Example sentences of "to [pron] [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 It was here , in the Syrian capital far to the north of Damascus , that the term ‘ Christian ’ was to be applied to them for the first time .
2 The petitioners wanted to know whether a legacy of liberatio to them in the first will could now be held to include debts they had first contracted after the making of the first will ; and whether , if the heirs were to sue them for that , they could be barred by an exceptio doli .
3 The considerable post-Boer War concern about children was reflected in the amount of legislative attention paid to them in the first years of the Liberal government .
4 ‘ Then you 'd better get on to them in the first instance .
5 ‘ They 'll never understand why I did n't go to them in the first place .
6 ‘ For instance , when you asked the official you met to find you some film-makers to talk to , he rung me up and spoke to me for the first time for years .
7 And at the end of the class , near the bust of Unamuno , I heard your voice calling to me for the first time .
8 Professor Ruiperez told me I need not start my classes until I was quite recovered , and the women in the office and the library spoke friendly words to me for the first time .
9 It occurred to me for the first time that he might not know whether or not I 'd lost the baby .
10 Teachers would come up smiling — not having spoken to me since the first year and now I was a sixth former .
11 Not anything like it would have been if Uncle Bill had left it to me in the first place , because it will pay duty twice . ’
12 Why did n't you show it to me in the first place ?
13 ‘ She did come to me in the first place . ’
14 Frigidity has only been better exemplified to me by the first psychotic woman I ever saw , who complained that her vagina contained a block of ice .
15 Her defiance gave her the courage to lift her eyes to his for the first time , and she saw the surprise and sudden uncertainty that flashed across them .
16 he used an illustration of the pig , you know you can polish the pig up , you can clean it , you can scrub it , you can oh de cologne it , you can do all sorts of things with it , you can tie a nice pink ribbon around it and you can put it in a palace , but it 's still a pig and it lives like a pig and you can cl and no matter how clean you 've made it , it 'll soon find some dirt to wallow in and the ribbon might make it look nice in the show ground but it does n't make any difference to its nature and so it is with us and so Jesus did n't start on the outside , but he starts at the inside he deals with the route of the problem , in One Corinthians chapter fifteen and in verse three it says for I deliver to you as a first importance , this is the basic thing , he says to them this was the first thing that I said to you because it was the most important that Christ died for our sins , according to the scripture , what ever else Christ gives to us , what ever else he does for us , what ever else the gospel produces , the basic , the most important , the fundamental thing is that Christ died for our sins .
17 Remember your moral crime : that you have now lied twice about why I had written to you in the first place ( Letters report , 5 December ) , and you have lied on purpose and you have done so with manifest contempt and disregard for any say or rights that I may have against your sick sense of ‘ editorship ’ .
18 DP , Stirling Assuming there are no complications you have not mentioned — for example , that the property is still in the name of someone else who left it to you in the first place — then the changes you requested should take weeks rather than months .
19 Well now , what they 've done something which I think if there as I said to you in the first place , if they 'd have run their cards played their cards right , they could have said to that fellow ‘ look you 've got no rights to be here , we never gave you planning ’ what 's wrong with this planning people , they step here and they step there , there 's people do things without planning permission , they do nothing at all about it , if I was to go and stick something up in my front garden , they 'd come along and say ‘ hey , . ’
20 Well erm I 've just come off holiday and so I wo n't be entitled to none for the first four days .
21 It is not clear whether it is the limited powers of the Tribunal or the wide powers of the Government which led to none of the first sixty-eight complaints to the Tribunal being upheld .
22 She turned to him with the first real interest in her face that he 'd seen .
23 Perhaps , because I had really addressed myself to him for the first time , he thought we were in accord .
24 It occurred to him for the first time that Celia would be a bad enemy , just as she was a good friend .
25 It came home to him for the first time that what had seemed to him a trivial event , a stupid joke , was something genuinely much bigger to Andrus .
26 Lucien had had little experience of female-kind in his life , and it was the women of Mandru 's household who were the most kind to him during the first traumatic days of his life there .
27 She had taken to him from the first , and he to her , perhaps , on his part , because she had given him some hot mutton broth and let him eat as much bread as he could manage , which had been half a loaf ; and then she had rigged him out in odd things .
28 Something in her had responded to him from the first moment they 'd met .
29 Piper may be articulate and polite , but he is genuinely tough and a real threat to Benn — who I believe must get through to him in the first six rounds or face disaster .
30 Looking at her emaciated body , it was a miracle that she had given birth to him in the first place .
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