Example sentences of "in their [noun] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 In their zeal for a long overdue expansion of the tiny electorate , the critics , however , fail to offer a convincing explanation of how any opposition candidates managed to secure election if the whole system was so totally corrupt , for the argument that certain constituencies were blessed with unusually pure and honest voters is not one which carries much conviction .
2 ARSENAL 'S rent-a-crowd will assist the team in their battle for the first Premier League title .
3 The Conservatives remained dissatisfied with these arrangements and returned to the matter in their manifesto for the 1987 General Election .
4 Several alumni have asked how they can make provision in their wills for a bequest which will help future students at Birmingham .
5 This work was financed by the laity — both patrons of livings and parishioners , large numbers of whom made contributions during their lifetimes and left bequests in their wills for the refurbishing of their local churches .
6 The best source of information was the Ministry of Internal Affairs , but the ministry 's leading figures were virtually unanimous in their support for a version of emancipation which provided peasants with land .
7 The majority of the newspapers had become woefully compromised in their support for the government and good investigative journalism was one of the casualties .
8 Loyalist intransigence was bolstered not only by the new IRA campaign but also by the actions of three leading Fianna Fáil politicians in the South who were open and vocal in their support for the IRA .
9 And when Parliament eventually turned back the tide of opposition to Eyre and voted financial support to the former Governor , it was poetically appropriate that those who had been most vocal in their support for the Garotter 's Act — such as Mr Adderley and the rampant Colonel North — should be in the thick of it again , shouting their praise for Eyre 's loyalty to the Crown and his firm action that had saved a colony .
10 But they were not in Great Britain in 1984 , and adjacent areas with similar relatively isolated mining communities ( notably Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire ) differed very substantially not only in their support for the strike call but also in their level of industrial militancy over a substantial period of time .
11 Players are said to be equally solid in their support for the union 's current case .
12 A special vote of the Mexico City-based WBC agreed that Lewis should receive 75 per cent of the £9 million-plus windfall instead of 80 per cent ( £6,777,622 ) as laid down in their rules for a champion defending his title in the challenger 's country .
13 The work may differ , but they are united in their admiration for the skill of the human hand and the imagination which drives them .
14 In their publicity for the film , Warner Bros boasted of the way in which the story had grown out of an actual incident and of Judge Musmanno 's involvement in the subsequent litigation , and also of how ex-miners had been brought in to ensure authentic mining scenes .
15 Linfield hope to have Raymond Campbell in their squad for the game ; the winger 's transfer from Glentoran is expected to be finalised early next week .
16 After the punchline had been delivered and the ensuing laughter had died away , the blonde swayed away from the bar and looked in their direction for the first time .
17 Several prominent political and religious leaders spoke at the service and were united in their calls for the government to take firm and speedy action against those responsible for the deaths .
18 He had acquired a strong influence over his brother John in their work for the Company and in saving him from bankruptcy .
19 The only thing to be said to that was said eight years ago by Michael Kinsley , a Washington journalist , when the Democrats had the same plank in their platform for the American elections .
20 Each of the major political parties included detailed commitments in their manifestos for the general election held in Britain on 9 April .
21 South London Oi boys trade in their boots for a much more refined and punchy new direction which lies somewhere between second album Clash and late '70s punksters the Angelic Upstarts .
22 South London Oi boys trade in their boots for a much more refined and punchy new direction which lies somewhere between second album Clash and late '70s punksters the Angelic Upstarts .
23 The programmes were broadly similar in their call for a gradual transition to the market and a return to more state control .
24 Both were vehement in their call for an Inquiry into the whole affair .
25 He did n't seem to notice , and continued , his voice rising even more : ‘ I believe when people come here on vacation they come to escape the perpetual grey in their lives for a short space of time .
26 Women in thick , serge dresses and wooden clogs gathered at the doors of their houses and watched us pass whilst half-naked children ran behind us , screaming in their patois for a sou or something to eat .
27 It is a policy profoundly opposed by the national Football Supporters Association ( FSA ) which recruits its members on a regional rather than a club basis and which aims to unite its fans in their love for the game rather than in their narrower club devotions .
28 The surprise , the shout , the authority in his command kept them pinned in their chairs for a vital five seconds .
29 It is now not uncommon for consultancies to include in their proposals for a campaign how they intend to measure its success .
30 In their proposals for the conventional industries , officials at the commission have earmarked a list of technologies .
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