Example sentences of "to [conj] [adv] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 During one of the indiscriminate assaults by the murderous flocks of birds the screaming inhabitants of the town ran to and fro in a vain attempt to ward off their attackers .
2 Heavy footsteps crossed the ceiling from corner to corner , striding back and forth , to and fro in a familiar monotonous pattern .
3 The windbreak of pine trees which sheltered the buildings on the north side , creaked and groaned in the piercing wind ; the treetops whipped to and fro in a frightening manner .
4 So much paper passing to and fro in a single day , thought the tall boy .
5 I got into the truck and George sped away along the road , the water slurping heavily to and fro in the tank immediately behind our seats .
6 Further along , Simon could see Mr Bishop 's kiosk , abandoned to the elements , its shutters still down , its back door flapping open , banging to and fro in the wind .
7 Men from each force blundered to and fro in the darkness and El Cid himself was slightly wounded .
8 ‘ They walked to and fro in the twilight ’
9 But Millie , her body twisted , her two arms extended , was gripping the woman 's wrists while being tossed to and fro in the struggle , and she , too , was screaming , ‘ You wo n't !
10 But there will always be a hard core , roaring down a bottomless lane in an A70 pick-up with no piston rings and ninety degrees of play in the steering , white cricket cap pulled down over watering eyes , sheepdog barking its head off as it rushes to and fro in the cargo department .
11 So I asked him what he was up to and he said he was going to and fro in the earth and walking up and down in it , and then he pushed th " trolley in , and I went in after , and the mother began her howling and shrieking , and Will said , " Well , I 'll walk off and leave you to it . "
12 As soon as Schmidt settled , she rose again and walked to and fro in the room pecking at her cigarette .
13 He picked up a kitten by its tail and swung it to and fro in the air , laughing at its cries .
14 He swivelled to and fro in the padded chair .
15 ‘ I 'll be down soon , ’ I said , and rocked to and fro in the bed to make noises which might make it sound as though I was getting up .
16 An inn sign swung to and fro in the wind .
17 Ranulf flashed the coroner a dagger glance but Cranston was already rocking to and fro in the saddle , laughing uproariously at his own joke .
18 ‘ I 'm showing Melanie the neighbourhood , ’ said Finn , clutching his sister 's shoulders and rocking her kneeling form to and fro in an embrace which made her laugh soundlessly until she looked like a young girl .
19 As he rushes hither and thither , his note-books become crammed with an amazing collection of miscellaneous information which is so diverse and uneven that it gives colour to and so in a way explains Robert Lowie 's famous definition of culture as a ‘ thing of shreds and patches ’ .
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