Example sentences of "to [pron] [conj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We always tried to get some payment to them before a term started
2 It was obvious that the air raid siren had never been much more to them than a bore .
3 My home is a shrine to them and a talking point for my friends , who think I 'm completely nuts .
4 It is up to them and a lot of the time they will do anything to get you inside .
5 It 's astonishing to me that a boy whose father and grandfather have both been soldiers before him should have such a poorly developed sense of loyalty arid duty . "
6 I feel sure that the German Luftwaffe must have looked at it especially the leaders , and saw where the Eighth Airforce hit and seeing what we did and gave them some thought and consideration , actually with our Bomb Group going in we had no fighter attacks on the way in over the target , we had flack but we did not have air opposition , then on the way back we crossed the Danish peninsula and I think of course by this time the Luftwaffe knew we were coming back that way , and they had the fighters up there and this was our first time being on this mission that we saw air to air combat with the fighters against the flying fortress and in our ammunition , in our guns there , every fifth bullet was a tracer and it was amazing to me that as the German fighters came in it looked like just a hail of tracers going out but they were able to get in there knock down a B Seventeen and leave , it seemed , unscathed untouched it almost seemed impossible to me that a fighter could go through that many bullets and escape unharmed .
7 It does seem likely to me that a North-South divide will be greatly deepened ; that the still weak by nonetheless unmistakeable pressures towards democratisation in some of the Arab societies will be lost , not least because the war and the allies will put such a premium on harsh social and political controls in what many will see as potentially revolutionary situations .
8 In the first , Malone v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis ( No 2 ) [ 1979 ] 2 All ER 620 , which concerned the use to which recordings of telephone conversations made with the authority of the Secretary of State for the Home Office , Megarry V-C said " it seems to me that a person who utters confidential information must accept the risk of any unknown overhearing that is inherent in the circumstances of the communication " .
9 in in my course of work , I have three grown up sons and I think an awful lot of what we 're talking about is in your own attitude to men , and generally the most difficult men to deal with , I find , are men who for whatever reason , are actually inadequate , a little bit sensitive to women being competent I I have no difficulty at all in dealing with that , but I I 'm aware that it seems significant to me that a lot of the younger women here are much more shall we say , sensitive to erm , what I perceive as being basically male chauvinism .
10 ‘ It occurred to me that a golf-club can be a pretty lethal weapon . ’
11 It seemed ridiculous to me that a guy with his experience and ability should have to accept the restrictions of a Number Two .
12 It does not seem to me that a reader principally interested in capitalism , or imperialism , or the theories of such Marxist writers as Althusser or Gramsci would turn to a book such as this , and so I have kept discussion of these topics to a minimum .
13 He meant no more to me than a painting or a sculpture .
14 At the time West Ham was little more to me than a name , most directly associated with a football team that had a reputation for style and steadfast support in spite of limited success on the field .
15 Miss Evans said , ‘ You might say he 's been more like a father to me than a brother . ’
16 Good idea wo n't be a bad idea mm , what I thought was the tough steak has turned out to be the , the one that 's not I cut the steaks about a bit , one was a bit fattier than the other the one that I had I thought would be dead tough , is tender it 's int it ? they look more like a sirloin steak to me than a rump , even though it went under the name of rump it looked like you can only tell the shape of it ca n't , oh God
17 ‘ Wish that I did have the courage to kiss you , querida , ’ he rasped , ‘ but I have standards and a level of decency to live up to and they are more important to me than a moment of weakness to prove that I am immune to you . ’
18 Well , to me if a child has got a by all means encourage along but you should n't push them into anything cos later on in life they get a bloody complex about everything you know if they
19 My lesson lasted about half the time of Tony 's , terminating as he was explaining the purpose of the deadman 's handle to me when a gust filled his chute and hauled him off in fine style .
20 The other point I 'm trying to say is that we have to insure with a Department of Trade approved insurer , so that should anything , for any reason , ever happen to ourselves or a company , then the insurance company is still responsible for the claims and will meet them .
21 By definition the gene must promote the reproductive success of the selfish organisms at a cost to itself but a gene for altruism could evolve in a population of selfish individuals a population of altruists , in whom a gene for selfishness appears by random mutation .
22 It 'll be more help to you than a novel . ’
23 From the sound of it , she 's more like a relative to you than a servant . ’
24 Also you have Nathan , who is of more value to you than a son .
25 Let us say that it occurs to you that a story in which a husband kills his wife without any apparent motive would be " a marvellous idea " .
26 And B T so and Imperial who 's had a different experience to you after a takeover bid from a new employer clearly wants a legal framework , steel braces put within Trust Law to make it much more clear where power lies in th the operati operation of the trust and that possibly one one of those steel braces would the law would relate on h who could get their hands on the surplus and in what conditions .
27 What does it mean to you when a man is n't thinking clearly ? ’
28 Lord Denning M.R. stated that the court could intervene if the Minister acted on no evidence , or reached a decision to which on the evidence he could not reasonably have come , equating the case to one where a court interfered with a decision of a tribunal which had erred in law .
29 Whether , however , privilege does extend to everything that a Member does as a Member is doubtful .
30 These poor people have done no harm to anybody and a lot of them will have fought wars for a lot of these same people who are now deciding to put them out of their homes in the twilight of their lives .
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