Example sentences of "to [art] [adj] side [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The judge had told the jury of what they had to be satisfied before convicting any of the accused , but the case cried out for a direction which amounted to the reverse side of the coin , namely , that they should not convict any person who was in their charge simply because of his association with others .
2 Thus although Kimura 's original findings related ear asymmetry to the hemispheric side of speech production it is possible that differences between the ears reflect asymmetry between the hemispheres in speech perception rather than production .
3 Khmail , jailed for four years for intifada-related offences , was appointed to the Palestinian side by Mr Faisal al Husseini , delegation head , according to Israeli reports .
4 Our results are consistent with a recent report that visual neglect can apply to the contralateral side of objects .
5 If you keep your leading fist slightly to the correct side of the centre-line , then you will be able to use it in a direct thrusting action .
6 It snatched one of the sticks that Philip was holding and dragged it to the far side of the feeding-place , barking .
7 Philip ran across to the far side of the feeding-place .
8 ‘ I 'll give it her back , ’ said Lee , running off to the far side of the orchard .
9 Dot woke when she heard Gloria coming down the clanky metal steps outside , heard her stumble her way across the room , and then felt herself being pushed to the far side of the bed .
10 Alida went round to the far side of the great bed , the unseemly bed , in which her mother 's shrunken body was lost as in a great sea .
11 A wind was gathering at the coast , preparing to sweep across the fields , lean against the few trees and race on over the road , across to the far side of the island .
12 Few German soldiers had penetrated to the far side of the island and none had entered The Tamarisks .
13 His second was planted to the far side of the penalty box where the lanky Whelan — no relation to Liverpool 's Ronnie — headed in with great strength on his League debut .
14 As soon as they sight a predator approaching , they swiftly dart round to the far side of a tree-trunk before performing the rigid ‘ statue ’ response .
15 Ranulf watched his master and the friar go over to the far side of the room .
16 They had n't negotiated any furniture to get to the far side of the room and sit against the opposite wall and she had the impression , either because of that or because of the resonance of voices , that the room was empty .
17 Peter had heard all this , sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of tea , and a sandwich made for him by Anna to sustain him to the far side of compline .
18 Creggan decided to fly to the far side of the lake .
19 She held on to the far side of the desk , and moaned .
20 She pointed to the far side of the amber .
21 To reach Bauen take the road that crosses the Reuss valley to the far side of railway , motorway and river heading for Seedorf Near Seedorf on the valley plain stands a picturesque gabled eighteenthcentury castle called A Fro after the Ticinese knight who had it built ; it is now used for occasions of state by the canton .
22 Then he looked across to the far side of the valley , softened by the twilight into a cascade of blue silk ; it was going to be another damp and lousy night of drizzle .
23 The gothic spires of parliament shimmered in the autumnal sunlight as they drove to the far side of Parliament Square and turned right towards Victoria .
24 Nelson went around to the far side of the table , and sat down to wait as Lucas was brought from his cell .
25 She scuttled over to the far side of the room and had managed to read quite a lot of the letter before Julius came charging after her , taking the paper back from her with such force that it almost ripped in half .
26 Instead he swung away from her and strode over to the far side of the room .
27 He prowled over to the far side of the kitchen , then slammed down a couple of plates , as if he were suddenly finding it very hard to control his own temper .
28 ‘ If we cross to the far side of the river , you 'll get a good overall view of the castle , ’ he pointed out to Jessamy .
29 He paced rather restlessly over to the far side of the kitchen .
30 As a precaution , Alexandra took her fork round to the far side of the wain , in case her mother should be looking from a window , and plunged and twisted it in most expertly in order to bring out a huge wedge of tawny grasses , cut last summer in these very meadows .
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