Example sentences of "to [noun] [adj] [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The advertising is designed to promote solicitors subscribing to Solicitors Financial & Property Services , a company set up by the society last year to help small legal firms win mortgage , pension and insurance business .
2 As with any technique , direct mail has basic principles which must be obeyed if the programme is to communicate and raise money over a long period : * It must be regular ( a minimum of eight times a year ) * It must be personal , relevant and informal * It must be good quality * It must ask for and offer something * It must appeal to emotion first and reason second
3 Although the authorities in the UK have sought to control interest rates by their operations in the discount market , this relates much more to Figure 18.4 than Figure 18.5 , especially during the first part of the 1980s .
4 In the karst region of Yugoslavia there are pure limestones up to 4000m thick and part of the area is more than 2000 m above sea level .
5 The wind was now gusting to Force 11 and visibility still poor .
6 Show how the rate of interest could still rise to r 2 and investment still only fall to I 2 if this curve were to shift .
7 Operating profits dropped by 18 per cent to £105.9 million and interest charges were slashed by two-thirds to £5.4 million .
8 With fixed assets close to £1 million and capital and reserves of over £868,000 , there can be little doubt as to the commercial nature of the Dart Valley Railway Plc .
9 In Hainault the count , William , was father-in-law to Edward III and brother-in-law to Philip VI ; he might support either in his quarrel with the other .
10 Over the last five years criminal legal aid has soared from £25 million to £47 million while advice and assistance has gone up from £5.9 million to £15.4 million .
11 In olfactory cells , for example , the binding protein was equally sensitive to InsP 3 and InsP 4 ( ref. 76 ) .
12 Fleeing Momenta International Inc , where he was briefly chief executive officer , Apple Computer Inc 's erstwhile chief operations officer Delbert Yocam has gone to Tektronix Inc as president and chief operations officer .
13 ‘ IT IS a toss-up whether Norman Fowler was a bigger embarrassment to Group 4 than Group 4 was to Norman Fowler .
14 After a spell in private practice , Vial was made equerry to Louis XVI and chef de manège of the Lyons riding academy , a post he apparently held for some years , but could not retain .
15 All the basic fisheries regulations were adopted pursuant to article 42 and/or article 43 of the E.E.C .
16 Should the court take the view that measures such as those contained in the Act of 1988 were contrary to article 52 or article 58 of the E.E.C .
17 Although the company is on Sparc International 's executive committee and Tsunami chips are reportedly available to firms other than Sun , the boxes will not be available until June .
18 The investment curve will shift to I 2 and investment will increase quite markedly to Q 2 If , on the other hand , firms believe that inflation will now rise , which in turn will later force the authorities to pursue a tighter monetary policy , their confidence may well decrease .
19 Bees can use the dance to point to things other than food .
20 Watching her nipples firm beneath the taut cotton , he smiled and , finding a sweet delight in teasing her , remarked , ‘ I 'm pleased your excellent appetite extends to things other than food . ’
21 It went up to £1.3 million when tunnelling had to be done .
22 Buddy is running from July 27 to August 12 and Citizen has six pairs of tickets for the show .
23 Here in Mixed Life , a text that must be seen in relation to Scale 1 and Scale 2 , Hilton adumbrates the same progress in chapter fourteen : Following Augustinian theology , he locates the very essence of Christian life in the continual sustained desire for God — the only way in this life to perceive the nature of the love which joins God and man 's soul .
24 Debt has been proverbially frowned on : ‘ He that borrows must pay again with shame or loss ’ ; ‘ He that goes a-borrowing goes a-sorrowing ’ ; ‘ Out of debt , out of danger ’ ; ‘ Better go to bed supperless than rise in debt ’ ; ‘ Let him that sleeps too sound borrow the debtor 's pillow ’ ; and , but only grudgingly , ‘ Debt is better than death ’ .
25 If for any reason the existing trap on a basin , sink or bath needs replacing , it is best to replace the waste pipe at the same time if it is lead , although traps are available which can be connected to materials other than plastic .
26 These stems can be anything from 3 to 4ft tall and support , during summer , dense heads of crimson-purple flowers .
27 The similarity to Wagner 's account becomes more marked when we consider the application of concurrent interference theory to procedures other than flavour pre-exposure .
28 I experienced exactly the same difficulty with my Panasonic printer when , like William , I upgraded to Windows 3.1 and Word 2 .
29 Cross stitch one in front of stitch two by lifting stitch one on to single transfer tool , moving stitch two on to needle one and placing stitch one on to empty needle two .
30 Operational income has increased from £1.701 m to £1.792 m and expenditure has risen from £1.643 m to £1.754 m .
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