Example sentences of "in which [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Its vision for society is that of a reconstituted pre-industrial kind of community in which everyone knows who they are , what is expected of them and the kind of values by which they are to live .
2 After a witnessing session in which everyone opened their hearts and emerged exalted we walked out into the night and began to neck .
3 If one thinks dialectically , so Hegel believed , it was possible , for the it was possible , he had done it , it 's set out in the Encyclopedia , his Encyclopedia , to see the whole system of reality as one articulated , logical system in which everything has its orderly and appointed place .
4 For a routine operation in which everybody knows what they are doing high involvement and high intensity are less critical .
5 Departments , including costume and design , have started to operate the system , in which they cost their own services and sell themselves to BBC programmes .
6 It is impossible to forget these mothers and the matter-of-fact way in which they relate their experiences , an indication that they know their suffering is by no means unique .
7 There were clear political reasons for setting up the LDDC and other Urban Development Corporations , and for deciding the way in which they conduct their affairs .
8 They are , therefore , not required by law to have governing bodies although some LEAs , including Berkshire , established such bodies some years ago and have subsequently applied most of the requirements of legislation to the ways in which they conduct their affairs .
9 They are influenced by the beliefs which people have , which affect the ways in which they behave and in which they use their resources .
10 Given employers ' lack of knowledge about qualifications and the relatively arbitrary way in which they use them , it is difficult to give credence to the widespread notion that they are dissatisfied with the educational levels of young workers .
11 Animals are no strangers to ‘ technology ’ and some of the ways in which they use it are surprising as well as being remarkably sophisticated .
12 Remember that whenever either a conveyance , lease or transfer defines the land by reference to a plan attached to the document , the plan must be signed ( sealed and attested by director and secretary in the case of a company ) by all parties — except that the conveyancer for buyers can sign on their behalf if they state the capacity in which they sign it : " solicitor for the transferee . "
13 On Nov. 27 , following direct talks brokered by the UN , dos Santos and Savimbi issued the " Namibie Declaration " in which they committed themselves to accepting the Bicesse Peace Accord and implementing a ceasefire , and to a continuing UN presence in the country .
14 In several primary schools children are working together at ‘ turtle geometry ’ projects in which they set their own goals and spend several days or weeks achieving them .
15 While it is incumbent upon Bank Management to ensure that they operate profitably to secure profits for expansion , payment to staff and also payment to shareholders , it is also incumbent upon them to display an allegiance to the economy in which they make their profits .
16 Two methods may have the same selection of structure , vocabulary and meaning , yet differ in the order in which they teach it .
17 It was held that a manufacturer of products , which he sells in such a form as to show that he intends them to reach the ultimate consumer in the form in which they left him , with no reasonable possibility of intermediate examination , and with the knowledge that the absence of reasonable care in the preparation or putting up of the products will result in injury to the consumer 's life or property , owes a duty to the consumer to take reasonable care .
18 A manufacturer of products , which he sells in such a form as to show that he intends them –o reach the ultimate consumer in the form in which they left him , with no reasonable possibility of intermediate examination , and with the knowledge that the absence of reasonable care in the preparation or putting up of the products is likely to result in injury to the consumer 's life or property , owes a duty to the consumer to take reasonable care .
19 Lord Atkin laid down the narrow rule in Donoghue v Stevenson [ 1932 ] AC 562 : A manufacturer of products , which he sells in such a form as to show that he intends them to reach the ultimate consumer in the form in which they left him with no reasonable possibility of intermediate examination , and with the knowledge that the absence of reasonable care in the preparation or putting up of the products will result in an injury to the consumer 's life or property , owes a duty to the consumer to take reasonable care .
20 For those who claimed to have had this experience , the exemplary manner in which they met their death was the ultimate proof they were indeed saved .
21 From a functionalist perspective , mental processes are inferred processes — they gain their status in our theoretical base not as a result of being directly observed or experienced , but from the way in which they enable us to understand and explain human behaviour .
22 Life insurers used to be able to show any profit from selling a bond in the year in which they traded it .
23 A chriostat is , is what low temperature physicists call the little bit of experimental apparatus in which they get their low temperatures .
24 Twenty-four years later , Pat Pottle and Michael Randle published a book entitled The Blake Escape : How We Freed George Blake and Why in which they admitted their part in the escape .
25 This is often called " body language " and includes the way people stand or sit , the direction in which they turn their bodies , whether they lean forward or sit back .
26 ( University of Edinburgh , Department of Molecular Biology ) Details of a scheme to help students find good PhD projects in departments other than that in which they took their first degrees .
27 She felt her hand being placed against his cheek , and then his lips pressing kisses upon it ; she pulled his hand back , and casting all caution to the winds pressed his palm to her own lips , fondling it , examining the scratched and chisel scars on his knuckles until he wanted her hand back again — and the manner in which they took it in turns to kiss hands through the wall became a competition between them to see who could demonstrate the greatest fondness , a competition that Jennifer was now desperate to win because all her instincts were telling her that Tristram was the only man she could ever love , and that through him lay her path to freedom and independence .
28 the types of products that these companies make and the markets in which they sell them ;
29 Multinational companies will gather data about different countries in which they sell their products ( and different regions within countries ) .
30 The way in which they sell their credit tends to make it a prominent and a more or less permanent part of the budget of their customers — that is , of generally poorer people , particularly in the North .
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