Example sentences of "to [verb] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ian Storey is arranging transport of the tender to his works at Morpeth where the tank will be removed and renovation of the chassis can proceed , prior to building a new tank .
2 But the commissioned research does flag up a number of interesting pointers to building a bigger core support .
3 Acts of seemingly disinterested friendship , reinforced by regular social contacts , were in fact the only sound approach to building a powerful county interest .
4 Courtaulds ' attitude to the training of employees is embodied in a set of ‘ people principles ’ , which the company sees as essential to building a winning team .
5 With the collapse of the Leveller movement in 1649 Chidley turned his energies to building a separatist congregation in London , promoting social reform , and enriching himself on the spoils of revolution .
6 I urge you to join the campaign , to read this leaflet and to take the opportunities it offers you to make your contribution to building a greener world for yourself and your children .
7 Five hundred quick miles over the Alps in tandem with a thoroughbred rival proved just how far Chrysler has still to go to building an effective contender .
8 The Jet project is formally er continuing until the end of 1992 but in recent months we 've had some very great successes in Jet , the work we 've done is of very high quality and , and certainly world leading , and we can see the way ahead to building an experimental reactor after Jet but there are some very important experiments that need to be done before then .
9 Taligent Inc , the Apple Computer Inc-IBM Corp venture devoted to building an object-oriented operating system environment plans to deliver a complete 32-bit object-oriented operating system around the middle of 1995 and will be looking well beyond its masters ' horizons for custom .
10 Taligent Inc , the Apple Computer Inc-IBM Corp venture devoted to building an object-oriented operating environment , is aiming to provide chunks of its technology for inclusion in other companies ' systems .
11 Taligent Inc , the Apple Computer Inc-IBM Corp venture devoted to building an object-oriented operating system environment plans to deliver a complete 32-bit object-oriented operating system around the middle of 1995 and will be looking well beyond its masters ' horizons for custom .
12 The amount of insulin released into the bloodstream by the pancreas in response to eating a standard amount of glucose is less in the afternoon and evening than in the morning , and this suggests that there is a rhythm in the sensitivity of the pancreas to raised blood glucose .
13 Many residents were reduced to eating a crude bread made from grinding down the cores of corn cobs , mixed with buds from tree branches and berries from which tea was brewed .
14 For example , most people will be quite content with a two-ounce portion of prawns , because they have become accustomed to eating a modest quantity of an expensive food , while with many fish — cod , for instance — six ounces would be a more usual serving .
15 Therefore when you finish a diet , returning to eating an average amount , the amount you used to eat to maintain a constant weight , will result in you putting on fat .
16 The letter filled Lucy with indignation , and although she answered it politely she longed to ask whether the writer would agree to allowing a similar number of plants to be dug from her own property .
17 I had n't come to any grief by not having a comprehensive view of that crocodile pool , ignorance really was bliss that day ; but when it comes to organizing a major event , failure to see the overall picture from the start can blight the whole business .
18 When imported cloth became more difficult to obtain from the mid 1980s tailors and seamstresses reverted to using a higher proportion of home-spun cloth woven on handlooms .
19 If there is no alternative to using a foster mother whose natural litter is the same colour as the mice to be fostered great care must be taken to mark the fostered animals by toe clipping or all the natural young must be removed .
20 This was considered preferable by the Law Commission to using a single word to denote either a qualitative standard , such as " good " , or a neutral standard , such as " proper " .
21 Look , in particular , to using a running shot whenever you face a two-tier green and have to get the ball onto the top layer .
22 Inland Revenue employees discovered this when they took a claim — that the Revenue 's requirement that they transfer from manual methods to using a computerised system was in breach of contract — to the High Court .
23 Just get used to seeing a cheery forecast here each week — there 'll be a lot of good news in the next few months .
24 With enormous gains in the white-collar suburbs , Labour became the party of bureaucrats , administrators and a progressive intelligentsia , all predisposed to seeing a greater share of public control over an increasing range of national affairs .
25 We welcome people from every party , it does n't really matter which party , or even if they belong to no party , who are just committed to seeing a representative representation , seeing more women in there , because women in this country , just as a matter of fact , have a rather different experience from most men , and if you 're making a decision then you want there the people who have had a wide range of experience , who can bring that experience to bear on making the decision .
26 I am 82 and housebound , and so you can imagine how I look forward to seeing a meaningful TV presentation .
27 Over 2,000 people passed through the museum during its three month opening period in 1992 , so we are encouraged and look forward to seeing a larger number of people pass through during the six month opening period in 1993 .
28 On the other hand , this is anathema to many accountants , particularly those involved in business , because they are used to seeing a single set of financial statements .
29 A computer salesperson may carry out a survey of customer requirements prior to suggesting an appropriate computer system .
30 First , well-developed mineworkers ' unions have been able to influence policy-makers , particularly with regard to pursuing a cheap food policy .
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