Example sentences of "to [pron] for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The biologists and the applied scientists have done this , have offered lectures to school children , mostly in response to requests that have come in to them for specific lectures .
2 If a limitation period has just been missed , one useful argument is the fact that it is possible to issue proceedings one day before limitation expires and then to hang on to them for four months before they are served .
3 After 1980 it was possible for charities to reclaim tax paid on money covenanted to them for four years or more , not just at the standard rate of tax , but at the higher rate if individuals paid tax at the higher rate .
4 A few receive the justice that has been denied to them for five centuries , but most are still viewed by their governments as third-class citizens , subversive activists and threats to ‘ national security ’ .
5 Operational planners viewed L Detachment as a parachute force pure and simple , which should be available to them for short-term aims .
6 The world looks to them for decisive leadership on this issue , as on others " .
7 THE Government last night moved to avert a threatened mass exodus of dentists from the NHS and put on ice plans to cut fees paid to them for dental work .
8 I note that now they have offered to construct a footway along this small section if you will dedicate the land to them for this purpose .
9 The attempt in the Treaty to reorganize the Balkans as a stable structure of national states appealed to them for this reason .
10 My theories with it , my er great cynical look at it is , they they need a hundred offenders and a hundred non offenders to be referred to them for these tests .
11 People react in different ways to odours , for example most people would probably describe rural odours or odour from a brewery , perfumery , or fish and chip shop as pleasant , but not all , some would find them unpleasant , pungent even , especially after being subjected to them for any length of time .
12 The office of Earl Marshal was to all intents and purposes the heritable property of the Howard family , although it was lost to them for several decades after the attainder of the fourth Duke of Norfolk in 1572 .
13 Mrs Robinson invited the prince to take a seat and he chatted privately to them for several minutes .
14 It was like Frazer 's looking into the ‘ abysm of time ’ , but it was a vision only imperfectly appreciated by Charlie Mears , as the narrator of ‘ The Finest Story in the World ’ emphasizes : ‘ Above all , he was absolutely ignorant of the knowledge sold to me for five pounds ; and he would retain that ignorance , for bank-clerks do not understand metempsychosis , and a sound commercial education does not include Greek . ’
15 Indeed , leave all practical matters to me for all time .
16 The confrontation involved in sex seemed of all those available to me for that purpose the most powerful , the most open , the most personal .
17 Would n't speak to me for six months , but then his natural goodness of heart , as well perhaps as his gradual realization that I might have been right , that perhaps I had saved him from a fate worse than death , made it impossible for him to keep it up .
18 Jane did n't speak to me for two years , even if we bumped in a passageway .
19 She gently eased it off his lap , gave it a few licks and pushed it over to me for first bite .
20 Not only for myself as it 's been a particular project close to me for many years , but for the break up of a team , a team that has a long time to build up and a team that worked very well together and who were very committed .
21 ‘ Blaming me for his wife 's death and refusing to speak to me for seventeen years is hardly ‘ quarrelling ’ , ’ she retorted .
22 But she sells them to me for fifty pence a packet still .
23 She could 've talked to me for ten years and still not come out with it .
24 Sapt talked to me for three hours about what I must do and what I must say , what I liked and what I did n't like .
25 if I , if I sleep some one else 's house she flips and do n't speak to me for three days , but she goes off you know , I do n't mind that at all , but its just the fact that she 's so hypercritical
26 It came as a great surprise to me for some reason or other .
27 not talking to me for some reason .
28 P T O I suppose it 's unlikely that I 'll ever see you again but we might see each other at William 's or something and if you ever need to speak to me for some reason you can call me at school
29 He wrote it and handed it to me for this newsletter and I ran out of space .
30 a nonsense to me for this reason , that there is in society the payers of wages and the receivers of wages .
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