Example sentences of "in its [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 More valued , infinitely more needed , the violin in its case on the living-room floor between the television and the bookshelves .
2 His clarinet lay in its case on the stool at the foot of his bed ; the very wide bed Francis bought when we married .
3 And look on the feelings , etc. , as you look on a way of regarding the language-game , as interpretation ’ ; ‘ We are not analysing a phenomenon ( e.g. thought ) but a concept ( e.g. that of thinking ) , and therefore the use of a word ’ ; ‘ a concept is in its element with the language-game ’ .
4 Urquhart 's hand stopped dead in its trajectory towards the bill .
5 The strength of the rock and roll tradition lay in its fantasy of the streets ( and in the development of that fantasy by the suburban youth who dominate pop history ) .
6 Mr Burrow said society was becoming more demanding in its expectation of the police , and the entire attitude of individuals could be based on a single experience of meeting an officer .
7 In this , as much as in its expectation of the proximity of the event and of the brave new world that the event would introduce , Marx 's vision was as millenarian as Owen 's .
8 Combe Bank could be regarded as an attempt to reduce the four-corner-towered form of , for example , Lord Burlington 's Tottenham Park to the scale of a villa ; at Whitton Place he appears to have been one of the first Palladian architects to employ the three-sided bay-window motif ; and his stable block at Althorp , Northamptonshire ( 1732–3 ) , with its portico derived from St Paul Covent Garden is exceptional for the time in its exploitation of the bold simplicity of the Tuscan order .
9 Summing up , Nick Carey believes that ICI has been innovative in its approach towards the rationalization of its petrochemicals business — necessary because production capacity in europe was far too high .
10 The London County Council had , for example , been innovative in its approach to the public provision of both education and housing for working-class people .
11 Many regard SunSoft Inc as being the most dogmatic in its approach to the issue — some are worried about the company 's drift towards what they see as proprietary technology .
12 While ELT publishing was still in its youth — in the days when both toes and fingers were needed to count the number of UK ELT publishers — one might have been forgiven for believing there was just a trace of the treasure hunt in its approach to the stern commercial discipline of market development .
13 They decried the fact that the Non-Aligned Movement in its approach to the creation of a zone of peace in Southeast Asia ‘ is very one-sidedly oriented to the initiative of the ASEAN member states ’ .
14 The University has a good library and computing facilities and , as a major centre in its field in the United Kingdom , is very active in the field of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies nationally and internationally .
15 However , the power of critical thought lies not in any aspiration towards ‘ absolute truth ’ ( for which Horkheimer criticizes bourgeois methods ) but in its merging of the experience and action of the thinker and the categories available to consciousness .
16 Cross-references to this appendix are given by italic numbers , ( eg 16 ) From Joseph Conrad , The Secret Sharer On my right hand there were lines of fishing-stakes resembling a mysterious system of half-submerged bamboo fences , incomprehensible in its division of the domain of tropical fishes , and crazy of aspect as if abandoned forever by some nomad tribe of fishermen now gone to the other end of the ocean ; for there was no sign of human habitation as far as the eye could reach ( 1 ) .
17 The petition produced a negative reply from the Home Office in July 1903 , but the episode is noteworthy as one of the innumerable steps taken by the BDDA in its campaign for the better education of deaf and dumb children .
18 The changes followed promises by the ruling Christian Democratic Party ( PDCG ) , in its campaign for the November presidential elections , to enact policies that would " benefit the people " .
19 Occasionally the NVA 's enthusiasm brought members into direct conflict with state agencies , as for example in its campaign against the Rabelais Picture Gallery in the early 1890s .
20 The government has also failed in its responsibility for the Health and Sa Safety Executive by restricting year after year adequate resources for them to carry out the function that they were designed for .
21 The reason for the preserving and passing on of the traditions in this way was that they were used primarily by the early Church in its teaching of the community .
22 O God , give your grace to the United Nations Organisation in all its manifold work ; in its work for the children who suffer so much from the injustices of our society , in education and in health , in the relief of poverty and hunger , and in its work for peace .
23 The Russian leadership relied in its work on the authority of one populist leader , Yeltsin , and not on party programmes .
24 No self-respecting working educational body , much as it may desire to retain close and friendly relations with the Board ( of Education ) , Universities , etc. , can go on being hampered in its work by the increasing number of organisations concerned either telling it what to do , what it should not do , or advising it in both these directions … there is a grave danger of our movement ultimately being strangled by our friends .
25 The British Greens , for example , allow time for ‘ attunement ’ before their meetings start , reminiscent in its way of the reflective silence that can prevail at meetings of the Society of Friends .
26 Whatever you can make of equation [ 9 ] there is no denying that it is a differential equation , not so very different in its way from the differential equations that Newton and Maxwell had used when they had created the fundamental basis of classical physics .
27 Perfect Strangers ( 1945 ) , which he directed for MGM , seemed glib in its presentation of the changes war had brought to a married couple , changing him from timid clerk to authoritarian naval officer , and her from drab housewife to confident member of the WRNS , but the film was popular nevertheless .
28 Devastating though it is in its presentation of the destructive power of guilt , Macbeth may be thought a comforting play , finally , in that hypocrisy exposes itself .
29 Reith was the true successor of the Victorian headmaster , rapidly establishing a range of sporting events which the BBC in its capacity as the sole arbiter of airways deemed to be of national significance .
30 It is in a strong position to provide sound advice , given its close links with institutions in the financial system and in its capacity as the collector of financial statistics from the banks .
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