Example sentences of "to [pron] [noun pl] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Kinnear , who has had enquiries for midfielders Warren Barton and Robbie Earle , said : ‘ I want to hang on to my players as long as possible — my job 's hard enough as it is .
2 I am grateful to my colleagues not only for their cooperation in the study but also for their agreement to publish the results .
3 That means power and coal workers bringing the country to its knees once again .
4 ‘ He thought Clem 's wedding anniversary an appropriate time to announce the glad news , ’ said Mrs Vaughan smoothly , and rose to her feet rather stiffly to take Leonora 's free arm .
5 ‘ She 'll be coming to her senses soon enough , will the lass .
6 It was in fact the first time she had thought of such a thing , and it did not seem to be a very good idea , but nothing irritated her more than being addressed in that Listen With Mother voice ( particularly as her daughter-in-law spoke to her children quite normally ) and it goaded her to contrariness .
7 Her nipples are in her armpits , so she keeps her wings close to her sides as far as she can and lashes out with her feet and bites those that pester her .
8 Safeway and ASDA are introducing free-range products to their shelves as quickly as they can .
9 We are not just talking power-dressing for women ; Armani makes men look even better than the fairer sex in a way that 's so thoroughly macho it 's no wonder the world 's aggro merchants have taken him to their hearts as eagerly as Hollywood 's glitterati .
10 In that year the Cohen Committee succinctly explained how this state of affairs had come about : ‘ [ t ] he illusory nature of the control theoretically exercised by the shareholders over directors has been accentuated by the dispersion of capital among an increasing number of small shareholders who pay little attention to their investments so long as satisfactory dividends are forthcoming , who lack sufficient time , money and experience to make full use of their rights as occasion arises and who are , in many cases , too numerous and too widely dispersed to be able to organise themselves ’ .
11 But , as prisoners see it , the new system means only that they receive negative replies to their complaints more quickly .
12 Though she listened for sounds in the house , she heard none : Sir Gregory 's organization ran smoothly , and all the watchers would have been sent to their posts long before .
13 ‘ All of us have to do more in order to get the deportees back to their homes as soon as possible , ’ he said .
14 They had both retired to their rooms very early .
15 ‘ Specification ’ here describes a process of rule-definition to which housewives either implicitly or explicitly refer when describing their standards and routines ; the dictionary definition of ‘ specification ’ is ‘ detailed description ’ .2 Barbara Lipscombe is assessed as having a ‘ high ’ specification , while Catherine Prince has a ‘ low ’ specification of standards and routines .
16 Nice talking to you thanks very much .
17 In a similar way , a Roman soldier writing from Palestine to his parents in about 4 BC might well have written : ‘ This is an out-of-the-way dump .
18 He knew the answers to his questions very well ; all too many men were relegated to the position of drone — and they resented it ; they showed their resentment all too often by despising women and taking the attitude that such inept creatures should be allowed to play while men ran the world and did anything in it which was worth doing .
19 Melody tried to raise him to his feet yet again , but Seb pushed her off .
20 He remembered , but too late , and then stumbled to his feet too quickly , almost knocking over the tiny wine-table which stood by his side .
21 Penry got to his feet very slowly , standing over her in a way which made Leonora long to back away , but she stood her ground , refusing to let him intimidate her .
22 Melody managed to raise him to his feet once more , but after only another fifty paces , Seb veered from the path and stumbled clumsily across broken ground for some distance before collapsing into a depression in the ground that was half-hidden by undergrowth .
23 It occurred to him that he had reached the age when a man looks forward to his pleasures less keenly than in youth but is disproportionately aggrieved when his plans are upset .
24 ‘ And I would be grateful if you would come to your senses sooner rather than later .
25 I 've closed my eyes to your activities long enough .
26 It is a reflection of this fact that there have been cited to your Lordships not only the full range of English authorities , and also authorities from Commonwealth countries and the United States of America , but in addition a number of academic works of considerable importance .
27 After you 'd had this erm punishment ere you expected to go back to your lessons straight away , how long did it hurt , did your hands
28 There has been no positive response to our representations so perhaps it 's time to be more firm
29 ‘ We 'll speak to our insurers as soon as possible . ’
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