed to be treated with considerable caution .
29 This is plausible but by no means necessarily the case , and therefore the evidence from meteorites has to be treated with considerable reserve .
30 Homosexuals have as much right to be understood , to be treated with compassionate love as the rest of us .
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