Example sentences of "in his [adj] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But in his two lectures he contented himself with a couple of scattered references to " Apolline clarity " and tragedy 's — actually Shakespearean tragedy 's — " Dionysiac " quality .
2 In his first years he developed his interests in stratigraphy of the Chalk and in Pleistocene and Recent deposits , before he was transferred to the Lake District .
3 I was slightly surprised that he should get to the front so early , in his other races he 's usually slow to get going .
4 Hogarth also lived there , but he was often at his business address in Leicester Fields , and in his latter years he became ‘ Sergeant Painter ’ to the King .
5 In his latter years he created an elaborate water garden at the cottage ornée he had built for himself on the outskirts of Plymouth , and was wont to drive round the streets of the town in a gig disguised as a Roman war chariot , looking , in Wightwick 's words ‘ ( as far as his true English face and costume allowed ) like Ictinus of the Parthenon , ‘ out for a lark ’ . ’
6 In his latter years he took little day-to-day interest in racing , but was seen as an elder statesman of the turf .
7 Even in India , where Owen had served before he came to Egypt , and where in his latter years he had been seconded from his regiment to an Intelligence post on the Frontier , it had been normal practice to purchase information .
8 Though reserved in his interpersonal relationships he nevertheless displays good interpersonal skills .
9 And what was the greater plan that Chant hoped in his final hours he was a part of ?
10 In his final years he tried to revive his career in an American television series about martial arts called The Master ( 1986 ) but it failed and another series never got beyond the pilot stage .
11 Ned Corvan was a song-writer , fiddler and performer in the working-class concert halls and pubs of Tyne side in North-East England during the 1850s and early 1860s ; in his final years he also worked in the first of the new kind of music halls , owned by commercially ambitious entrepreneurs and orientated more towards a nationally organized market and production system .
12 In his final years he witnessed the introduction of vaccination ( 1798 ) and the rejection of inoculation by the majority of doctors .
13 Towers had a fascination for Hardy , and having designed many in his professional days which were never built , he saw to it that Max Gate had not one , but two .
14 An old wino had stopped a young man in his late teens who was carrying a huge sack of groceries .
15 Because in his shining colours he reflected her back in coral and violet , a shimmer of organdie , pearl and secure .
16 In his 42 Tests he has landed 588 points .
17 In his sober moods he was inordinately proud of his beautiful daughter .
18 In his earliest appearances he is ‘ Richard son of Siward ’ indicating English ancestry and the name of a father or earlier progenitor .
19 But Eleanor too had to travel a great deal , and in his earliest years it was almost certainly Richard 's nurse who provided love and security on a day-to-day basis .
20 Milton can not lift Satan to such great heights and put such great speeches in his mouth and then snatch them back denying in his authorial intrusions what he has just proclaimed through his character .
21 In his early teens he turned to reading poetry , then to writing it — and , though he showed his poems to his sisters , he kept them secret from his mother .
22 In his early drawings it was the delicacy of line that caught my attention ; there is the same exquisite feeling in many of the watercolours that he painted in his later years .
23 In his early months he sought to stimulate the interest of the Cambridge Board in the appointment of resident tutors to pioneer development in the eastern counties of the District .
24 If the young barrister has any spare time in his early years he should use it to prolong his pupillage in fact if not in name .
25 In his early years he sailed in the ships of the Dieppe armateur , Jean Ango .
26 In his early years he appeared in concert parties .
27 In his early days he had been clerk of the race-course , but is more well known as the fiery Salvationist he became after his conversion .
28 That 's why David could say , against thee , thee only have I sinned after he 's committed adultery , after he 's committed murder , after he 's involved other people in his nefarious deeds he can still say I 've committed sin against God !
29 In his four hands he holds a sceptre , a string of beads , a bow and a book of scripture .
30 In his drugged dreams he saw the silent faces crying ; he saw the loving mouth distorted with grief ; he knew about the humiliation and the want — all his fault , his fault , his responsibility , his wickedness , his weakness , his sin , his sacrificial past , the victim to what end — who was murdered at that powerful stone circle near Keswick ?
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