Example sentences of "to [be] [verb] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Lawrence takes a deep breath and starts off again , with this massive approach , comes in now to , it 's short and it ends in a way I think probably off the body , he tried to take the bottom hand away again , that , that they do seemed to be trying this angle of attack at him , as Botham there at leg gully and a short leg and they 're trying to be , do n't forget the balls at 's ribcage , he 's certainly troubled by that one .
2 And since most visitors have time only for one visit to Milford , you again will probably have to be make this trip as a passenger , either in an aircraft or a coach .
3 The plan for 1988 was that the discount rate was to be fixed each month at 1 per cent above the equivalent annual rate of increase in industrial prices in the previous month .
4 Werewolf and I were numbers three and four in the queue and the Sergeant had to tap his watch a couple of times as Werewolf seemed to be requiring more help than the rest of us from Private Boyd in getting his belt on .
5 By March 5 troops loyal to Saddam Hussein appeared to be achieving some success against the rebels .
6 ‘ Did you have any idea what the story was she was meant to be meeting this person in connection with ? ’
7 ON 13th May , 1992 the Holy Father formally established a new World Day for the Sick to be observed each year on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on 11th February .
8 Some 150 wolves are likely to be killed this year in the region , which is home to the Delta herd of caribou , whose numbers have fallen from 10,700 to 4,500 .
9 Relatives are valuable and ought to be treated that way .
10 After a while , I told them we did n't want to be treated this way .
11 What can be wrong , however , with fantasising , treating a woman as an object , if there is no connection between the fantasy and real life and if she is depicted as wanting to be treated this way ?
12 Besides , the girl has done nothing wrong , and I can not allow her to be treated this way . ’
13 Lee Doherty summed it up afterwards when he said : ‘ We 'll settle for the 3–1 win , but you would n't want to be watching that kind of football every week .
14 Christian Hosoi , who was meant to be getting some sort of subsidiary company through Vision , is now working to get a sub-company set up through H Street : this will eventually be similar to Chris Miller 's Planet Earth .
15 somebody 's got to be getting more money out of it basically
16 ‘ I feel very flattered to be getting this award because it is a recognition of the work done by the voluntary sector in Stockport . ’
17 Are n't we supposed to be getting this sort of thing from Carry On Columbus next month ?
18 The Marshal had arrived in time , as he had promised , to see Cipolla delivered to the court and taken upstairs , chained between two other prisoners whose appeals were to be heard that morning .
19 Up to 1.2 million cubic metres are expected to be cut this year — three or four times as much as in 1991 .
20 They appeared in buoyant spirits , and seemed to be telling each other jokes .
21 The plethora of environmentally-sensitive farming schemes dreamed up over recent years is thought by some to be causing more confusion than clarity .
22 Although Clinton continued to enjoy a consistent lead in the opinion polls , by the end of October the gap between the two candidates appeared to have closed sufficiently to be causing some alarm in the Democratic camp .
23 A growth annulus is assumed to be deposited each year , and microscopic rings are thought to record the length of lunar , daily and tidal cycles .
24 Affirmative evidence rebutting that implication would , I think , be needed if it were to be contended that paragraph ( b ) had not been satisfied .
25 ‘ How did Caro come to be sharing this boat with you ? ’ she asked .
26 The very fact that you are interested enough in the possibility to be reading this book makes it so .
27 Unfortunately it is the latter doctrine which dominates present-day thinking in the Western democracies , not only in the political parties of both the right and the left but also among most of you who are likely to be reading this book .
28 The highest point on the mountain was , he remembered , to be gained that way , but he would need to go back along the path and so would meet Detective Furness and prick the bubble of aloneness in which he was so happy .
29 Even for somebody who spoke French it was a mouthful , and it was tedious because it had to be repeated each time one spoke to a Corporal or Sergeant .
30 After pledging £20,000 for wheelchair races , the region 's support increased to £95,000 after a substantial shortfall in the commercial sponsorship which now appears certain to be repeated this year unless additional major supporters can be found .
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