Example sentences of "in a [adj] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Senior staff tried to resolve the problem through a combination of individual counselling sessions and by eliciting his help in a long-term project to repair the pool tables .
2 BGS is collaborating with the Leicestershire Archaeological Unit in a long-term study to investigate the utility of NERC airborne multispectral scanner data ( including thermal infra-red linescanner data ) in locating new archaeological sites and the complex changes in the course of the Trent that have influenced the distribution of settlements since the Bronze Age .
3 A further point to remember in the presentation of data is that most people can not ‘ take in ’ lists of figures , so ensure that they are always presented in a diagrammatic form to show clearly proportions , relationships and trends .
4 You 'll find the little diagram showing you where the pulmonary vein and the pulmonary artery are on page eleven , page eleven if you want to refer to it right , if you want to look at it in a closer detail tonight that 's fine and if you want to see what I 'm saying now in a diagrammatic form look on page thirteen now if you look at that you 'll see some , the blue vein blood vessels it 's coming out of the right hand side of the heart and if you look at the direction of the arrows , okay , they 're going away from the heart , do you agree with me ?
5 Those in a correlated condition experienced the light only after a correct response in the presence of one of the cues ( and thus , as the task was learned , increasingly often along with this cue ) ; those in an uncorrelated condition received the light after 50 per cent of rewarded responses whether these were in made in the presence of the tone or of the clicker .
6 A small grubby child in a woolly pullover dotted with holes , faded jeans and gumboots had emerged from nowhere .
7 The heavy two-handed sword fell with them , sliding along the floor as the two men wrestled each other in a deadly silence broken only by the sound of fists meeting flesh and their hoarse breathing .
8 Three Cabinet appointees were reported on April 1 to have rejected posts which they had been given in a transitional government appointed on March 30 .
9 So two Somervillians in a prestigious order limited in numbers to twenty-four .
10 First shown at Photokina in October 1990 , and well received by professional photographers specialising in architectural and monumental photography , the Corfield WA67 is now available in a revised version incorporating a number of improved facilities suggested by users .
11 In October 1988 , after a two-year investigation by top American , British and French anti-drug officers , a whole major international bank , together with eighty four persons were charged with conspiring in a world-wide plot to launder drugs profits .
12 His secretary had come to regard lying to me as part of her job and even our friends lied for him , aiding and abetting my dick-led husband in a misguided effort to protect me .
13 As recently as 1949 a Dutch officer had committed some appalling massacres here in a misguided attempt to regain control of the colonies for Holland .
14 While we must get closer to the market , the proposals continue to ignore the reality of market forces in a misguided attempt to solve undesirable social objectives .
15 In a misguided attempt to impress the veteran American producer , I brought up the name of Jaume Sisa : a songwriter I once met by chance in a bar in Barcelona , and a man whose work is considered obscure even in Catalonia .
16 In 1582 the first earl over-reached himself when , in a misguided attempt to gain control over the young king , he and others kidnapped James VI and carried him off to Huntingtower .
17 Groups who have drifted from our ranks in a misguided attempt to make decent pop 's terrain , render it a worthy environment for Ben E. King .
18 Hel lived in the land of Elvidnir ( Den of Sleet and Black Clouds ) , eating the brains and bones of mortals with a bewitched knife , Sult ( Starvation ) , and sleeping in a vile bed named Kor ( Sickness ) .
19 Parents Barry and Carmen Daniels have been involved in a legal battle to force Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley to reopen London 's Westminster Children 's Hospital , where a transplant was to have taken place .
20 Parents Barry and Carmen Daniels have been involved in a legal battle to force Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley to reopen facilities at Westminster Children 's Hospital where a transplant was to have taken place .
21 Many such policies have to be enshrined in a legal framework to ensure that employers implement them .
22 Eleventh-century additions in English to blank leaves in the York Gospels include surveys of three of the archbishopric 's estates , an inventory of church treasures at Sherburn-in-Elmet , and a list of sureties in a legal case involving one Ælfric , while a Durham copy of Bede 's Lives of St Cuthbert received an inventory of church possessions including a kettle and sixteen ornamented horns .
23 Education/qualifications — qualification in a legal profession required , further statutory qualifications as set out in the LCD booklet ‘ Judicial Appointments ’ .
24 By a summons in the county court the plaintiffs , Barclays Bank Plc. , claimed against the first and second defendants , Nicholas Edward O'Brien and Bridget Mary O'Brien , possession of a dwelling house comprised in a legal charge dated 3 July 1987 .
25 Several years ago , the university was unsuccessful in a legal action to force Dr Marshall to stop bringing three other dachshunds with her to work .
26 In a final exhortation to defeat the Fascists , the paper added , ‘ The workers ’ counteraction will cause them to tremble .
27 In these circumstances , the only diplomatic initiatives which appeared to have potential significance were those instigated by Iran in early February and by the Soviet Union in the middle of the month in a final attempt to avert a full-scale ground war .
28 King Hussein had himself undertaken a tour of major European capitals from Jan. 2 in a final attempt to prevent the outbreak of war with Iraq .
29 The Joint Commission reconvened in a final attempt to make some progress .
30 There is only one exception , if during the separation period you have lived together temporarily for not more than six months in all , in a final attempt to make the marriage work , you may still be eligible to apply for a divorce under the simplified procedure .
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