Example sentences of "to [pos pn] [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 That was due to my enthusiasm for the excellent achievements of my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister at Maastricht .
2 Do no misunderstand me , but understand me fully with reference to my affection for the land .
3 I am deeply grateful to my parents for the fact that until I was twelve years old and started at the grammar school , I was completely unaware of class distinctions .
4 If not then I 'll plead to my wife for the car & I 'll be able to offer other people a lift there ( but I 'll be coming back on Sunday ) .
5 I 've been very fortunate to be able to become part of your industry , to see part of your contribution to my patients for the great tomorrow .
6 Ed , — Thank you very much for sending the LINK magazine to my husband for the past few years .
7 I am deeply grateful to the Technique and to my teacher for the patience that he had .
8 Banner Residential Properties draws shareholders ' attention to the RICS requirement in the notes to its accounts for the year ended 31 March 1992 .
9 The Bedford Area Committee , in addition to its responsibility for the administration of relief , had the job of visiting , inspecting , and managing what is now the North Wing of Bedford General Hospital .
10 The Federal Republic of Germany filed an amicus brief arguing that the Convention was exclusive and that it was contrary to its spirit for the United States to circumvent the Convention .
11 VAUXHALL has been giving more details of changes and additions to its range for the sales year .
12 Chinese support for CENTO activities in the Middle East was linked to its support for the idea of a ‘ Red Sea bloc ’ involving countries such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt as members .
13 That of course will go and what 's more there 's going to be some drag hunting on his land of which he will not be consulted because if you had to negotiate with organisations for controlled access to its land for the use of drag hunting .
14 The smallest company , Dutchman Biscuits , surprisingly identified an even greater predominance of English ( 80% ) over German ( 20% ) due to its importance for the Scandinavian market .
15 In addition , your legal advisers will be responsible for the drafting of the offer document and associated documentation and for advice as to its contents for the purposes of satisfying the requirements of the London Stock Exchange and the City Code .
16 He thought ‘ cole ’ and ‘ black ’ referred to charcoal and to its use for the marker beacons .
17 This was the obvious sequel to its policy for the past four years .
18 The artist for this year was Helen Chadwick whose exhibition Of Mutability held at the ICA in 1986 led to her nomination for the Turner Prize in 1987/ The critic selector was Marjorie Allthorpe-Guyton , formerly editor of Artscribe International .
19 That road leads inexorably to her work for the sick , the dying and the distressed .
20 Clara was the more traditional Nubile Nun , who would doubtless strip down to her wimple for the amusement of some City whizzkid .
21 As it was , she went down so badly with flu that she had to be confined to her room for the duration .
22 Silvia had stuck to her promises for the first couple of days , but then had followed a catalogue of excuses and cancelled lessons that had left Ronni feeling angry and on edge .
23 Of course Alison was not ‘ living in ’ the house , but was often there visiting Patrick ( her help as a nurse was no longer required ) , joining Jack in his studio ( where she talked with him about his work ) , or chatting with him and Franca in the drawing room or kitchen before departing with Jack to a restaurant and taking him on to her flat for the night .
24 She found that she was bringing more and more discipline to her writing for the Clarion , and thinking of this she noticed that it was the Clarion which Dr Neil was reading , or pretending to read , for her new awareness told her that , too .
25 Charlotte Campbell was more than delighted to have received a reply to her letter for the position of children 's nanny which she had seen advertised in The Times .
26 The Church of Christ has great cause to be thankful to her Lord for the life and work of His servant , Richard Baxter .
27 Their enthusiastic welcome brought a smile to her face for the first time that morning .
28 I spent some time every day looking after her , and the rest of the time with my cousins , listening to their plans for the future .
29 Coun. Frank Robson ( Lab ) said that Leech Homes had again decided to add more houses to their plans for The Pastures , off Hunden 's Lane .
30 In addition to their work for the Fabian Society and the Labour party , and the prodigious nature of their social inquiry work , they were responsible for founding — as institutional outlets for their ideas — the London School of Economics in 1895 and the New Statesman in 1913 .
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