Example sentences of "to [noun] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 George moved to Sheffield to play for The Wednesday in the summer of 1925 but his 48 goals for us in the higher divisions , scored generally when we were far from being a great side , were easily our best tally in the period 1921–5 and have only ever been bettered by Mark Bright and Ian Wright .
2 And they stabbed at him and caused his whole body to tremble as if in shame because , in a way , he knew she was right : his inadequacy to face his future was there for even himself to see ; he had considered volunteering in order to avoid the responsibility of making the choice either of going to University to read for a degree in English Literature or of just plumping for a teacher 's training college course .
3 It had undertaken , a few weeks earlier , a massive drive across the region for the signing of a petition to Parliament appealing for the removal of the ‘ power-sharing ’ constitution .
4 In sharp contrast to his ‘ enthusiasm ’ of 1792 , in 1806 Fox introduced the abolition resolution by reminding the Commons what was owed to its own reputation after its 1792 decision for gradual abolition was not carried through ; he appealed to the memory of Pitt and the arguments of Burke ; he looked to parliament to speak for the nation on ‘ a question in which party feelings , arising out of political connections , can have no share ’ .
5 A week later , the trial was told , MacIver had hired a car and followed the lorry to Inverness to prepare for the robbery .
6 He subsequently offered to supply free electricity to Czechoslovakia to compensate for the loss of generating capacity from the plant .
7 The next day we went to Breckland to look for a bird that some people think of as ‘ a bit of a bustard ’ .
8 Tobin was a prisoner at Dartmoor , when he wrote to Swindon asking for a trial during the '86 / '87 season .
9 Training to be a teacher and with a wisdom that belied her years , she explained that it was her half-brother who was now living in Mainz and had suggested that Erich ( the Dusseldorfer ) travel down to Tonga to look for a wife .
10 In all his self-justifications , Joyce talked of having come to Germany to fight for the new order against Bolshevism and Jewry .
11 From time to time he returned to Antwerp to arrange for the shipping of his works to England .
12 WHEN NEWS filtered through that The Cure were set to release an album of dance remixes , angst-ridden sixth-formers from Bristol to Bangor opted for the only avenue open to them : suicide .
13 WHEN NEWS filtered through that The Cure were set to release an album of dance remixes , angst-ridden sixth-formers from Bristol to Bangor opted for the only avenue open to them : suicide .
14 This led to Meredith posing for the face of the dead poet , Thomas Chatterton [ q.v. ] , in Wallis 's painting ‘ Chatterton ’ ( Tate Gallery ) which was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1856 .
15 erm many people came to Kuwait to work for a short term and after a while they realised it 's fine so they continued to stay there for a long time , and that is the haven that we were talking about .
16 You will have to apply para 41 if you are to equity account for the associate in accordance with standard practice .
17 Up on the Wolds , the Scots were looting and killing at Malton and around the villages of Kilham and Rudston ; shrewdly the prior of Bridlington sent a Scottish-born canon to Malton to negotiate for the safety of his house , while at the same time the priory prudently removed all its muniments , vestments and precious relics ( a piece of the true cross among them ) to Goxhill , in Lincolnshire , and left only eight canons with one chalice in Bridlington .
18 And with an unbroken record of bonus payments to with-profits policyholders for every year since 1824 .
19 Before the General Election there had been some talk of revising Crime Has No Boundaries , after Quintin Hogg had written to Heath calling for a ‘ refurbishment ’ of policies towards crime .
20 Christie 's has even gone to Washington to lobby for the bill .
21 However , this year the Speaker has also been reaching outside his Sacramento stronghold : convening an economic summit in Los Angeles to examine the state 's recession ; pushing laws to reform California 's hated workers'-compensation scheme ; leading a team of legislators to Washington to plead for the state 's interests ; putting himself forward as a mediator in a fractious dispute over teachers ' pay in Los Angeles .
22 The roads were unmade , the water supply erratic though the constant sunshine from February to November compensated for a lot of things .
23 Hostilities in Europe ended on May 8 , and soon after the Squadron was informed that it would be going to the Far East as part of the ‘ Tiger Force ’ , and on June 16 Sugar went with the rest of the unit to Metheringham to prepare for the move .
24 Similarly , it is open to firms to argue for a restrictive agreement before the Restrictive Trade Practices Court , citing one or more of the ‘ gateways ’ continued in the Act .
25 The Innovation Award applied to firms applying for the Fledgling or the Enterprise Award .
26 This procedure applies to actions brought for the recovery of a sum , in either contract or tort , not exceeding £1000 .
27 Mr Gould failed to back calls for a referendum .
28 How strong this support will prove to be in the last analysis remains to be seen , but Labour 's treatment of Mr Gould and its refusal to back calls for a referendum on the Treaty suggest that any hopes of altering the movement towards European Federalism remain with the Conservative Party .
29 NEWSAGENTS will today be urged to back calls for a change in the law to protect them from becoming innocent victims of the law which prevents tobacco being sold to under-age youngsters .
30 ‘ Non-criminal lunatics ’ and ‘ criminal lunatics ’ ( the continued use of archaic terminology betraying attitudes towards them ) officially numbered 2,077 and 318 , respectively , at the end of 1980 , according to figures collected for the All-India Committee on Jail Reforms ( 1983 ) .
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