Example sentences of "to [art] [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She had been impressed by the view , the quite breath-taking view , from the headland of Posillipo round to the curiously named Egg Castle , a box of brown stone on its rocky promontory in the Bay and on farther to the Sorrento Peninsula beyond .
2 Given the resource implications facing traditional archives in their attempt to provide archival coverage to the electronically produced records outlined above , there is a real danger in reinventing the wheel , or worse still , several wheels .
3 Delaunay , who earlier in the year had held an important exhibition together with Marie Laurencin at the Galerie Barbazanges , did not show at the Section d'Or , and wrote an open letter to Vauxcelles : ‘ I beg to inform you that I do not subscribe to the erroneously held opinions of Monsieur Hourcade which proclaim me as a founder of Cubism together with four of my colleagues and friends .
4 Benjamin Britten overshadowed the whole of Britain 's post-war operatic scene , from the revelatory first performance of Peter Grimes at Sadler 's Wells in June 1945 , to the desperately achieved premiere of Death in Venice , three years before his own death in 1976 .
5 Formal paved areas in the garden provide a nice contrast to the freely curving growth of the plants but , however well laid the paving stones , tiles or bricks , sooner or later weeds sprout through the cracks , and it is either a case of weedkiller , not popular with organic gardeners , or constant weeding , which scrapes fingertips and breaks nails .
6 For the critic William Feaver , Treasure Island represents Minton 's greatest triumph as an illustrator , ‘ a surge of inky hysterics extending from the first creak of the shivering timbers of the Old Admiral Benbow to the vividly contrived Spyglass Hill ’ .
7 The current Pogues line-up , featuring Spider Stacey on lead vocals , now play , in addition to the previously announced Liverpool Royal Court and London Brixton Academy dates on December 9 and 10 .
8 Proceeds will go to the previously announced redemption of AT&T 's $1,750m in long-term debt ; Morgan Stanley & Co Inc was lead manager .
9 Whilst both the block and the hole are seen to be elements of the " component " , they must maintain a specified relationship in order that the functionality of the component is maintained , ie the domain of the hole lies within the domain of block according to the previously declared rules .
10 The regional dimension is principally to be found in 5(b) , which represented an addition to the previously stated objectives of the EAGGF Guidance Section , to improve productivity in the agricultural sector , assist in the provision of infrastructure and in the promotion of structural change among farms in rural areas .
11 In all cases the final structures are unstable and releasing the constraints results in a passage to the previously optimized B II conformations with ε around -100° .
12 The principle of local interpretation however , will guide us to construct a limited context in which ‘ the mother ’ is the mentioned baby 's mother and the expression it is used to refer to the previously mentioned baby .
13 The Finance Ministry estimated that this was likely to add between 40,000 million and 50,000 million forint to the previously estimated cost of 100,000 million forint .
14 Most of the provisions of the new directives may in future apply to the previously excluded sectors of energy , transport and water distribution .
15 This probe hybridises to a 9.4 kb fragment , the appearance of sub-bands correspond to the previously described DH sites and these are indicated by arrows to the right of the panel .
16 Single transcription start sites were found very close to the previously described ones ( Figure 2 ) .
17 DH numbers used refer to the previously described hypersensitivity sites which are present during all stages of B cell development ( 26 ) .
18 Mr Fallon said he had talked to the longest serving officials in his department who said the expansion rule had been in place as long as they had been there .
19 Match your vocal chords to the best singing bird in the world , the Water Slagger .
20 Not much danger of course , but there must be a shade of guilt attached to the best repossessin' season .
21 For his work , Kanthan has returned to the best known Sanskrit grammarian , Panini .
22 The ever-present potential lawlessness of the Weald was married to the strongly expressed parochialism of small farmers to resist both King and Parliament .
23 They first describe the work of love as a double edged activity with positive and negative effect — purging sin and kindling the heart , clearing the soul and removing anger and sloth , wounding in love and fulfilling with charity , chasing off the devil and extinguishing fear — and then level out to the strongly stressed affirmation which defines the positive potential of the negative statement in chapter one " he hase noght Jhesu Criste , he tynes all he has , and all he es , and all he myght gete " ( 85.19 – 21 ) for he that has " Jhesu " grows through prayer to the fulfilment of human potential : heaven is open to him and he is made a " contemplatif man " .
24 Again the evidence from southern Britain is scanty , and consequently reference must be made to the similarly organized settlements outside the northern forts .
25 Some countries are keener on being cleaner than others and it has been left up to the badly affected states of Europe to set the best example .
26 The pope was father in God to the Romans , and to all men ; he was St Peter in person , the earthly representative of the apostle on whom the fame and fortune of the city most depended ; but he was also a petty tyrant — one of the ancient rulers who had failed to go away ; the symbol of all that was alien to the new found liberty so loved by the Italian city dwellers of the eleventh and twelfth centuries .
27 The inspiration of his reports always moves in the narrow circle of subjects dear to the ecclesiastically minded Englishman of the eleventh century .
28 this one is wrong In addition to the generally recognized senses of vision , hearing , touch , smell and taste , human beings are known to have an additional one , called proprioception or kinaesthesia. whereby we are aware of the relative position of our limbs , the tensions in our muscles and so on .
29 In their different ways all the theorists discussed earlier in this chapter offer answers to this question , and all thereby come much closer than Halliday 's minimalist position to the generally recognized objectives of literary study .
30 In saying this , I subscribe to the generally held view that the creatures are of extra-terrestrial origin .
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